Pick You Up | Jongho

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Jongho x Reader


Summary: Part 2 to I'm Sorry Guys

Summary: Part 2 to I'm Sorry Guys

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You'd been avoiding the guys for a week now, and they didn't know why. When they woke up that morning, they thought that you'd be somewhere in the house. Seonghwa texted you asking where you were, since you were nowhere in the house. You texted him saying you were home, and not to worry about you. And from then on you wouldn't answer their texts. It hurt you, cause you loved all the boys and they saw that you were at school. When they would see you, they'd try to rush and talk to you. Everyone but Jongho. The bullying that he protected you from came back with a vengeance. Josh and his friends hadn't missed a day on making your life worse than it already was. Yoona was there a couple times, laughing saying that she'd taken your spot and that you meant nothing to the boys. And you started to believe it.

It was one day when you were trying to get home, that Seonghwa found you.

"Y/N!" You looked at him and tried to hurry and get inside, but Josh and his friends had really done a number on you. You could hardly put any weight on your left ankle. "Stop running from us!" He said as he grabbed your keys. You winced when you fell into the door. "Where have you been?! We've texted, called, and even tried to talk to you at school!"

"I know. I'm sorry." You said quietly, just wanting to go inside.

"What happened?" He asked when he saw you wince, pulling your bag up higher on your shoulder.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." You said looking away. Seonghwa pulled your chin to look at him.

"Why are you wearing makeup? You never wear makeup." He swept his thumb over your cheek and you flinched back. He looked at you in horror. "Who did it?"

"No one. Look I really need to get inside-"

"No. You are going to stay right here until you tell me why you've been avoiding us and why you are covering bruises with makeup."

"I- I can't." You said looking away again. If you told them who, they'd probably join in. Why was he coming back if Yoona had said they wanted to get rid of you?

"Darling," He started, "tell me who did this to you. If you want to go inside, we both will. I'm tired of trying to make sure you're okay when you've been avoiding us." You nodded and grabbed your keys from Seonghwa. Once you both were inside, he noticed you limping. He definitely knew who'd done it now.

"Why didn't you tell us that Josh and his friends had been bothering you again?" He asked softly.

"I didn't want to both you guys." I wanted to tell him more, but what if they like Yoona now. And they take her side. And everything she said was true.

"This is serious Y/N! You can always come to us when you need it. I don't know what happened to make you think that we don't care, but we do. We've been so worried about you." He said pulling the first aid kit out. You kept quiet as he worked on taking your makeup off, and looking at all your bruises. You hissed in pain when he began to wrap your ankle, he mumbled an apology but kept working. He stayed with you the rest of the night, texting the boys when you'd fell asleep what had happened.

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