I'm Sorry Guys | Jongho

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Jongho x Reader


Summary: You were always insecure about your status with your  best friend, and his girlfriend made sure that you left him alone.

Summary: You were always insecure about your status with your  best friend, and his girlfriend made sure that you left him alone

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(jongho stans im sorry)

Jongho was one of the most popular guys in your school. You'd been best friends since you were kids. You were next door neighbors, and your moms always brought you to the park to play together. So when you got older, he always protected you from people who'd pick on you. He was your knight in shining armor. When you got into high school, things began to change. He became friends with other people, who brought you into their friend group too. They were always so nice, especially after he started dating her.

Yoona was beautiful, and she knew it. She would always flaunt how she got Jongho, the athletic super star who never dated. She also hated you. Being friends with him made you a target to her. She was always trying to separate the two of you, somehow knowing that you liked him.

"Baby, let's go somewhere!" She said, dragging him away from his friends.

"Babe, I wanna hang out with my friends. I've been with you all week, and I miss my friends. I even missed our weekly movie night to be with you." He said as he tried to pull away.

"But baby! They have class with you, you can see them then! I only get your attention when you aren't practicing." She said pouting.

"I wish he could see that she's just manipulating him." Seonghwa said as he slung his arm over your shoulders. None of the boys seemed to like her, knowing what her true intentions of being with Jongho were.

It was Saturday night, after their final game, and it was your weekly movie night. This time it was held at Seonghwa's house.

"Is Jongho gonna be here?" Yeosang asked.

"I don't know Sangie. When we left the game he was with Yoona. He might still be with her." You said as you brought in more blankets from upstairs. Soon someone was knocking at the door. When you opened it, it was Jongho and Yoona.

"Oh, hi guys. I didn't know Yoona was gonna be here." You said, letting them in. You weren't ready for the rest of the night. Yoona stayed right beside Jongho the whole time, not even letting him get up when the guys went to grab the games you usually played. She wouldn't play any of the games, saying she didn't know how to play, and said she'd pass on learning how. You tried to ignore her, seeing as all she did was look at you and smirk.

"Y/N, we can make her leave if she's making you uncomfortable." Hongjoong said as he sat next to you. They all had realized that you'd been extra quiet that night.

"No it's fine. I can deal with it." You said trying to smile at the boy sitting beside you, but it came out as a grimace.

"Come on, let's go help Hwa cook." He said pulling you away.

When it came time for everyone to get ready for bed, you said you'd sleep on the floor with Wooyoung and Mingi. All the boys wanted to give you the bed, to share with Yoona, but you said you'd be okay with the floor. But as usual, they always persuaded you, and you climbed into Seonghwa's huge bed. You faced towards the door, back towards Yoona. You couldn't really sleep, and soon everyone else was asleep, or so you thought.

"You stupid girl, you actually thought that he liked you?" Yoona said as she scooted closer to you. "All he ever does is talk about how he wished he could've dumped you earlier, and that all you do is drag everyone into your messes." She laughed a little. "He said he would've done it but his mom talked him out of it. Did you know that they wanted the two of you to date? He was so disgusted when his mom told him. You can't imagine how shocked he was when he found out that they wanted to date you. The girl who always stuck around the most popular guys at school, who don't care at all about her. Did you know that Hongjoong and Seonghwa were the ones who told Josh and his friends about that rumor? Oh you didn't? My bad, I guess it was supposed to be a secret. Maybe you should just leave them alone, seeing as that's what they've been trying to do this whole time." And with that she turned over and went to sleep.

Your tears were constant and never ending. You'd always thought that the guys would be better off without you, and you guess that they thought the same. When you were sure that everyone was asleep, you got out of bed and went downstairs. Slipping on your shoes and grabbing your bag, you left the house quietly.

"I'm sorry guys."

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