Surprise Surprise | San

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San x Reader


Summary: You decide to surprise San at one of their fansigns.

Summary: You decide to surprise San at one of their fansigns

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You'd decided to surprise San at one of their fansigns. You'd talked to Jongho and he'd helped you plan on how to keep it a secret from him. He'd told you that when you got there to go to the back so he could let you in to go into the room. And then you'd sit in the middle so you could still see him but it'd be harder for him to see you.

When the fansign started, you were so happy to see your baby smiling and laughing with his members and ATINY. A couple of people recognized you and you explained to them that you were here to surprise San, so they couldn't be too loud. They all nodded and promised to keep your secret.

When it came your turn to get up and go see the members, you were excited and nervous. Jongho had mentioned to the other guys that you'd be coming. The first person was Wooyoung.

"Hi Woo." You said as you handed him your album to sign.

"Hi Y/N. I kinda forgot you were coming." He said sheepishly. You laughed quietly, not wanting San to know as soon as you got up.

"Well at least I know you wouldn't tell him on accident if you forgot." You asked him if he was excited about tour and talked some more with him before you moved onto Mingi.

"Hi GiGi." You laughed as he put on yet another flower crown.

"Hey bub. How's classes going?" He asked as he flipped to his page and signed it.

"They're exhausting, but are you excited for tour?" And you made some more small talk with him. He asked you which flower crown he thought looked best, so you said the pink one, which he then gave to you and said you could keep it. When you tried to give it back, saying that ATINY had given it to him. But he said that ATINY loved you so they'd be fine with him sharing. So he proudly placed it on your head and the crowd behind you went wild. You laughed and pushed him away, saying that the food you had for them in their waiting room wasn't for him.

When you reached Jongho, you were praying that San wouldn't look over so you could politely ask him to sign you album. Jongho grabbed your album and as he did, he made sure to not say your name while he was talking to you. He was asking about your classes when the fan in front of San moved down. So you said goodbye, for now, to Jongho and moved down to your boyfriend.

"Hi Sanie." You said quietly, reminding him of when you first met for your first date after Jongho had introduced you 2.

"Hi-" He looked up and froze. You smiled and waved, the crowd behind you laughing, awing, and taking photos. "What are you doing here? I thought you had classes for another week?!" He said as he pulled you into a hug over the table.

"Well, I did but I grinded out the rest of my work so I can have a couple weeks off before I have to take my finals." You said into his shoulder. As the two of you were talking, he held your hand. He kept asking you about your classes, and how you'd even planned this whole surprise without him knowing. When it was time for you to move on, San kissed your hand.

"You'll be in the waiting room after right?" He asked.

"Of course. I brought food so that everyone can eat before you have to leave." He smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too." And as you moved down the line, all the boys greeted you the same way. Energetic and glad to see you. Hongjoong and Yeosang even drew on your hand. When you went back to your seat, the girls around you were talking to you and showing you all the pictures they'd taken when you were talking with the boys. You'd even asked for a girl to tag you in some since they looked cute.

As the fansign was coming to a close, the boys were thanking everyone for coming and then they mentioned you.

"We'd also like to thank our dear friend Y/N for coming and surprising San since he's been missing you but he w-" Mingi started, but San hurriedly covered his mouth. Everyone was laughing at their antics. You shook your head and shot a wink at San when he looked at you. He smiled and you shook your head again, knowing that he was going to be teased by you later.

As the were leaving, a guard passed you a note. This note would get you backstage so you could see your boyfriend and friends. As soon as you walked through the door, 8 guys were on you. 'We miss you's and 'never leave's were everywhere. You laughed as you saw Jongho in the corner on the couch just chilling. San was in a chair pouting, waiting for his turn to greet his girlfriend.

"Hi guys, come on. Get off. I wanna see the person I came here for." At that the guys peeled off one by one so you could go to San. He got up and hugged you tightly around the waist, burying his head into your neck.

"Hi baby." He whispered. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." You said. And now that the two of you were together, it didn't matter that he'd be going on tour soon or that they still had 3 more weeks of promoting or that your finals were coming up and you needed to study for them. Hugging him and seeing him was like taking a breath of fresh air, it was something you needed to keep going.

"I love you." He said as he kissed you lightly, ignoring all the guys 'ewing' and saying to 'get a room'.

"I love you too."

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