Why You're My Best Friends

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Best Friend!Ateez x Reader

A little Angst/Some Fluff

Summary: You get attacked by some sasaengs the same night you were supposed to have movie night. You cancel on them last minute and they all are whiny about it. They text you and ask why you won't come and try and bribe you into coming over. Seonghwa finds out why you aren't coming and tells the guys. Pissed and furious, Seonghwa convinces them that they should stay home while he goes to see you.

 Pissed and furious, Seonghwa convinces them that they should stay home while he goes to see you

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(I swear they're a bunch of crackheads)

You were walking home from your last class. It was pretty late, and it was already dark. But soon some girls who had masks and hats came up from somewhere. They soon surrounded you.

"Are you Y/N?" One asked. You didn't answer, trying to quickly find a way out before they all surrounded you. There was 5 of them, and they all seemed young, probably still teenagers. "Well, you need to stay away from our oppas. You don't deserve them." One of them said. And then they attacked. They were hitting you hit their hands, kicking you, and you thought you saw one of them videoing it. You couldn't really tell because you were in a lot of pain. After a while, they left you alone. When you were finally able to get up you felt dizzy. Right then you knew you were gonna have to cancel on your monthly movie night with the boys. You knew they were gonna be upset since it was always something that everyone, including you, looked forward too. Once you made it home you saw it was almost time for the movie night to start. Sighing and making your way to the bathroom you also pulled your phone out to text the boys to say you wouldn't be able to make it to movie night. Once the message sent, you put your phone on vibrate so you could still answer their messages, that were surely gonna be coming soon once they all were told that you wouldn't be coming. You began to bandage yourself. You had a split lip, a cut above your eye, which was already starting to swell and bruise. That seemed to be the only actual wound that you could find on your body, everything else was bruised, especially your torso. You soon got messages from each one of the guys, both whining and trying to bribe you to come over. You just tell them that you couldn't make it, never giving them a reason, and told them that you'd definitely make it to the one next month.

The guys knew something was up. You NEVER canceled on them, knowing that your time to hang out was short with them having debuted. They just decided that movie night could be moved to another day when you could come over, or they could go to your house. Seonghwa was scrolling through social media when he saw a video, that he saw that had been shared a few times on his timeline. Deciding to actually watch the video, he froze. That was you, he recognized the outfit from your snapchat to him earlier when you were walking to class. And then it started. They were calling you names, hitting you, and kicking you. They were saying how you needed to stay away from 'their' oppas and that if they saw you around them again, it'd be much worse. Seonghwa was appalled. How could his Atiny do this? Actually that was Atiny at all, Atiny loved you a lot when they introduced you to their fans as their best friend. When everyone asked how they knew you Jongho was always quick to mention that he knew you first. That you'd both just graduated and you'd started college as a dancing major with a minor in photography. He soon grabbed all the boys and got them all into the living room.

"What's up? It seemed like it was important." Hongjoong said as he sat on the floor, leaning back to rest against the couch. Seonghwa showed them the video quick. At first the guys didn't realize why this was so important, but then Seonghwa pointed out that you'd sent them a snapchat while you were walking to class in that exact same outfit. Once he said that, he boys were furious. How could someone do that to you? You were so nice and selfless. When Seonghwa said that he was gonna go check on you, all of them put in to go. He knew that if they came now, in the mood they were in, would only make things worse. He somehow managed to convince them to stay home, but they all gave him things to take with him to give to you. Hongjoong, Yeosang, and Jongho handed him all the things they'd bought for you to eat at movie night. Yunho handed him one of his hoodies cause he knows his cologne is your favorite. San decided he could part with one of his plushies hoping it'll bring you some comfort. Mingi called some of your favorite take out to be delivered so that Seonghwa could pay for it and take it up. Mingi made sure to tell Seonghwa that the take out was from him. So with a backpack full of stuff to bring to you, he left.

Once he got to your building, he was surprised that he couldn't get in. You changed the code to the door to get in. Luckily the landlord was walking by and recognized him. Once he was in, he waited down stairs for the delivery guy to get their with Mingi's take out. While he was waiting, the landlord told him about what happened. That you'd come in, bleeding and bruised, asking to change the code to get in for you. The lady tried to change your mind, but you were so adamant on changing it that she gave in, not wanting to upset you more than you already were. Once he had the explanation from the landlord and the take out he walked up to your floor, and knocked. You were surprised to see Seonghwa since you'd changed your code to get in. He explained how he got in and asked to come in, trying to peek in to see you more since you'd only opened the door enough to see who was outside, scared it was another sasaeng. You sigh and let him in seeing as he had a lot of stuff. You were wearing a big hoodie, that he most definitely recognized as Yunho's, and Mingi's old sweatpants that he left here. They were definitely too big for you, seeing as you had them rolled up a couple of times to keep from stepping on them. When he was taking off his shoes he decided to tell you how he found out. He sat the backpack down beside the couch, and the take out on the coffee table, and hugged you lightly. He was quietly apologizing, saying that they should've been able to protect you from this. You teared up a little and hugged him hard.

"It's not your fault those people decided to attack me. I don't want any of you to blame yourselves. The only ones who could've prevented it was the ones who did it." You both pulled away, both of you wiping your eyes since a few tears had escaped.

"Well I did bring goodies from the guys. How about you go grab some plates and silverware so we can eat." Immediately, you went and got the stuff he asked for as he pulled everything from his bag. He set all the take out and snacks that he brought with him, happy that Mingi had ordered all your favorite. When you returned you were surprised.

"Well to start off, Mingi ordered your favorite. Hongjoong, Yeosang, and Jongho all raided our kitchen to find all the snacks we bought for movie night." You looked at him and saw a hoodie you knew was Yunho's and a plushie. "Yunho shoved a hoodie in here, and San decided he could spare a plushie to help you find some comfort." You smiled, glad you had such caring friends. You pulled off the hoodie Yunho had gave you one night when you were coming home with the guys from celebrating the completion of their first set of promotions. You pulled on the one Seonghwa brought and inhaled. Yunho's cologne was your favorite. Seonghwa laughed and motioned you over so that you could start eating.

Soon the both of you were done eating, and you were leaning against his chest, careful of your bruised ribs.

"Seonghwa I have a question."
"What did you bring me?" Immediately he sat up.
"Yah! I brought you myself, and all your gifts from the guys!" He exclaimed as you started laughing at him.
"I know oppa. Thank you." You said hugging him. He hugged you back and laid back down.
"Your welcome bub. You know we'd do anything for you. You are our favorite after all."
"Yah! I better be your favorite. I buy you guys coffee and food when you're promoting!"

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