The Wedding | Seonghwa

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Seonghwa x Reader


Summary: Part 2 to Prince!Seonghwa

(the stuff from the LA concert killed me

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(the stuff from the LA concert killed me. RIP Sage 2000-2019)

It'd been a week since you're ball, and Seonghwa had talked to you a few times within that week. You'd see him every once and a while around the castle, and you'd both smile and say hello before carrying on to do what you'd been doing. Your mom asked why you weren't with him all the time.

"Mom, I don't know him." You said sighing.

"Then get to know him. You're going to be marrying each other in 2 weeks!" You looked over at her quickly.

"Wait, what? We haven't even announced that I'm getting married!"

"We're announcing it tomorrow, which is why I came to talk to you. You need to go tell him."

"Why can't you tell him?"

"Mom! I don't know him! He probably hates me since he was going to be marrying that other girl!"

"Then make him not hate you. I don't know what you want me to tell you, you're going to be marrying him." And with that she left. You huffed out a breath and threw yourself on your bed. After a few minutes to calm down, you went to go find Seonghwa. You'd seen him in the library a few times when you'd be passing by, so you decided to check there first. When you opened the door, the first thing you saw was a mountain of books stacked on the table.

"Prince Seonghwa?" You called out.

"Yes? Oh, hello princess." He said, standing up from the table that made the mountain of books.

"My mom wanted me to tell you that we're announcing our marriage tomorrow." You paused. "And that our marriage ceremony will be in 2 weeks." He looked at you shocked.

"So soon?" He asked quietly.

"I know, but my mom also said that we needed to get to know each other." You said quietly.

"Well, I can't say she's wrong. If we're going to lead together we need to know each other." You were thankful that he didn't say since he was going to be married to you.

"What are you reading?" You asked, peeking at a few of the books he had on the table.

"Just a few novels from my favorite author." He said as you picked up your favorite book.

"This is my favorite book. I had to convince my father not to throw it away when they were going through the library a few years back." You said giggling.

"Well that's funny. That's also my favorite book." He laughed a little before he sat the book down. "Would you want to accompany me on a ride this afternoon?"

"Oh, sure. I know the best spots to watch the sunset." You said as you placed the book back down on the table.

"Alright. Let's leave an hour before sunset." You nodded and walked out of the library.

When you were getting ready at the stables, Seonghwa showed up. He was dressed in some riding clothes, and he stood frozen at the doorway.

"I think this is the first time I've seen you not in a dress princess." He said as he walked closer.

"Well, it's kinda hard to ride a horse in a dress don't you think." You said, laughing some. Once the horses were ready, you both left. When it got closer to sunset, you led him to a nice field that had a bunch of flowers bloomed in it.

"Oh, wow. This place is beautiful."

"I completely agree. When I found this place, I was in awe by its beauty. I've been coming here at least once a week since." You got off your horse, and let him eat the long grass near one of the trees.

"Can I be real with you for a second?" He asked, after you'd been sitting there in silence.


"When I was first told that we were gonna get married, I wasn't that mad. I'd had a slight crush on you before we even met officially. We'd been at a few balls at the same time and I just thought you were so beautiful. When you danced with me at your ball, I knew that I'd be happy with you, even if we were just friends." You looked down, this whole time you were worried that he'd hate you for having to marry you.

"I was worried that'd you would hate me." You said quietly.

"What? Why?"

"You'd been with that girl all night, even when I came down the stairs. I thought that you hated me for taking you away from her. She was so beautiful and when you asked me to dance, I was worried it was so you could ask if you could still see her after we'd gotten married." You looked over at him to see him looking at you in surprise.

"I mean, I was mad for a little bit, but then I realized that there was nothing that either of us could do. Plus, it wasn't your fault for us getting married. Our parents planned it, so even if we wanted to do something about it we couldn't. She knows that, I know that, and you know that." You nodded and sat there for a moment, soaking in all what he'd just said in the past few minutes.

"When I asked you to ride this afternoon, it was my way of trying to find a way to hang out with you. I've barely seen you at all this week, so I wasn't able to talk to you at all after the ball."

"I'm not surprised. I've been busy with my mom, she's insisting I already get my dress for the wedding. I've been poked so many times this week, and put on so many dresses that I can't. I'd been looking to ask you to hang out, but Suli convinced me you wouldn't want to be around a bunch of dresses. Plus we wouldn't get to actually hang out." You laughed a little and laid back on the grass. He leaned on his arm and looked down at you.

"I want to start courting you." He said suddenly. You looked up at him, surprise written on your face.

"Oh, um, are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. I've had at least a small crush on you for a while. And, I mean we are getting married. Any time I'd envision me getting married, it's to someone I love. I want to try and have that with you." You blushed and looked up, quietly replying okay.

As the date of your wedding grew closer, the closer you and Seonghwa got. By the time the day of the wedding had arrived, you and Seonghwa had been on multiple dates and were more comfortable with each other. When you were getting, people kept asking if you were nervous and you couldn't figure out why. Once you'd gotten your dress on, it was almost time to walk down the aisle. Your father was waiting at the end of the hallway, looking into the room were the ceremony was going to be held.

"Oh, lord you look so beautiful." He said when he turned around to look at you. You smiled and fixed your father's coat, seeing as the buttons were done wrong. As soon as you started walking towards Seonghwa, he was in awe. You looked absolutely breathtaking in your dress. When you got closer to him, he could see the necklace he'd given you on your last date hanging around your neck. He smiled and grabbed your hand when your father handed you off.

Once the ceremony was over, you had a few minutes to yourselves before you had to go and see all the guests.

"You know, I'm glad you're the one I get to marry. If it'd been anyone else I don't think I would've been this happy." He said as he pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back. "And I also see you wore the necklace I gave you."

"I wouldn't let them take it off. I told you I was going to wear it forever." You said laughing.

"I know princess. I love you." He said quietly, lips against your forehead.

"I love you too my prince." You said looking up at him. He smiled and pulled you in for your second kiss. It was reminiscent of the kiss you had earlier, but better. You knew that even though you didn't have a choice on marrying Seonghwa, you were happy you did.

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