Chapter 36

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Eugeo's POV

Our lunch was peaceful, Kirito being clingy as usual. It had definitely started getting more noticeable, he never used to be this close. I admit I do like it, but Kirito has never been the sort of person to be that affectionate towards me. I don't mind it, I know Kirito loves me, we just have different ways of showing it.

This was not Kirito's way of showing he loved me. This seemed too forced, almost like he was worried about something. I didn't really want to spoil our lunch by bringing up the topic, but I don't think I'd have the courage to do it another time.

"Hey Kirito..." I started, Kirito just made a small noise to show he heard me. I looked at the boy beside me, he was snacking away on a sandwich...

I lowkey wish I was that sandwich.

"I've been meaning to ask you something... I don't wanna sound rude." I said, waiting for Kirito to fully listen to what I was going to say.

"Mhpf- It's okay, you can say anything you want." He replied, finishing his food quickly.
I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what I was going to say. It wasn't even that bad of a thing to say, I'm literally just curious and a bit worried...

"Okay... Well you've been very clingy lately. I was just wondering if there was a reason..." I mumbled, my eyes moving away from his.

"PfHahahha— Eugeo!"

Great now he's laughing.

"What did I do now?" I asked, rolling my eyes sarcastically.

"I guess you got me... there is actually a reason behind all of this." Kirito said, his voice turning into a more serious tone. I felt myself start to panic, it was really just an instinct to start panicking these days...

I knew he'd notice it straight away, as his hand was already on top of my own.

"It's nothing to worry about, Eugeo. I admit I have been trying to be more... loving towards you. I thought the only way could be to stick with you a lot more and I guess, clingy. D-did I upset you? Or make you uncomfortable?" Kirito said, I could tell he felt guilty.
I could never get uncomfortable around Kirito, and he definitely didn't make me upset. He's been pushing himself to act like this, and I don't want Kirito to do things he doesn't want to do. Did he think he wasn't loving enough?

"Kirito... I could never be upset about this, I'm just worried. What's made you start acting like this? Or was it, who made you act like this?" I asked, my voice quiet. There were a few seconds of silence, neither of us made a noise or spoke. It was in these few seconds that I started thinking about all the worst possibilities as to why Kirito was like this.
Was Asuna involved? Did she blackmail him? Is this just Kirito's way of trying to break up with me- because Asuna told him too? Did he have a medical problem? Was I too much to handle?

"Eugeo... are you listening?" Kirito said, pulling me out of my thought.

"A-ah sorry I spaced out... What did you say?" I replied, shuffling slightly.

"Okay... I've started acting like this because of the accident you had..." He said.
I was shocked, Kirito hadn't talked about my relapse before, I was a sensitive topic... so I'm guessing this was his way to try and help..?

"Kirito... but- why?" I said, tightening the grip on his hand.

"I guess in a way I feel like I'm not treating you right... you began to have doubts about me, how I would use you. After your accident it hit me- thinking all about how I never put any effort in... You're always the person who does nice things and shows affection towards me at school, the only person I've ever been around while being loving towards you is Alice. I feel like it's my fault you did that to yourself— because... I-I'm sorry..." Kirito's voice began to crack and tears streamed down his face. I could only feel sympathy...

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