Blue, Purple, and Silver | Mingi

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Mingi x Reader


Summary: Your eye color changes when your soulmate changes their hair color. So why in the hell is your eyes blue? And why the hell are mine blue, purple, and silver?

 So why in the hell is your eyes blue? And why the hell are mine blue, purple, and silver?

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(this is really short im sorry)

You knew what you connection was when your eyes changed from a dark brown to a blue color. You were surprised, for the longest time you just thought that you didn't have a connection with anyone. You didn't feel each other's pain, you didn't have a tattoo, or did you dream about them. But now you knew. You'd woken up to go to class, and you looked in your mirror expecting to see brown eyes, but there were the prettiest blue you'd ever seen.

Mingi liked his new hair color. His blue hair was very pretty and brought his skin tone out well. He'd been dared by San to dye his hair, since that had been San's dare from Mingi. San dyed his hair a deep green, which surprisingly looked good on him. He was walking to his first class, and as he was walking across campus he ran into Y/N. They shared most of their classes since they had the same major. But she looked different today.

"Are you wearing contacts today?" He asked when she handed him his coffee.

"What no. I finally figured out what my soulmate bond is." And he was surprised since the reason you two had bonded since the two of you didn't know your soulmate bond.

"Well what is it?" He asked as the two of you entered the building.

"It's when they change their hair color, my eye color changes too."

Neither of you put two and two together, so when you died your hair to blue with purple and silver highlights. When Mingi woke up the next morning, his eyes were a mixture of blue, purple, and silver. When he seen you, stretching for class he knew.

"Y/N." When you looked at him, his eyes the exact color of your hair. You were shocked. "Hi soulmate." You were so shocked that you couldn't say anything.

"I- What? I'm so, what." He laughed as he saw you confusion go across your face. "Well it probably should've been more obvious." You said laughing. Mingi was happy that you were his soulmate, glad that he wouldn't have that awkward stage of getting to know each other his soulmate. And anyone who says that they didn't have that when they first met is a liar.

A couple of months passed, and Mingi was with some friends traveling when you woke up to find your eyes a pink color. You immediately call Mingi.

"Mingi, I swear to god if you don't dye your hair a better color it's gonna be an all out war." Let's just say that he dyed it again before he got home.

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