Stood Up | Wooyoung

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Wooyoung x Reader


Summary: All you were doing was trying to finish your project with Hongjoong, but Wooyoung just wouldn't leave you alone. So what happens when you fall for the bad boy when you're also the bad girl?

 So what happens when you fall for the bad boy when you're also the bad girl?

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(this is the 2nd fic for my bbygirl's birthday)

No one expected you to be a bad girl. You'd always sneak out and drink in high school, you even got arrested at a party. When you started college, this behavior continued. You partied almost every night and was friends with ATEEZ, who's a group of bad boys that are always breaking hearts on campus. You did not like one of the guys in ATEEZ, Wooyoung. He had such a big ego that it made it difficult to talk to him. He was always seen with a new girl on his arm every week. You were hanging out with Hongjoong while you were working on a song, when Wooyoung came in.

"Joong! Are you going out to that party with me and Seonghwa?" He asked as he pulled your chair away from the table to spin Hongjoong around.

"Sorry Woo, but I have to get this project done with Y/N. I'm gonna have to miss the party tonight." He said as he looked up at him. Wooyoung's face was priceless. He had his mouth opened in shock and was looking at Hongjoong like he was crazy.

"Who are you and what have you done with Hongjoong? The Hongjoong I know wouldn't skip on a party that he can get laid at!" He turned towards you, you were sitting with your legs crossed. "Unless you're gonna put out for him to keep him here." You almost threw up.

"He wishes I would. Sorry to burst your bubble, but we actually want to graduate with a degree and didn't just come here for the parties. We have to get this done by the end of this week to give to our professor. So if you could fucking move, we can finish this faster and you can have Hongjoong back." You said as you pushed him aside and started back working on the song that you both needed to produce by the end of the week.

The next time you saw Wooyoung was when you were in the recording booth singing your part for the song. Seonghwa and Jongho was sitting on the couch as they'd come to give you some pointers since they sing in their own time. Wooyoung came in when you were trying to perfect a part that you couldn't quite get. Hongjoong and Jongho had given you some pointers, but you just get it right.

"Aw, is the little princess having trouble?" You heard Wooyoung ask as he came inside. Hongjoong had been asking if you wanted to take a break. You sighed and nodded, but chose to stay in the booth to work on how you pronounced some of the words. Seonghwa came inside the booth so he could help, but Wooyoung just kept picking on you. And that you couldn't stand.

"Can you shut the fuck up?! I get it I'm not perfect, but damn you don't have to point it out every fucking time you see me!" You screamed before the door shut. Your eyes had started to water, Seonghwa and the rest of the boys were surprised by your outburst. You curled up in the corner and decided that you were done for today, you and Hongjoong had made great progress on the song. The only part left was your part. So you gathered yourself. "I'm gonna call it a day okay. Thanks for the help today Hwa." You said as you got up and made your way to the door. As you walked out you told Hongjoong that you were done for the day. When you left the boys were quiet, not saying anything to you as you left.

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