Chapter 4

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Kirito's POV

It was the end of the school day and I started my walk home. Usually, I would have waited for Asuna and walked with her back to my house... but I guess I'm alone now. I looked up, admiring the view around me, it was the late summer and autumn was just around the corner. The leaves had already started to lose their green colours and a few were already yellow, it was a warm afternoon as well. I continued walking down the long, silent path, and I eventually got into the town, which was about a ten-minute walk from the school.

I heard running footsteps behind me, and I stood slightly out of the way, assuming it was just someone jogging. But then I heard the person call my name.

"Kirito! Hold up...!" It was Eugeo! He stopped in front of me, leaning over and catching his breath.

"Hey Eugeo, what brings you here?" I said, smiling brightly. Eugeo slowly stood back up, straightening out his now crinkled blazer.

"I umm, I kinda got lost... I still don't know my way around so I went looking in the town to find someone and ask directions...then I saw you." Eugeo laughed out, scratching the back of his neck. I looked to my left, back at the path I was walking on, then back to Eugeo.

"I guess I can walk you back Eugeo, but you'll have to figure this place out eventually." I laughed and nudged him slightly. I turned around and we started walking in the opposite direction that I was originally going.

"Thanks, Kirito! But don't you have people waiting for you at home?" He questioned, we were walking almost in sync as we took a right turn down a small road. I shook my head.

"I live by myself," I answered simply, trying to avoid eye contact. Whenever I told people I lived on my own they would usually get overprotective and think I was getting neglected... but in reality, I'm the one that chose to move out. And besides, my sister basically lives with me now, she visits all the time.

I saw Eugeo flinch slightly, then he looked up at me.

"Well, then I guess you wouldn't mind if I invited you into my house? I'd like to introduce you to my mum and I'm sure she'd like you." He said, with almost a child-like excitement. I smiled at the offer and nodded towards him.

"That's not too bad of an idea... You could also show me what VR headsets you have... I mean only if you want." I laughed out, trying not to sound too needy.

"Oh, I forgot about that! That's a good point Kirito." Eugeo said looking forwards once again.
Our conversation ended at this, and we continued to walk peacefully down the road, I could tell Eugeo knew where he was now, as he was basically leading the way. 

We crossed the road and Eugeo walked up to a small white house with a yellow door. For a place which had only recently been moved into, the garden was already blooming with colourful flowers and there were bees and butterflies all over them. This house basically radiated kindness, making it a nice place to be.

"Just wait out here for a second, I need to tell my mum you're here," Eugeo said, walking inside and leaving the door open slightly. I noticed he took his shoes off and put his school bag on a nearby hook, he then disappeared to what I guess was the upstairs bedrooms.

I looked around the outside of the house a little more, taking in every last detail. There was no intense work done, the flowers looked poorly placed and weren't in the ground properly.
The person who'd planted them definitely weren't a gardener.

After hearing an inaudible conversation upstairs, Eugeo appeared at the door and let me in.
"Sorry for intruding," I said quietly, removing my shoes and placing my bag next to Eugeo's.

"Kirito I'm just going to get dressed, my mum said she would be down shortly. So you can make yourself comfortable." He said a nervous smile on his face. I nodded back at him and he went back upstairs. 

This gave me a chance to look around the house.

The walls were an off-white almost cream coloured shade of paint, and the furniture was very simple, mostly white or black designs. There weren't any pictures or decorations, it really did look like someone had just moved in, but I couldn't see any remaining boxes. Was this all they had? 

I walked over to the kitchen next, it was pretty small, and was similar to the rest of the house. Simple and plain, with almost no sign of anything sentimental... I heard someone coming down the stairs, very quiet and light footsteps, I turned around and looked in the direction.

There was a young woman with blonde hair, cut in a long, wavy bob. She had the most amazing green eyes, and was smiling gently... that was Eugeo's mum? She looked too young, almost young enough to be Eugeo's sister.

"You must be Kirito." She said, her voice was soft and angelic, she seemed like a very caring mother towards Eugeo, and they definitely looked similar. I wonder what his dad looked like?
I nodded my head and walked over to her, she held out a hand and I shook it in return as a greeting. 

I heard a door close from up the stairs and a Eugeo appeared, I looked up and noticed he was wearing a blue long sleeve top with black jeans, very simple again...

"Have I missed anything?" Eugeo said, laughing slightly. I turned in his direction and smiled.

"Not really, but you were too slow Eugeo! I looked at your whole house, and all you were doing was getting dressed." I joked, and if Eugeo was next to me I would have punched him in the arm gently. But as he was still at the top of the stairs I just winked at him, laughing the whole time.

"Shut up Kirito! And just get up here already, god, you're the one taking a long time." He joked back, pointing an accusing finger at my face.

I looked back at Eugeo's mum, seeing her expression confused me... She looked like she was about to cry, but was also smiling.

I decided to ask for her name.

"S-sorry, Miss, but what do you want me to call you?" I attempted at being polite of course...
She smiled brightly and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Just call me Eseld, that's my name." She answered, and started to turn around into the sitting room.

Eseld... as in 'Ice battle'? Where have I heard that before?

"Thank you... Eseld... Eugeo... for inviting me." I bowed slightly towards the mother and started walking up the stairs to join Eugeo.

They both looked a little stunned, but I guess first impressions are what is most important sometimes!


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