Birthday Boy Vlive | Yunho

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Yunho x Reader


Summary: It's Yunho's birthday and you decide to surprise him by watching his vlive.

Summary: It's Yunho's birthday and you decide to surprise him by watching his vlive

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Yunho was having his vlive for his birthday. You knew this and was ready to start watching his vlive when he started it. When he came on, he looked so cute. He was just talking to ATINY when you texted him. He didn't looked at his phone for a while, so you started to ask him questions in his chat. He answered a couple of your questions before he realized who was asking the questions.

"Y/N are you here?" He asked as he grabbed his phone to text you, seeing your text already. "Well hi babe. I hope your enjoying my vlive and ATINY." He said smiling.

You sent 'Happy birthday babe! I hope ATINY asks you lots of questions since I know they're already sending you lots of love.' He smiled at your message and sent you a text back.

My Teddy Bear: When I get done I want to call you and talk. I love you baby.

Me: I'll probably be doing some homework till then. I love you too babe.

You had Yunho's vlive on in the background as you worked on your paper, so when you heard Yunho ending his vlive you got ready to answer his call. As soon as you answered his call, you were singing happy birthday. He smiled and laughed as you sang, horribly off key. He laughed as you finished, thanking you as you bowed after your performance. And then you started to talk to him about how his tour was, and how the boys were. While you were talking, Hongjoong walked in, having came from Seonghwa and Yeosang's room.

"Alright Yunho, it's time to go to bed. We have to get up to catch our flight to New York tomorrow. Hi Y/N!" He said as he waved at you.

"Alright babe. I'll text you before we get on the plane tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too babe. Be safe okay! Hongjoong keep my boys safe alright!" He saluted and said said he would. And right before you go to sleep, you sent Yunho a text.

Me: Be ready for your gift when you get home ;)

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