Chapter 17

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Eugeo's POV

Me and Kirito have been dating for a few weeks now, I had gotten used to the flirty text messages, but they still made my heart flutter... I enjoyed being able to hold his hand, even if he was a bit hesitant in public. Negative thoughts would still swirl around my mind, but I hadn't done anything stupid.
Today, Kirito has invited me out, it was a Saturday and he said to meet me in the town at nine o'clock... so early on a day to be sleeping. I was excited though, since we hadn't been out, with just us two, for a while now. Asuna has been avoiding me since she found out, and it makes me wonder if she's jealous...
I had just walked out the door of my house, this time I was wrapped up in a thick scarf, as well as wearing a jacket. The cold air stung at my eyes, and my fingertips started losing there feeling.
I carried on walking, and was now in the town. Kirito didn't specify where abouts in the town he'd meet me so I wandered around for a while. I caught a glimpse of a figure to my right, they had black hair as well as there attire. No doubt was it Kirito, and I started walking up to him.
"Eugeo you're finally here..!" He said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm not that late..." I mumbled, pulling the scarf over my nose, and placing one of my hands into my pocket, the other was left dangling and I hoped for Kirito to take it in his.
"You look cold... we should get inside." He said, luckily for me he did grab my hand, and led me towards a small café.
He pushed open the door and I followed him in afterwards, the heat hit me like a wall and I was instantly satisfied. I squeezed Kirito's hand a little, and looked towards him.
"Is this where you planned to take me?" I asked.
"Yep! In my opinion it's the best place to get breakfast... Oh I should have asked, have you already eaten?" He said.
I didn't know whether I should tell him about how I felt sick if I ate in the morning, but I didn't want to lie to him either.
"Uhm no I haven't eaten yet... I guess eating here's okay." I replied, smiling. I might be okay, since I've been awake for some time already, my brain might think it's just early lunch...
We sat down at a table in the corner, and I got a bit of déjà vu... A waitress came and put a small menu on the table, it was the breakfast menu and there wasn't much to choose from. Especially when you're me, a picky eater...
I decided I'd have a coffee and some french toast... it was also the cheapest.
We ordered our food, and sat in a comfortable silence for some time.
"Hey Eugeo, you mind if I ask you something?" Kirito said, breaking the silence.
"Of course, what is it?" I replied, resting my head on my hand.
"I'm just going to be straightforward but, are you a virgin?" He whispered.
My face went bright red and I looked away quickly. Why would he ask that? I wonder what he's planning...
"Well, y-yeah..." I said, my voice quiet. Kirito just nodded, and our drinks have been placed on the table. I took a long sip of the coffee, attempting to hide my blush behind the cup. Kirito could be so confident at some times, I really wish I knew how he did it.
Our food had finally arrived, I saw that Kirito had ordered pancakes which were overly decorated with sweet fruits and chocolate. He was clearly still a child at heart, and I couldn't believe I was thinking that after what he just said about me being a virgin.
I slowly ate the bland toast which sat in front of me, swallowing every piece while trying not to gag. This was the first time in ages since I've eaten in the morning, I didn't know if I could ever do it again, but when I was with Kirito it felt a little different. Kirito encouraged me to do this, even though it wasn't really the best, I still appreciate him a lot...
"That looks pretty boring Eugeo." Kirito remarked, shoving another forkful of food into his mouth.
"It's fine Kirito, plus yours just looks too sweet." I replied, raising my eyebrows slightly.
"Tsk, mines amazing thank you very much!" He exclaimed, I laughed at his odd reaction.
This boy was so sweet, I still had doubts that he didn't love me as much as I loved him, but he seemed to be happy with the way things were going so far.
I couldn't help but admire him for a little while, taking in every one of his features. My eyes landed on his lips, we hadn't had a proper kiss since the one in the park. I wanted to change that, but I had to wait a little longer.
I closed my eyes, resting on my hand once again.
"Are you okay Eugeo? You look tired..." Kirito said, still eating his food. I sighed and took a forkful of my own into my mouth, gagging slightly.
"I'm okay, but honestly? I don't usually eat in the mornings, the last time I did was when you stayed over that one time..." I said, revealing the truth finally.
"Oh I see, I get what you mean. If you can't eat any more I'll have it! I didn't have dinner last night so I'm super hungry~" He said, pointing towards my plate. There was still a whole slice left, I had only managed to eat one and even that was a struggle. I looked at Kirito's now empty plate.
"If you want to then it's all yours." I mumbled, swapping our plate around.
I took another sip of my coffee, watching Kirito eat the food happily.

- Timeskip to after they've finished -

We left the cafe, no longer in the comfortable warmth. Kirito's hand was back, interlocking with my own, and we walked peacefully down the road.
"Hey Eugeo..." Kirito said, squeezing my hand slightly.
I saw a hint of blush on his face and got a little curious.
"What's up?" I replied, my voice gentle.
Kirito looked away from me, scratching the back of his neck.
"Do you... want to go to my house?" He said, his voice was hushed but was still confident.
I blushed and thought of the most inappropriate of things... did I really want to go to his house? I have a feeling of what might happen... then again, I've never been too his house before and it could just be one of those 'first time visiting' sort of things.
I looked towards Kirito, smiling.

"Sure, sounds great!" I exclaimed, squeezing Kirito's hand comfortingly.

Wish me luck..!


A/N The smut chapter is next... do you have anything else you'd like to see in this book by the way? I'm running low on ideas and if I want to make it 30 chapters long I'll need inspiration, if you have any ideas either leave a comment here or message me!
Happy reading :)

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