Chapter 11

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Eugeo's POV

It had been a week since I told Kirito everything about me, it felt good to have him finally know. I had also discovered a lot about myself in this short time, and all about my feelings... towards Kirito.
I truly did love him, everything about him was so perfect, from his looks, to his goofy personality... I just want him so bad and I know that having him as a friend was just a lucky find. But I know Kirito is not interested in me that way, not in the slightest... he used to have a girlfriend, Asuna, and all the girls love him, so there's no doubt he's straight.
I was in my bedroom right now, it was about five in the morning and it was a Saturday. I had recently been getting less sleep and been waking up too early, I had no energy to do anything today... However I still had something to do, Kirito had invited me out with him for a walk around the town and park. I couldn't turn down an offer to be with him.
I sat up, looking around my room which was no longer tidy. The clothes had began to pile up again and schoolwork was scattered across the floor. I had better tidy this up in case Kirito decides to stay here later... I moved over to the other side of my room and picked up my phone, as it was so early in the morning I wasn't expecting any messages. I scrolled through my phone and checked my social media for a little bit, then got to my work of tidying my room.

- Timeskip to lunchtime (7 hours later) -

I looked around the room, admiring my work. Kirito will be over soon to pick me up, so I decided to change into some clean clothes. I went downstairs to see my mum on the sofa reading a book... she was always so busy doing something, it sometimes feels like I live here alone.
There was a knock on the door, it must be Kirito already!
I walked towards it and reached towards the handle, opening it quickly I looked to see who was there. It was Kirito! He was wearing a black long sleeved T-shirt and black jeans, as well as some black boots. I couldn't help but laugh at his attire, he really did like the colour black. I feel it's a shame he only really wears that colour though, a different colour would really compliment his hair and eyes...
"Nice to see you Eugeo! Are you ready to go out?" He said, his voice happier than normal.
"Let me just get my bag, you can wait inside if you want." I answered, moving out the way and opening the door for him. He walked inside slowly, and closed the door behind him. I walked over to the hook that had my bag, and I quickly picked it up. It contained my wallet and phone, since Kirito was always broke...
I put it on my back then returned to Kirito, he was eager to go.
"Come on Eugeo!" He basically shouted, bouncing up and down slightly.
"I'm coming, I'm coming... Jeez what's got you so excited?" I said, laughing slightly. He just gave me a grin and we walked out of the house, I left a note on front of the door to notify my mum that I'd left.
Kirito was slightly ahead of me, and I could tell he didn't ask me to come out here for no reason. I walked a little faster, and was now next to him.
"Okay... what have you done?" I finally said, trying to figure out what he had planned.
"Eugeo! Just wait... you'll see." He said, sounding childlike. I sweat dropped and just continued following him.
He lead me to a small park, there were children running around playing in the grass and in the trees, families were scattered here and there enjoying picnics even in the cold weather. What got me the most was the fact this place was couple central... there seemed to be no people who were just friends, I blushed at the thought of being here with Kirito as a couple, then quickly got the thought out of my head.
We walked over to a bench, which was underneath a tree and there were only a few people around this area. Kirito sighed and then looked over at me smiling.
"Eugeo, I just wanted to give you something." He said. My heart beat increased, thoughts flooded my mind, not all were appropriate, but I was curious as to what Kirito was going on about.
"What is it Kirito?" I replied, only looking into his eyes. He seemed to hesitate for a second, then he started getting something out of his bag. After a few seconds of ruffling, he pulled out a small box.
"Listen, I think of you as my closest friend, so what did I do? The most cliché best friend thing a person could do!" Kirito said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. I nodded slowly, and Kirito handed me the box.
I opened it carefully, my eyes widened as I saw the beautiful gift inside. It was a necklace... a blue rose... I wonder where he got the idea from?
The necklace was a silver chain, and the pendant was a small rose with silver leaves hanging on separate hoops, I turned it over and saw a small engraving on the back. It read 'Stay Cool.' I had never heard the phrase before, but I knew straight away that it was meaningful.
I looked back up at Kirito, who was scratching the back of his neck nervously.
"I didn't know if you liked jewellery or not..." He said.
I noticed that tears had started to fall down my cheeks, Kirito was quick to wipe them away for me.
"K-kirito... it's beautiful. How much did this cost you?" I asked, worried about whether he spent too much on me.
"Hey, now that doesn't matter...! I'm glad you like it though." He said, poking me in the rib. I couldn't help but laugh, I was pretty ticklish around there.
"You really are amazing Kirito." I sighed, and attempted at putting the necklace on.
After failing miserably, I looked up at Kirito who seemed to be waiting for me to ask. He just laughed and started to help me, I gave him the chain and he leaned forward. Our faces were extremely close, he didn't even bother standing up to try putting the necklace on from the back. It's as if he purposely got close to me... No don't think like that! He doesn't like you!
Kirito has finished with the necklace, but lingered slightly by my face. I felt myself heat up, the urge to kiss him was extremely hard to keep down...
He pulled away fully, and I noticed that there was also blush present on his face.

I smiled my first genuine smile.


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