Chapter 19

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Kirito's POV

I woke up to Eugeo in my arms, his bare skin pressed up against mine. I recalled the events of last night, and looked under the duvet. Eugeo must have cleaned everything up before we fell asleep, and he put his boxers back on, leaving me without any...
I didn't care, and pulled Eugeo closer to me, his soft hair tickled at my face. I lifted a hand up to his face, moving a strand of hair out of his closed eyes. I admired his beauty, Eugeo was his most peaceful when sleeping.
My eyes traveled down to his torso, where scars littered his pale skin. There were marks from where I had sucked and nibbled, scattered all over his collarbones, neck and chest. I was proud of my work, and had clearly shown that Eugeo was mine and no one else's.
I felt him move a little, and could tell he was waking up. I saw his eyes open up, the natural sheen seemed to brighten when he saw me looking back at him.
"Morning sleepyhead..." I whispered, smiling towards him. He moved towards me a little more, his head now pressed up against my chest.
"Good morning..." He said, drowsiness still prominent in his voice. I blushed and realised I was still completely naked, but I wrapped my arms around him nonetheless, only caring about the boy in front of me.
The sun had started to shine through the gap in the curtains, causing me to close my eyes a little. I didn't want to get up just yet, being here with Eugeo was enough to satisfy me.
Wait, we'd been asleep for a long time... let's see, we got here at about 12pm yesterday, we must of been in the bedroom for about four hours... and slept to the next day!
Well at least it was spent with my beloved Eugeo...
I heard a shout from downstairs, meaning that my sister had let herself in, most likely to clean up the house. I hate how she did that, I always felt like it was my fault, but she always offered and said it was okay.
I slowly sat up, Eugeo still holding onto me. I carefully pulled him off and kissed his forehead, I'd let him rest a little longer.
I got some clothes on and went downstairs, I was right, Sugu was sitting on the sofa playing games, and the house was tidy.
"Morning brother!" She said, not taking her eyes off what she was doing.
"Morning..." I replied, looking around the now tidy house. She really did a good job, I just wish I was able to help sometimes.
"Is someone visiting by the way? I saw shoes near the doorway." Sugu said, a hint of tease in her voice.
"Y-yeah... it's Eugeo." I said, blushing slightly.
She still didn't know I was dating him, but I figured someone would have told her by now.
"Did he stay the night?" She asked, no longer caring.
"Well... yeah..." I stumbled over my words, but this made it obvious that I was hiding something.
"I know you two are dating by the way. Lisbeth told me, after school." She said, finally looking towards me.
"Oh... yeah we are. Sorry, I was going to tell you the next time I saw you..." I replied, telling the truth this time.
"I'd like to meet him you know... Lisbeth described him really well." She added, standing up and walking towards me.
I nodded, smiling.
I went into the kitchen, making myself a drink of water. I was worried about how Lisbeth described him, it sounded like she made him out to be a god. Well I guess she wouldn't be lying, but still... why do I feel jealous?
"Kirito..." I heard Eugeo say, he walked into the kitchen, still sleepy. I blushed and saw he was wearing one of my T-shirt's, the gray one which was too big for me. It made Eugeo look extremely cute and childlike, I had to stop myself squealing like a fan girl...
"Oh hi Eugeo... do you want anything?" I asked, pointing at my cup.
"I need... coffee..." He said, exaggerating his words. I started making him the coffee as Sugu walked in.
She was surprised first, but then she started laughing.
"You must be Eugeo... you know you're wearing Kazuto's T-shirt?" She said. I inwardly groaned at the sound of my real name, it sounded right when she said it, and I'm glad only Eugeo called me Kirito.
"O-Oh i didn't even realise... Nice to meet you!" Eugeo said, giving me a sideways glance.
Sugu seemed to examine Eugeo all over, noticing the marks around his neck, and taking in every last feature of his.
I'm glad I'm the only one who can see even more of him.
Eugeo walked over to me and elbowed me.
"My coffee?!" He said, laughing. I looked at him with narrowed eyes.
"Yeah alright bossy!" I remarked sarcastically, earning myself another elbow in the rib.
Sugu was still watching us, making me a bit uncomfortable. She seemed to get the message and left us alone.
"Your sister seems nice..." Eugeo said, taking a sip of his coffee.
I rolled my eyes, nudging his arm gently.
"You don't know the half of it..." I said.
I heard my phone go off, it was a text from Asuna.

Asuna ⭐️
Hey Kirito, just wondering if you and Eugeo were free today? Me and the rest of the group are going to the local swimming pool and wanted to know if you'll be tagging along?

I looked up at Eugeo, examining all his marks and scars which peaked over the top of my T-shirt.
"Hey Eugeo we were invited to a get together at the swimming pool, you up for going?" I asked.
He seemed very hesitant, and started to fiddle with his sleeve.
"W-will they judge me? If they saw what's underneath...?" He asked, I placed a hand on his shoulder.
"The only thing they'll ask about is the hickeys..." I replied, laughing slightly. Eugeo gave me a pained but soft expression, then poked me on the nose.
"Well alright then, it'll be fun..." Eugeo said, smiling at me.

- Me
Sure! We're both free, what are the times?


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