Chapter 13

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Kirito's POV

It was three in the morning.
I had to get up for school in four hours, but I just wasn't sleeping. It was too much of an eventful day to get to sleep properly, and I just couldn't stop thinking.
I had never thought of myself as the type of person to like boys... but, kissing Eugeo has made me think In so many different ways.
The way his lips felt against mine, and the way he looked when he was flustered...
I felt myself heat up, my mind going places they shouldn't.
I felt bad for Eugeo though, after we had kissed he ran away, I'm pretty anxious to see him at school today... however also excited, I'm hoping to tell Eugeo how I feel and the fact that loving him is such a natural feeling.
This is very different from when I loved Asuna, she didn't give me the rush that I feel now with Eugeo. I never adored her flustered face, or did I crave her touch all the time, but I do for Eugeo.
I closed my eyes, thinking once again about how I could approach Eugeo at school... if I just act normal, hopefully I'll be able to tell him.

- Timeskip to the morning (7am) -

I awoke to my alarm, with only four hours of sleep, it was particularly annoying to hear it go off. I sat up, looking out the window, the sun hadn't come up yet which showed that winter was now here.
Slowly I got out of bed, pulling on my school uniform which was folded neatly at the bottom of the bed. I sighed and walked over to my mirror, examining my face for a few minutes.
My eyes landed on my lips, I reached a finger up and gently brushed over them, I blushed as I thought back to the kiss with Eugeo.
Today was going to be a challenge.
I left my bedroom, and got my school bag ready, I decided to skip breakfast and brush my teeth instead.
I got out of the house quickly, starting my walk to the bus stop where I usually meet Eugeo.
I shivered and realised I should have bought some kind of jacket with me on a day like this, the grass was frosty and I could see my breath.
It was definitely winter; and I'm going to get a cold.
I glanced upwards, the bus stop was now in view. I looked around to see if Eugeo was walking from his house, he usually walked from the right and was always early. But today was different, I was here first instead of him. I hope he wasn't skiving because of what happened yesterday... if he was, I'm going to go round his house later and talk to him.
The bus had just pulled up and Eugeo still hadn't arrived, I walked forwards and made my way to the seat at the back of the bus. Me and Eugeo usually sat together but today I was on my own, and I hoped that a random stranger wouldn't sit next to me...

- At school -

Waiting at the gates was Lisbeth and Silica, I greeted them with a wave and we walked into the school together.
"Hey where's Eugeo?" Silica asked.
I hesitated, but then smiled.
"I think he's sick..." I replied, Lisbeth groaned.
"You know... don't tell him, but Eugeo is really cute..." Lisbeth exclaimed, putting a hand on her cheek. I laughed slightly, then decided to ruin her fantasy.
"Sorry to break it to you Lisbeth, but Eugeo is gay." I stated, feeling a kind of relief. I didn't want Lisbeth to get the wrong idea, so telling her that he was gay seemed to be the only solution.
I just didn't expect her to start wailing...
Me and Silica ended up laughing at the unseemly sight, and we continued our walk into school.
"Wait a minute... if Eugeo's gay, then... Aren't you afraid he has feelings for you?" Silica said, the question clearly directed at me.
I put a hand behind my neck, laughing slightly.
"W-well me and Eugeo are only friends..." I said, fighting the urge to add the words 'for now' to the end of my sentence.
"He seems pretty fond of you though." Lisbeth exclaimed, still a bit weary from all her wailing. I just shook my head, hiding the blush that was painted on my face.
We parted ways as we went to our separate classes, I had maths... usually I would mess around with Eugeo all lesson but today I actually had to do work, I inwardly groaned and got on with my boring day.

- Timeskip after school -

I walked swiftly down the road towards Eugeo's house. I didn't bother sending him a text, since he didn't send one to me this morning. I had the right to be worried about him, so I'm just going to knock on his door and barge in.
Okay maybe not barge in...
I had now reached his house, the flowers, which once beautifully decorated the garden, were now wilted and brown, no life remained in them.
I knocked on the door three times, waiting patiently as I heard a bit of commotion on the other side of the door. It opened and I was greeted by Eugeo's mum.
"Kirito? How can I help you?" She said, usually she would let me in straight away because I always came for the same reason. To see Eugeo.
"I was just wondering if I could see Eugeo...?" I said, trying to look past the door. I couldn't see Eugeo anywhere, was he even home?
"Eugeo? Oh uhm he went out somewhere only a few minutes ago..." She mumbled, her voice quivering slightly.
"Then who were you just talking too?" I replied, confused about this whole situation. I heard a small laugh come from inside the house, followed by Eugeo's mum opening the door a little more.
"Wow Kirito... You care too much..." I heard a voice say, it was Eugeo's.
I was let into the house and Eugeo was standing in front of me, he looked very cute right now... he was still in his pyjamas, which was just a long sleeved black top and blue, soft looking, trousers. He still had a slight bed head and his eyes where droopy.
"You look like you didn't sleep much Kirito..." Eugeo whispered, smiling faintly. I just laughed, and then looked down at the floor.
We weren't acting very different, I still needed to tell Eugeo how I felt, but I couldn't when his mum was still here.
"Hey Eugeo... can I talk to you? In private...?" I said, my voice was quiet. Eugeo just nodded and started leading me upstairs, this was it, I'm about to tell him everything.

Even if it was quite obvious...


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