Chapter 34

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Kirito's POV

Waking up these days was, well, easier than it used to be. When I moved here and decided to live on my own I would always get nightmares, my sister somehow found out about this and started regularly visiting, I'm very grateful towards her. And when I got with Asuna, living here alone was upsetting because I never got to see my significant other.

I'm beginning to get those negative feelings back, because I still live on my own, I can't sleep without Eugeo... although, it is easier than with Asuna. Eugeo is constantly on my mind, when I think of him my chest burns, I guess that feeling makes me realise that no matter where Eugeo is he will always be with me in my heart.

That's cheesy.

But it's definitely true, I need Eugeo to know just how much I love him, I don't want our relationship to fall to pieces because I didn't show my affection enough. Not that I'm saying our relationship will end, I'm wishing that it never will. But there is always going to be that worry, something bad could happen... we'll never know. Which is why I have to carry on living in the moment, cherishing Eugeo every time I see him.


It was too early, why was school so early?
I have no idea.
But I got dressed anyway, since seeing my friends and Eugeo was always the highlight of my day. I skipped breakfast yet again, I didn't really have an appetite in the morning anymore, I was always just too excited.

Not for school, seeing Eugeo. I'd never be excited for school...

I was now waiting outside Alice's house, since we walked together to Eugeo's house, she was later than usual but when I saw the door open my worries disappeared. At least she's in today, I still need to ask questions about yesterday... however looking at her face, I don't think she's in the mood for questions.

"Good morning Alice, is everything okay?" I asked, starting our walk to Eugeo's.

"Morning... and I'm fine." She replied plainly, giving me an expression which screamed at me to stop talking.

"I-if you're sure..." I said, knowing that Alice really wasn't fine. Maybe she'd prefer to talk to Eugeo... he always knows what to do in these situations. When we stopped in front of his house Eugeo seemed to be waiting for us on the other side of the door, his cheerful smile warmed my heart.

"Good morning, Kirito, Alice!" He said, walking up to us. I smiled in return, and looked over to Alice. She looked a little less pissed, so I knew that she'd rather talk to Eugeo.

Our walk was fairly silent, and I was a little bit grumpy. Why? Because Alice was standing in between me and Eugeo, but I so desperately wanted to hold his hand! She must be doing this on purpose, I can't take it!

"Hey, Alice, what was up with you this morning?" I asked, somehow knowing she didn't want Eugeo to find out about her little problem.

"L-Like I said earlier, nothings wrong." She replied, smiling, but giving me evils. I turned away, since Alice can be a little scary sometimes...

"Alice are you sure?" Eugeo said, placing a hand on her shoulder. I know I shouldn't care, but I am screaming on the inside!! Eugeo has his hand on Alice! I want his hand!

Not fair!

I moved myself behind the two, and put my arms around both of there shoulders. I felt Eugeo's hand leave Alice, and I looked up at him.

"Well, there's no need to worry! If you don't want to tell us Alice that's okay." I said, placing a hand in her hair and messing it up playfully.

I got a slap from that.

But it was worth it.

"Hmm, whatever... come on you two we're gonna be late." Alice replied, while readjusting her hair.
Eugeo and I both laughed at her reaction, continuing our walk to school. Now that I was in between Alice and Eugeo, I decided to take Eugeo's hand in mine. Luckily he gladly excepted it, and we walked hand-in-hand for the whole time. I missed his touch, even though it had only been one night... not even a whole day...

- Timeskip at sChOoL -

We had a computing lesson, and I was sat next to Lizbeth, and Asuna was next to her. It was a pretty boring lesson, so I couldn't help but eavesdrop on there conversation. Asuna hadn't talked to the rest of the group since the incident with Eugeo, so this was new...

"Hey Lizbeth, I'm sorry about all that business with Eugeo. I've been getting therapy..." Asuna said.

Yeah right. I don't believe that at all.

"Really? How's it going?" Lizbeth replied, completely oblivious to the fact it was a blatant lie.

"I'm a lot better now, what I did was wrong and I really want the rest of the group to know that I miss them, but talking to them might be hard..." Asuna said, she was definitely being over dramatic...

"I'll see if I can talk to the group... also if you don't mind me asking, but... do you still like Kirito?" Lisbeth whispered, but her voice was still ungodly loud.
I don't know how she does it...

"Well, yeah. I guess that's why I freaked out with Eugeo... but I was jealous and I did the wrong thing." She replied, acting all sweet and innocent.

But she isn't, she's manipulating Lizbeth, and I know she'll do it to the rest of the group when she gets the chance. Pulling the sympathy card yet again, not thinking about what other people are feeling. I'm not going to let Asuna come back, I care about Eugeo too much and didn't want him to get hurt again.

I stopped listening to there conversation and thought about what to do... Asuna is getting obsessive, she won't leave me alone and there's nothing I can do. She's the one that broke up with me! What the hell is going on in her head? Why does she still like me? Does she hate Eugeo? Why does she hate Eugeo?

Is this all my fault?


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