Chapter 3

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Kirito's POV

Eugeo was his name.

We had arrived at the school at around eight in the morning, we had just enough time to get Eugeo's timetable and find out where his tutor was. It turns out Eugeo was in quite a few of my lessons, so I decided to stick with him and show him around the school for a while before our first lesson started. 

"So Eugeo, if you don't mind me asking, where did you live before you moved here?" I asked, as we started to walk down a long corridor, where our first lesson was.

"I-I lived in Tokyo, but we ended up moving because my mum lost her job and couldn't afford to live there anymore. I think it's nicer here though, there aren't as many people." Eugeo replied he didn't even hesitate to answer me. 

"Tokyo... I've been meaning to go there soon. Well, I was going to go there." I murmured, laughing slightly. We reached the end of the corridor and turned to face the door, I looked inside to see if anyone had arrived yet. No one was here, meaning we had to line up outside the classroom. This did give me a chance to talk to Eugeo more... but I didn't know what to say.

But I guess I didn't need to say anything, as someone I didn't expect to see today walked up to me.

It was Asuna...

"Kazuto... I just want to say sorry again. But please don't blame yourself, the reason I did this isn't because of you..." She said, my eyes threatened to spill tears, but I managed to blink them away.

"It's okay Asuna... I understand." I whispered, my voice quivering slightly. She placed her hand on my arm, rubbing it slightly, it gave me comfort but it didn't last. And I watched her turn around and walk away, leaving me.

I forgot Eugeo was there, and I let the tears go, a continuous stream running down my cheeks.
I felt alone and lost.

Until I felt Eugeo's hand on my shoulder... for some reason it made me feel like I was no longer alone, it made me feel relief. I wiped the tears away with my sleeve, and I turned to look at Eugeo.

"Sorry about that Eugeo." I managed to say, my voice still broken because of the tears and the lump in my throat.

"You don't have to say sorry Kirito... wait have I been saying your name wrong? She said something like K-Kazuto?" Eugeo questioned, I could tell he was embarrassed and I smiled at his reaction.

"No, Eugeo, I did tell you my name was Kirito... Sorry, it's a habit of mine." I said, laughing slightly.

Eugeo made me happy, I feel like we could be really good friends... It's like I've always known him, I can tell him anything and I trust him. Eugeo laughed slightly as well.

"Should I carry on calling you Kirito? Or something else?" He questioned, scratching the back of his neck.

"Eugeo... Calling me Kirito is fine!" I laughed out, making fun of how concerned he was.
At least he was polite, I mean I haven't really had anyone else ask me if it's okay for them to call me Kirito... but I guess that's because we were all in SAO together. 

That reminded me, I know what to ask Eugeo.

"Hey Eugeo, do you play games? Like video games?" I asked, intrigued to hear his answer.
Eugeo seemed a bit shocked at the question at first, but then he laughed and looked me in the eyes.

"Of course! I mostly play in VR than with a console though." He answered.
It was good to know he played VR, that means I could see how good he is at using a sword or something similar.

"What games do you play?" I said, just as more classmates had started to appear down the corridor.

"Oh, well, my old friends and I used to play on this random server... I've never actually played a proper game that is open to the whole of Japan," Eugeo stated, laughing slightly.

"I know a game you can get, it's called Alfheim Online. Me and my friends play it together, it would be great if you could join us Eugeo." I said, I looked at him once more.

I had only just noticed that he was a few centimetres taller than me, he was also very slim. Eugeo reminded me of myself, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard an annoying voice shout my name.


It was Lisbeth... I saw her running up the corridor, she was in this class as well. She stopped right in front of me and Eugeo and was breathing heavily.

"You okay Liz?" I asked, poking her head. She smacked my hand away, making me laugh slightly.
She pouted and then shouted at me again... god she's like a mother.

"Why were you late!? Again!" She shouted.

I looked over at Eugeo, who looked a little uncomfortable. I moved in front of him slightly, in a protective sort of manner. I guess it was out of habit because of the many times I had done it to Asuna...

"I had to help someone out... Lisbeth this is Eugeo, Eugeo this is Lisbeth." I said, backing away slightly, so the two could greet. Lisbeth was very enthusiastic about meeting him, she'll probably end up having a crush on him by the end of the day.

"It's nice to meet you Eugeo! We hardly ever get new students here," She exclaimed.

Eugeo however, was not at all comfortable. He was very shy, and he didn't even say anything. I could see him moving towards me slightly, but still maintaining slight eye contact with Liz.

"Ehhhh? You're not very lively are you Eugeo?" Lisbeth groaned slightly, slouching forward. I laughed slightly at the sight and turned around to face Eugeo. 

He wasn't this shy when he first met me, so what's the difference with Lisbeth?

The class was now being let in, and I started to walk forwards, Eugeo close behind.

 I would usually sit next to Liz in this class but today I'm sitting with Eugeo. Me being his only friend so far. I decided to ask him why he was acting so strange.

"Hey, Eugeo... why were you so shy around Liz? But not shy around me?" I whispered while smiling. 

I didn't want to force him to tell me everything... but he was willing to tell me almost everything I asked.

"I'm not very good around girls." He laughed out.

Damn, he had a nice laugh.

Wait. No.

"Oohhh, so are you good around your girlfriend? If you have one?" I asked, the words just fell out. I was probably being so rude... hopefully Eugeo doesn't dislike me for the way I'm acting.

"Eh, I don't have a girlfriend Kirito." Eugeo laughed out slightly, I was about to reply but then he said something else. "I uh, I don't want a girlfriend." He mumbled out.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, I was interested as to what he was trying to tell me.
He turned his head away from me, looking at the table we were leaning on.

"Well, I don't really l-like girls." He whispered out, he was obviously very embarrassed.
I felt a wave of hope... Eugeo trusted me and was willing to tell me these personal things. I think Eugeo is one of the closest friends I've ever had, and we've only just met!

"So, you like guys?" I asked, my voice was quiet, as I don't think Eugeo wants anyone to know. I don't blame him- people these days never accept differences.

I noticed that Eugeo wasn't speaking, instead, I saw him nod slowly, I smiled at his bravery.

Eugeo was gay.


With you [ Kirito x Eugeo ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang