Meet My Best Friend | Wooyoung

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Wooyoung x Reader


Summary: Wooyoung wants you to meet his best friend who's had a crush on him for a long time.

Summary: Wooyoung wants you to meet his best friend who's had a crush on him for a long time

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(im sorry Wooyoung stans)

You were hanging out with the boys when Wooyoung decided he wanted you to meet his childhood best friend. Little did you know that Chloe liked Wooyoung for a long time. The first time you met her was when she saw the two of you while were on a date. She stood shocked, and when Wooyoung had looked up he froze too.

"Chloe?" He asked as she came closer.

"Hi Woo." She said smiling as they hugged.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were still in America studying?" He asked as he pulled away.

"I'm here for summer break before I go back to finish my degree. What are you doing?" She asked as he put his arm over her shoulder. The whole time they'd been hugging and talking you'd sat quietly at your table, looking at your drink.

"I'm here with my girlfriend." He said proudly. Her smile dropped some, but she kept her smile plastered on so he couldn't tell that it was forced. You waved politely at her and she waved back. She then said that she'd let you continue on with your date, and made sure that Wooyoung had her new number so that they could plan to meet up before she left to go back to the States.

The next time you saw her, was when you went to Wooyoung's house to hang out with the guys. When Yeosang opened the door, you were surprised to hear her laughing in the living room with the guys. You knew that she'd been hanging out with Wooyoung for most of the week, since he'd canceled you date so that he could hang out. At first you were fine and happy that he was hanging out with his old friend, but when he stopped answering your texts during the week while he was hanging out with her you began to get worried. So when you walked inside and saw them, you froze. Yeosang thankfully guided you to the kitchen, where the rest of the guys were, and you were just looking at your hands.

She was in his hoodie and even had on some of the shorts you'd left over. She was snuggled up into his side, and if anyone hadn't known you two were dating they'd think they were.

"Hey, we can come back later if you want." Seonghwa said as he smiled comfortably towards you. You shook your head and said that everyone could have a good time. So when they announced that they were there, Chloe broke apart from Wooyoung as he came to greet you.

"Hi baby. I missed you." He said as he pecked your lips. His greeting was usual, and even the guys saying ew and to get a room, but wasn't was the girl on the couch glaring at you like you'd taken the last of her candy. As he pulled you away, he pulled you to sit on the couch and cuddle into him. As the time you'd spent at hanging out, Chloe slowing got closer and closer to Wooyoung, and was flirting with him right in front of you. The guys added you into a group chat without Wooyoung and was asking if you wanted to go hang out somewhere else. You said yes, so you told Wooyoung that'd you would see him tomorrow for your date. But then he said this.

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