Your Two Boys | San

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San x Reader


Summary: You're babysitting your younger brother which ruined your plans of having a date with your boyfriend. Your bf doesn't mind and says that he'll help you watch him. Your brother ends up loving him and won't let him go.

 Your brother ends up loving him and won't let him go

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Your mom had asked you to watch your youngest brother, Jack, for her, since it was your day off. It'd been awhile since you'd seen your brother with you working and him starting school. She brought him over early in the morning, needing to be at her work early for a meeting. She gave you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, hurrying out the door. She said she loved both of you and reminded you what time she'd be back to pick him up. He was rubbing his eyes sleepily, so you picked him up to go back to bed, you'd fix breakfast later.

You woke up to your phone buzzing.

Sanshine: Hey love! Get ready, I wanna take you on a date. Love you!
You: Hey babe! I'd love to go on a date but I have my brother for the day. Sorry :( 
Sanshine: Well why didn't you tell me earlier?!?!? I'll be over soon with plushies and snacks.

You smiled, knowing that he'd be running to get here. You decided to make breakfast while he was still asleep. It was only 10:15, so you decided on something simple. You were cooking pancakes when San walked through your door.

"Hey love." He said while setting all the bags in his hands down. "Is he still asleep?"

"Yeah he is. Can you check on him for me? He usually just lays in bed until someone goes and gets him." He kissed you on the cheek before leaving to your room. He soon came back with Jack attached to his neck, snuggling. San has the brightest smile on his face and was holding him as close as he could.

"Babe, I'm stealing your brother. He's too cute." And you couldn't argue with that. He'd always been the best behaved out of all your siblings. Your 2 younger sisters always caused some sort of trouble.

"Well you can steal him after he's had breakfast." You said as you took the plate of pancakes to the table. Turning and rubbing Jack's back, "Come on buddy, let's eat." He slowly let go of San, bed head and all, and went to you. Both of your hearts melted.

After the 3 of you ate, and cleaned the kitchen up, Jack wanted to go play. So you got ready, seeing as the 2 boys were, and headed to the park that was close to your house. Jack was laughing as you and San swung him into the air by your hands. As your day went on, you noticed that Jack would always be close to San, which made your heart warm. San had met your family earlier in your 3 year relationship, and Jack was just a baby. As he got older he was always a little weary of San. But now, he wanted San to slide down the slide with him, or push him on the swings.

As it got late, you decided that it was time to go back home.

"Come on guys, it's starting to get dark. And we still need to eat dinner." They both whined, wanting to stay, but you dragged him away. San had Jack on his shoulders while he held your hand. When you got home, you decided to just order take out. Jack was watching tv while you worked on a project for work. San was watching tv with Jack and they were cuddled up on the floor. You smiled a little, and went to answer the door when the doorbell rang. When you brought the food in San looked up and smiled at you.

"Alright you two, foods here." And they ran for the table. San grabbed a couple of plates and silverware, while you set the food out. Jack was bouncing in his seat, as you'd got his favorite. Once everyone was done eating, you all settled on the couch to watch a movie that Jack had picked out. The Incredibles was playing in the background as you looked at the boys beside you. Jack had already fell asleep, and San was close to falling asleep. You texted your mom to get him tomorrow since he'd already fell asleep. You took a couple of pictures, knowing that you'd want this moment photographed. You ran your hands through San's hair.

"Babe, let's go to bed." You said softly as you shut the tv off. San looked at you and then down at Jack.

"Isn't your mom coming to get him tonight?" He asked as he sat up.

"I told her to get him tomorrow after work. I'll just bring him with me to work, my boss won't mind." San laid Jack down on the bed as he walked over to you. "I'm sorry your plans for our date got ruined." San laughed and made you look at him.

"Babe I would much rather help you a thousand times with your brother, then doing anything else. And he finally opened up to me, so I'll definitely be around more to play with him." He smiled while he hugged you tightly. "Let's get ready for bed, and I'll take you on a date next week."
"Alright, I love you."
"I love you too princess."

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