A Birthday Surprise | San

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San x Reader


Summary: You're parents didn't agree with your relationship with your bad boy boyfriend but you didn't care, he treated you like a queen. And today is your birthday and he has a surprise for you.

 And today is your birthday and he has a surprise for you

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(this is gonna put you in soft San feels 100%)

You were leaving from your last class of the day. San was waiting by the fountain with a bouquet of sunflowers, which happened to be your favorite flowers. You smiled as you saw him and ran towards him. He picked you up and spun you around. San was your typical bad boy, he wore mostly black and red and had piercings everywhere. To everyone else, he was an asshole, but to you he was the sweetest person ever. He always bought you flowers and made you the happiest you'd ever been. Your parents didn't approve, when you started dating him in high school, but you didn't care and continued to date him. Now you were in your 2nd year of college and your 3 year relationship was going strong. When he put you down, he handed you the flowers.

"These are for my birthday girl." He winked. You pushed him away as you grabbed the flowers from his hand.

"Well you can walk me to my dorm, to put these up before I go to my parents house." You said as you grabbed his hand. Before he let you drag him off, he kissed you hard and grabbed your bag from you so you didn't have to carry it. As you walked to your dorm, San kept asking you about your day. When you entered, your roommate was there with a small cupcake with a candle and card. She sung you happy birthday as San back hugged you and then you blew out the candle. She left soon after she'd gave you your card, and you'd opened it. You quickly found a vase to put your new flowers in and put in some sugar water, knowing it'd keep your flowers alive for longer.

"You know, those flowers almost look as pretty as you." He said winking. You busted out laughing.

"No! No more pick up lines!" You giggled as you got closer to him.

"But how else am I supposed to keep you with me?" He asked as he pulled you into a swaying hug.

"Hm, how about you just be your adorable self?" You said as you tilted your head to look up at him.

"Babygirl, you're so cute. I don't want to let you go to leave." You laughed, and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him lightly.

"Well I do have to go. I love you Sanie." You said as you kissed him again, but this time he leaned in so that the kiss would be longer.

"Be prepared, I have a surprise for you tonight." He winked again and you buried your head in his chest. He laughed and buried his head in your hair as you tried to pull away.

"I'll see you tonight alright." You compromised as he just wanted 5 more minutes in your company.

After you celebrated with your family, you went upstairs. You'd told your parents you'd stay with them tonight since you didn't have class in the morning. Your parents went to bed early that night, so you texted San, per his request, of when you heard your parents finally asleep. He texted you not even 10 minutes later to come outside. You peeked out your window and saw San on his motorcycle, and extra helmet sitting in front of him. You smiled and hurried downstairs to quietly slip through the front door. He was leaned up against his bike when you ran towards him again.

"This reminds me of high school." You laughed. He laughed too and nodded.

"It does, but this time you aren't scared to ride on my motorcycle." You pushed him away.

"Come on! I wanna see where you're taking me!" You said grabbing the helmet and putting it on. You'd been terrified to ride his bike when you first started dating, but after your 3rd date you wanted to ride it. You'd even asked him to teach you how to ride so that you could get one yourself.

He was getting close to the beach when he pulled into a little drive way. You wondered where you were, but then a beautiful house came into view. As he stopped and made sure you got off safely, he smiled as you stood in shock.

"Oh wow. This house is so beautiful!" You turned to him as he took off his helmet. He smiled at you and grabbed your hand.

"Come on, it's not even the best part." He dragged you through the front door and straight through the house without even letting you look at anything. When you stepped out onto the back porch, there was the most beautiful view. You had your own personal beach, and the moon looked beautiful reflecting on the beach.

"It's so beautiful." You said in awe at the beautiful sight. But little did you know was that when San answered you back, he was looking at you.

"It really is." The moonlight fell on you perfectly and he knew this was the perfect moment. "I told you I had a surprise for you." He smiled when your head whipped over to his direction.

"I thought this was my surprise!"

"Well it is, you don't have any classes since it's spring break so my brother is letting me stay here for a week. But I do have another surprise for you. Why don't you go to the beach and look around and I'll come get you when everything's ready." He said as he winked.

You were walking across the wet part of the shore when you found a small bottle with your name on it. You picked it up and opened it. Inside was a small piece of paper was directions to go into the kitchen and find your favorite place in the kitchen. So as you walked inside, you went straight for the fridge. Inside was your favorite drink with a sticky note attached to it. This time it told you to go into the living room and look through the movies and see if one looks familiar. As you were looking through the movies that were under the TV, you saw one that made you laugh. It was the movie you'd had your first kiss together. He'd brought you to see the comedy, and halfway through he couldn't stop staring at you as you laughed. By the end of it, he'd pulled you close to him and kissed you so softly, you'd fallen in love with him all over again. When you opened the case, there was another sticky note in there with the ticket from that movie. You took a moment to be surprised that San still had it after 3 years. The sticky note this time told you to go upstairs. It'd didn't say where, but to just go upstairs. You tried every door upstairs, but they were all locked. Until you got to the last door in the hallway. It opened to reveal a candlelit bedroom. On the bed there was a heart of sunflowers with a box in the middle. As you got closer, you saw that it was a ring box. When you grabbed it and opened it, you saw a beautiful simple band with yours and San's name engraved on the inside.

"I thought this would be a good birthday present since you won't let me propose until we graduate." San said as he stepped out of the shadows near the balcony connected to the room. You were speechless. He smiled, that smile you loved oh so much with his dimples on full display, as he stepped closer to you to grab the box out of your hand. "I know your parents don't really like me that much, but I talked to your dad before I bought this." This caught your attention. "And I asked him if I could someday ask you to marry me. At first he was like hell no, but then he started to talk about how much you'd been trying to change their opinion on me recently. Saying that you'd say how I made you so happy and that you wanted to marry me one day. So your dad reconsidered and later than day texted me and said that I had his permission to ask you. When he said that, I told him about my plans for your birthday." He smiled. "And that's why they 'went' to bed early, so that I could come steal you from your parents house like I used to when we were in high school. You didn't notice that your mom was at your front door taking pictures of us." That made you laugh and hug him tightly.

"I love you so much, so if you don't put that ring on my finger right now I'm gonna beat you." You said with tears in your eyes. He playfully saluted and pulled the ring out of the box and dropped to one knee. And even though you knew it was a promise ring, just knowing that this was gonna happen again made you even more happy than you were now.

"You know, that was so nerve racking." He said as he got up, pulling you into a quick kiss. "But I do have to have practice for when I actually propose." He laughed as you shook your head and put your head in his chest.

"Why do I love an idiot?" But you looked up lovingly at him, glad that you'd one day wake up everyday to this man.

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