It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester- Part 3

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Rushing into the high school, you made a straight beeline to Don's classroom. Upon entering, you headed for the desk to see if you could find some dirt on him.

"So, Tracy used the kiln to char the bone, what's the big deal?" Dean asked as he headed over to the kiln.

"Dean, that hex bag turned up in our room, not after we talked to Tracy, but after we talked to the teacher," you said as you riled through the drawers. After not finding anything, you looked down to see the bottom drawer locked with some kind of latch.

"Sam, hand me that hammer, please," you said once you noticed the tools behind him. He handed it to you, and both brothers joined you behind the desk. Using all your strength, you slammed the tool onto the latch a few times before it broke. Opening the drawer, you saw bones inside of a bowl.

"My God, those are all from children," Sam gasped.

"And I'm guessing he's not saving them for the dog," Dean groaned.

"School is out which gives him time to make another sacrifice. Luckily for us, I got his address when Sam was looking up Tracy. Come on, we have to hurry over there before it's too late."


Castiel watched over the kids as they walked past him and Uriel on their way to get candy. Uriel was sitting on the park bench, but Castiel refused to do the same.

"The decision's been made," Castiel spoke.

"By a witch who doesn't even know the full extent to her powers. For all we know, this Darkness, Amara, may not even be real."

"You know very well that she is," Castiel said before turning around to face his brother. "You've seen the things Amara's vessels can do. One after the other, all of them had the potential of resisting her. Y/N is no different."

"Is she, though? I may not be an expert on vessels, but I can sense Amara within her. You've heard of the stories, you know what she can do. If Amara gets too much inside her head, we are all doomed. It's a shame that she doesn't know what she is truly capable of. It makes my decision that much harder."

"What are you talking about?" Castiel asked.

"I saw we drag Dean Winchester out of this town and destroy it. We don't have any use for Sam or Y/N. They'll only slow us down."

"You know what will happen if Y/N dies. Remember the first time? Heaven's alarms went off because of a disturbance that we couldn't ignore much less locate. Amara is strong, even where she is now."

"No vessel means not enough power for Amara when she gets free."

"No Y/N and that means we lose the fight against Lucifer if he gets free. What don't you understand about that? Our Father gave us orders to follow. Y/N must be protected at all times. You know what we were sent to do. Are you prepared to disobey?"

Uriel just stared at him in silence.


Approaching Don's house, you were quick to pick the lock. For a centuries old witch, he sure didn't do well to protect his front door. This was child's play. Opening the door, you let Sam go first, then you, and finally Dean. All three of you crept through the dark house, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Looking around, you noticed a door that was slightly open which probably led to the basement.

"Basement," you whispered before opening the door. Thankfully it didn't creak otherwise your position would have been compromised. Taking the steps slowly, you held your gun in front of you before reaching the bottom. All the way on the other side of the room was Don and tied to a chair was Tracy. Don suddenly raised a knife above his head to stab Tracy, but you raised your gun and shot Don in the back. Sam and Dean let off one shot each, making three holes to appear in Don's back.

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