So Grateful for your Boys

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ATEEZ x Reader

not a lot of Angst/some Fluff

Summary: You'd just broken up with your cheating ex boyfriend when you see him again at a party. The boys proceed to help you get over it and cheer you up while they're at it.

 The boys proceed to help you get over it and cheer you up while they're at it

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(I was sad earlier and this is what came out of it)

You'd been out with all your friends when you seen him. You'd broken up with him after he told you he'd been cheating on you for your whole relationship. When you saw him with his new girlfriend, you immediately told your friends you were leaving. Your roommate told you to text you when you got home. You lived with a bunch of people in a huge house on the outside of campus. There was 8 guys that lived with you, and when you got inside, they were all in the living room.

"Hey, we did-" Hongjoong said as he turned to see you, but cut himself off when he saw your tear streaked face. "What's wrong?" He said as he got up quickly. You shook your head and said that you'd see them in the morning. You made sure to text your friend that you were home.

When you got up the next morning, you were so glad that you didn't have any classes on Monday. When you walked out, there was a lot of stuff laid out in front of your door. There was some snacks and a couple of hoodies. You recognized one of them from Yeosang's collection of hoodies he had in his closet. You made sure to put all stuff in your room before you went and had a shower, you were sure you didn't look the best last night after crying for the most part. When you left to go down to the kitchen, you heard someone making food.

"Hey, Y/N want some?" Jongho asked when you walked in. He had a big bowl of ramen. You said sure and grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. He split the bowl and you were surprised when he didn't ask you about last night.

"Why aren't you in class right now?" You asked when you were cleaning the dishes.

"Our professor canceled my first class this morning, so I went out and bought some groceries. And I knew you probably didn't want to cook anything so I made some ramen. There's some more in the fridge for when you get hungry again, I know last night you were upset and I don't want to ask you about it and make you cry when I'm about to have to leave so we'll talk later yeah?" You smiled and nodded. He kissed your forehead and left to go to his next class.

The next of the boys you saw were Seonghwa and Yeosang. You just so happened to be wearing Yeosang's hoodie with Seonghwa's sweat pants when they came home.

"Hey Y/N." They said as they were pulling off their shoes.

"Hi guys." You said as you were focused on finishing a paper that was due in a couple of weeks. They let you focus on your work and got started on dinner for everyone. You were falling asleep when they came to tell you dinner was done, but they just pulled the laptop off of your lap, making sure to save your work, and put a blanket over you so you would stay warm.

Seonghwa and Yeosang made sure to text their group chat to say that they needed to be quiet when they come home. Saying that you were asleep on the couch and to not wake you. They placed a plate of dinner into the fridge and wrote your name on it, knowing that they wouldn't touch it if it was yours. You woke up about the same time that Hongjoong came home. It was late and you were sat up on the couch, rubbing your eyes and stretching when he walked in.

"Hi princess." Hongjoong said quietly.

"Hi Joongie." You said as you stood up.

"I'm guessing you haven't ate yet either?" He asked as he came and hugged you. You shook your head. "Come on then. I know they saved us some." As you walked into the kitchen, you hopped up on the counter to sit as Hongjoong warmed up the plates. "Do you wanna tell me what happened the other night?"

"Uh, when I went out with some friends, I saw Josh with his new girlfriend." You said fiddling with your hands.

"He has one already? Did you just break up with him like 3 days ago?"


"Oh wow. He really is a playboy then and I'm glad he's out of your life cause he didn't deserve you. Here. Let's eat and then we'll go to bed." You nodded and started eating. You made small talk, asking how the writing for his song was going, since that was his final exam. He said he was having some trouble on one part but he'd get it eventually. You both decided to leave the dishes for the morning. As you got to your door, Hongjoong pulled you into a hug.

"Goodnight princess. Don't forget you have to get up early tomorrow okay." He said as he kissed your forehead and headed to his room.

"Night Joongie."

You were in the practice room practicing with Yunho and Mingi. They had asked you to come practice with them since you'd been pretty down since your break up. They were teaching you their dance for the competition they were preparing for. They'd wanted you to join their group, but you'd always refused until now.

"Alright." Mingi started out of breath. "Let's take a break." You agreed and sunk down to the floor. Yunho passed you a water and you immediately began to chug it. Mingi also tossed you a protein bar, knowing that you hadn't ate a lot before the 3 of you left. As you finished up practice, almost 9pm. As you were walking across campus with the two tall boys beside you, you saw him again. Josh was with his friends this time and not the girl you'd seen him with last time.

"Hey come on, we can go the long way." Mingi said as he wrapped his arm around you, trying to steer you the opposite way from your ex and his friends. But he wasn't quick enough.

"Y/N! Y/N! Come on now, you can't still be hurt about me cheating can you?" Josh yelled out, walking towards you as he was yelling.

"Leave her alone, she obviously doesn't want to talk to you Josh." Yunho said as he put his arm around you as well. As you were walking away, he shouted something that made the boys want to turn around and punch him. "Well at least I know you need 2 guys to replace me, I bet they don't fuck you the way I did. Seems like you'll need all the guys in your house to have you to be like me then I guess."

For the rest of the night, and well into the next day, you stayed in your room. Locking the door so no one could get in, you cried into your pillow all night. No one in the house slept that night. Jongho and Hongjoong went to find Josh and beat the shit out of him. They made sure to threaten him that if we went around you ever again then they'd be back, but with all 8 of them. Seonghwa and Yunho tried to lure you out with food and their clothes to give you some comfort, but you denied it all. Yeosang had slid some paper under your door, so you sat back against the door and wrote to Yeosang, telling him what the boys had told the rest of them when they got home and you went upstairs. Yeosang's heart hurt when he heard your sniffles through the door, so he slid a piece of paper under the door saying that he'd get everyone out of the house so that you could have some peace and quiet.

When you finally emerged from your room, only San and Wooyoung was home.

"Hi guys." You said quietly as you came down the stairs.

"Oh my god." They both jumped over the back of the couch and ran over to you. Both of them saying that they loved you and they'd hurt him if he ever decided to show his face around you again. They dragged you over to the couch and squished you between them. They put on your favorite movie and you started to fall asleep.

"Thank you guys, for everything." You said as you held Wooyoung's hand and had your head on San's chest.

"You don't have to thank us bub. We're always gonna be here for you." San said as he kissed your forehead and Wooyoung kissed your shoulder as he squeezed you hand. When the rest of the guys got home, they found the 3 of you on the couch asleep, your favorite movie playing on the TV.

"Let's just leave them there." Seonghwa said. "Let's go to bed." So everyone went to get ready, but one by one during the night they all came to the living room to be closer to you. But little did they know, you woke up every time they'd kiss your forehead when they passed you. You were so grateful for your boys.

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