Chapter 1

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Kirito's POV

It was the last day of the summer holidays, and I was preparing my uniform for the next day. It was about eight in the evening and I was contemplating on whether I should play some ALO before bed...

What have I got to lose?

I got changed into my pyjamas and a simple pair of socks. Lying down onto my bed, I picked up the AmuSphere and placed it on my head.

"Link start," I said, quietly, so my sister couldn't hear and try to stop me from going in again.

She was always so overprotective after what happened in SAO, I mean it's understandable, but it's been two years.

I entered the game and saw the familiar cabin that Asuna and I had bought together. I noticed that Asuna was here, in the game as well. She was sitting on a chair next to the table, looking through her inventory and stats. I walked up to her, and she looked up at me, waving slightly.

"Hey, Kirito, what brings you here?" She said, closing her game menu.

"Well I thought I would come and see Yui... school starts again tomorrow after all," I answered, sighing.

I never liked school, but after missing out for a few years in SAO I guess it was a long enough break to make me want to go to school again. For a short time, I kept this attitude, but now I hate it again. I mean, I enjoy the subjects I like but I just don't like the others. You know what I mean?

"Oh Kirito, Yui is in the other room." Asuna said.

She wasn't acting herself, and she seemed worried.

"Asuna is something wrong?" I decided to ask.

I saw her hesitate, and she stopped what she was doing. She stood up and walked over to me.

"Kirito I have to tell you something... and I know it's going to hurt." Asuna began saying, her voice trembling.

I placed one of my hands on her shoulder, in a comforting manner.

But she pushed it away...

Asuna never did that, and I started to get even more worried.

"Asuna... it's okay you can tell me what's up." I whispered.

Asuna looked into my eyes, tears had started to spill down her cheeks as she began to speak.

"I-I'm sorry Kirito... but I don't think we can be together anymore." She said.

The words hit me like a wall, and I didn't notice I was holding my breath. Tears were now falling down my cheeks; it felt as if my heart had shattered into a million pieces.

Asuna didn't love me anymore.

"Kirito... I still want to be friends with you, but I'm afraid I've lost my feelings of love towards you. Don't worry, you'll still be able to see Yui as much as you like." Asuna whispered, her voice no longer held a protective, loving tone. She spoke to me as she spoke to everyone else, she spoke to me like a friend.

Asuna was well and truly over me, and it hurt like hell.

"Okay, Asuna... I understand. Thank you for telling me... I'm logging off now." I mumbled back. The virtual tears that poured down my face were hot, and I felt myself getting frustrated. Not at Asuna, but myself. I felt as if this was my fault, and it probably was. Asuna would always do so much for me, but I never did anything for her.

It was a very one-sided relationship, and I hope Asuna finds someone who will put in more effort than I have.

After logging off, I awoke back into the real world. The room had darkened significantly, everything barely visible compared to how it was not too long ago.

I took off the headset and placed it on the windowsill, I was still in shock as to what Asuna had done.

I was single now, and word will spread quickly. Sadly enough for me, many girls think I'm attractive and will try to get with me.

I don't know if I can handle that.

I sat up and pushed myself off the bed, I started to walk out of my bedroom and into the bathroom so I could have a bath. I looked into the mirror, examining myself.

Maybe Asuna didn't like the way I looked?

I pulled at the skin on my stomach, there wasn't much, I wasn't very strong. I was small and frail, I could never protect Asuna. Only in the world of SAO or ALO was I able to be strong enough for anyone.

Tears had welled up in my eyes before I realised, and I pushed myself against the wall. I tried to keep the noises from my sobs muffled in the sleeve of my shirt. I didn't realise how important Asuna was to me, until now. Until she was gone.

I felt horrible.

I had been sitting on the floor for about fifteen minutes, trying to get over these emotions. After slowly standing up, I walked towards the bath, turning on the hot tap. I watched the water slowly fill up the tub, and I got in. The water burned my skin slightly, making me flinch, but I stayed there. I got used to the heat and pushed myself further into the bath, the water was now covering my shoulders.

"I'm sorry Asuna..." I whispered to myself. I couldn't take this overwhelming emotion, it was messing with my head. I feel empty, and I had an urge to just scream and cry... but the only person I could cry in front of was Asuna.

But now she's gone, and she didn't love me. Even I know that we won't be able to have a good friendship after all this, it just feels wrong. It's going to take me ages to get over her, and I don't exactly know how I'm going to get over her. It seems impossible to think about that right now.

I tried to submerge myself further into the water, it was now just above my chin. The warmth of the bath made me feel like I wasn't alone like I was being hugged.

But I wasn't being hugged...

I was alone.


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