Surprise | Yeosang

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Yeosang x Reader


Summary: Yeosang's S/O surprises him while on tour because he missed her a lot.

Summary: Yeosang's S/O surprises him while on tour because he missed her a lot

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(Fun Fact: Yeosang is one of my 3 biases for ATEEZ)

Yeosang had been on tour for 2 months now. You talked everyday, whether it was through facetime or text. You were always happy to talk to him, but you missed him so much. So you were planning a surprise. You'd told him that it was for when he got home. But you had a week off of school, so you planned to go visit the boys on tour. You planned the surprise with Wooyoung and San. They said that all he ever talked about was how much he missed you, and you couldn't help but smile a little. Not seeing him was the hardest thing your relationship had gone through so far, but you knew that it wouldn't last much longer. You texted him before you got on the plane, saying that you were gonna study for your exams, which you'd already taken, and would text him when you were done. He reminded you to eat and take some breaks, and that he loved you. You quickly replied and got on the plane. Before you took off, you texted San and Wooyoung that you were on the plane. You slept most of the plane ride, but you couldn't sit still the last hour of the plane ride. You were so excited to see him again. San and Wooyoung said that they'd meet you at the luggage carousel to take you to your hotel, since they had a few days to rest there before they left for their next show.

"Y/N!!" San was running towards you and you laughed, running towards him as well. It was so good to see your friends. He picked you up and spun you around.

"Hi Sanie!"

"I want to hug her too!" Wooyoung yelled when San wouldn't let you go. You laughed and hugged Wooyoung as well. You made some small talk and talked about the surprise for Yeosang. The plan was for them to go out later tonight and you just casually run into them while they're out. Once you had your bag, their manager took the 3 of you to your hotel. They ran and jumped on the bed once you'd opened the door.

"Alright guys, come on. We need to get ready for tonight." They agreed and said their goodbyes so they could go to their hotel, which was down the street. They texted you once the boys had agreed on a plan, and you got ready. They'd decided to go to the pier that wasn't too far from their hotel. There was a nice restaurant that overlooked the water, and then after that they were gonna walk around. You told the guys that you'd be around walking after they ate. You picked up some food while they left, and waited for Wooyoung to say that they were at the restaurant.

The guys thought it was weird for Wooyoung and San to be texted so much, but they told everyone but Yeosang about the surprise when Yeosang had went to the bathroom.

"Y/N is here. We picked her up from the airport today. She's gonna surprise Yeosang since he's been missing her since we left for tour." San explained but they quickly talked about something else when they saw Yeosang coming back to their table.

You were waiting near a carnival that was set up on the pier when you saw the 2 taller boys of your boyfriends group. They saw you and smiled, while you waved at them. They asked if they could go to the carnival, San yelling about getting another plushie. When the group got closer you walked towards them. Yeosang was texting you, he had been ever since they'd got to the restaurant, and even facetimed you while he was in the bathroom. He obviously missed you a lot, and you were glad that you came to surprise him.

Yeosang looked up, and saw you. He froze. The boys were laughing and pushed him to actually go to you. You smiled and laughed at his reaction, and then he was rushing towards you. He picked you up and hugged you close.

"Oh darling, I've missed you so much." He said as you squeezed him tightly.

"I missed you too. But surprise? The boys kept saying how you missed me, so I took my exams early and got a week off of school." He smiled so wide, happy that you'd worked so hard to see him.

"I love you."

"I love you too. But come on, lets go to the carnival!" You said as you pulled him towards the boys, who were waiting at the entrance for the two of you. The rest of the night you laughed and joked around with your 8 best friends. It was nice, and you could tell that they definitely needed it. Tour was great but it was very stressful and tiring. When it was getting late, Yeosang said he was gonna walk you to your room and that he'd be at the hotel later.

You walked into your room and laid on the bed immediately, tired from the day. Yeosang took your shoes off for you and coaxed you to go change. Once you had, he motioned for you to lay down with him. You cuddled up into his chest, glad that you could see him after so long.

"I'm really glad that you came to surprise me." He said quietly while running his hands through your hair. You smiled as he kissed your forehead.

"Yeah. Well the guys kept saying how much you missed me, and that I needed to fix it."

"I did miss you, a lot. Your perfume wore off of the bear you gave me. So it's been a little worse recently, but I didn't want to bother you since you were so busy with school." You looked up at him and kissed him.

"I missed you too. And your supposed to tell me about how you feel, no matter if you think it would bother me or not. I love you, so what you're feeling matters a lot to me. And if you're missing me more for some reason, we could talk longer, or I could've visited earlier when I know you had a break. Promise me next time you'll tell me."

"I promise. I'll tell you next time." He snuggled into your hair, glad to have you in his arms again. "Go to sleep darling, you've had a very busy day."

"I don't wanna. I wanna talk to you." He laughed a little.

"You can talk to me as long as you want, but tomorrow when we have a date. It's my turn to surprise you."

"Okay. Goodnight Yeo."

"Goodnight darling. I love you."

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