Chapter 45: Newfound Power and Bravery

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    Eventually you, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili transfer to ride the rams individually and follow after Thorin. Balin staying behind to fight off any oncoming enemies while you and the others take down ones that were already there and trying to stop you.

    Once the top is reached and all oncoming enemies are taken down, you observe your surroundings. A crumbling fortress, once meant to be used as a lookout for any oncoming danger. A frozen river running between the two structures. As you and the others look across to the larger structure, no sound comes from it. Nor is there any sight of the threat you came to fight.

    "Where is he?" Kili asks aloud "It looks empty."

    "I think Azog has fled," You say

    "I don't think so," Thorin says before turning to you, Fili, and Kili "Fili, take your brother and (Y/N). Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If any of you see something, report back. Do not engage. Do you understand?"

    "We have company," Dwalin says, walking over to you all "Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred."

    "We'll take care of them," Thorin says "Go! Go!"

    Thorin and Dwalin both give each of you shoves forward as the three of you begin to make your way across. Staying as low and as quiet as you can. Together you move through the halls, weapons ready for any threat to come. Then a sound catches all of your attention, heads snapping in the direction of it. Kili begins to move towards it but is stopped by Fili.

    "Stay here," Fili says "You two search the lower levels. I've got this."

    With a nod from you both, the three of you part ways. Soon you reach the end of your hall that leads to outside and to look across where Thorin and Dwalin are. Right as you go to continue on, rhythmic thumping stops you in your tracks. Causing you to stay where you are to lessen the chances of being cornered.

    "This one dies first," A voice in a different language speaks

    You then move from where you are to see what is happening, only to be horrified of the sight. Fili being held high in the air by both his hair and the back of his armor by none other than Azog himself.

    "Then the brother," Azog says "Then you, Oakenshield. You will die last."

    "Go!" Fili tries to urge, already accepting his fate "Run!"

    But you weren't accepting this. As if your body knew what to do, you moved to the closest wall muttering something under your breath before your next move. Balling your fists together and swinging them into the side of the structure. Cracks start to form from where your strike was, leading all the way to Azog. The ground below him begins to crumble, causing him to lose balance and stumble along with throwing Fili in the process. As Fili falls, the way he lands simply renders him unconscious which allows you to let out a breath of air. But as you look back up, Azog is already looking at you with narrowed eyes. His sword for a hand pointing to you in a growl as he speaks. Next thing you know, there's a sharp but warm pain in your side. Crying out as the intense pain settles in and you fall. Shouts from Kili, Dwalin, and somehow Bilbo can be heard. Sounding seemingly distant as your vision slowly fades to black.

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