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RIDICULOUSLY UNPREDICTABLE —THE CHANGE OF EVENTS THAT LED THE TRIO CRAMMED INTO A MINIVAN. Three superhumans were currently on the run from Steve Rogers and his new best friend, Sam Wilson.
"I was wrong, Steve Rogers can fucking do everything!" Olivia banged against the dashboard, frantically urging Carter to floor it. At the snail rate he was driving, Steve Rogers could probably outrun their van with his bare feet. Jessica sat behind, staring into space, thoroughly exhausted and still shaken up from the previous events.
A loud noise whooshed in their near distance, awfully sounding like a helicopter. Olivia ignored it, hurriedly loading up their belongings in the SUV. She took one last longing look at their spectacular villa, resenting that they had to cut their vacation short.
"We're only two days in, Liv." Carter had previously teased her.
She closed the trunk with pressure, all loaded up. They were ready to leave. "Carter!"
"Taking a piss, wait!"
The two women rolled their eyes and waited by the car. It seemed like she was the only one anxious to escape —noticeably wringing her fingers and tapping her feet restlessly. She wanted to leave within five minutes, it was past seven.
There was a mixture of feelings when she thought about the possibility of running into Steve, mostly dread. Olivia had recited her game plan to Jessica earlier, only to receive the following comment: "It's a horrible script, sweetie. I think you should apologise for unintentionally screwing them over, and screwing screwing them both first."
"Way to hit a girl when she's down."
"Just keeping it real."
That was her confliction, because if anyone knew Steve Rogers, it was his outrageously upright moral compass of a heart. If anything, he would be more hurt at the fact that Olivia was in Hydra—the very same organisation he died in vain for.
Carter disagreed, "This is hard to argue. But I'm a dude, and I would want you to address the situation that you screwed both my bro and me. Literally and figuratively."
"Of course your giant-sized ego would want to address that first." Olivia pecked a kiss on his cheek, knowing her comment didn't hurt his indeed, giant-sized ego. But she still do so to ease her bitchiness.
It took Carter about two minutes or less before he jogged out of the front door. Their eyes darted from one another, throwing looks of "what the fuck are you waiting for?"
"The keys, Jack Frost!"
"I like this one too!" His mouth fell open in delight.