Chapter 26

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Kirito's POV

I sat in the ambulance beside Eugeo's still body, it was quiet. I wanted to hear his voice, his laugh. I want to see his smile.
But something got in the way, and I need to find out why Eugeo did this to himself.
My phone went off, I didn't want to check it, but I felt it would be a distraction.

- Asuna ⭐️
I need to see you.

I stared at the message plainly, I really didn't have time for Asuna's nonsense right now. Recently she had been very obsessive, asking me to do things with her and talking to me all the time. It didn't make sense since we had broken up ages ago, and I was over her, I loved Eugeo...

- Me
Stop, I've had enough of you trying to get into my life again. This friendship is messing with my relationship with Eugeo.

She replied quickly.

- Asuna ⭐️
I still love you Kirito...

There it was, I was expecting it. I knew something was going on, but when I read her message I didn't feel anything. In fact it made me feel worse about her, she just won't let me live my own life.
I think back to when Eugeo messages me, how his texts make my heart flutter... Asuna's don't do that.

- Me
We broke up!! I can't talk to you right now, Eugeo's in danger and you're just a stupid distraction!!

- Asuna ⭐️
Eugeo's in danger?

I left her on read.

She didn't need to know anything, it wasn't her life, she didn't care about mine and Eugeo's relationship. All she wanted was to get back with me, and I won't let that happen.

The vehicle stopped and the doctors immediately started rushing to get Eugeo inside. I stood out of the way but followed him protectively, I didn't realise I had been crying the whole time.
I was stopped by one of the nurses.
"You can't go any further. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait here." She said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her, averting my eyes from Eugeo who was still lying completely still on the bed thing.
"B-but... but I have to-" I whimpered out, not even finishing my sentence. She quietly lead me to a seat and I sat down, she left me to think. But all I could think about was what happened to Eugeo... I can't help but feel a little responsable.
"Kirito? Is that you?" I heard someone say, I looked to my right and saw Klein standing at the medicine counter. I felt more tears fall down my face as Klein ran over.
"Kirito, what's happened?" He said frantically, he looked around and seemed to realise Eugeo wasn't there.
"Klein... I-I don't know what's going on!" I stuttered out, looking down at the ground. I didn't even wonder why Klein was here, I'll be sure to ask him when I know Eugeo is okay.
"Hey, buddy, it's okay. Talk to me." Klein said while sitting down next to me. I wondered if Eugeo would mind me telling him about his condition...
"It's Eugeo..." I said, Klein immediately put his arm around me in a supportive way. It only made me miss Eugeo, and how he'd always squeeze my hand when he's nervous, or how he'd hide his face when we hugged...
"Take your time Kirito..." Klein said, rubbing my back slightly.
"He uhm... he hurt himself again..." I whispered, looking down even more. My hair was covering my eyes, and the tears fell onto the floor.
"You mean..." He started. I stopped him saying any more by nodding. "Kirito. Eugeo is a strong boy, I feel like this isn't the first time it's happened to him, so you need to be positive and help yourself by believing in him. I can't stay long, but I'll be a text away from helping you." Klein said, tightening his grip on my arm before moving away from me, I heard his footsteps echo down the hall until they finally stopped and he was gone.

"Mr. Kirigaya, correct?" I heard a nurse say from behind me, I looked up quickly expecting to hear bad news. I nodded towards her, curios to how she knew my name.
"Eugeo-Kun is awake, but before you go in I'll need to know his mothers phone number. Unless your a brother of his?" She said.
They never think about if we're in a relationship do they? These damn nurses... but Eugeo was awake.
He's okay!
"I'm uhm- I'm his boyfriend, miss." I said, tears still falling.

"Oh. Sorry! I can tell you then... let's see, ah..." She said, there was a moments silence as she looked through her papers.
"Eugeo lost a significant amount of blood, there is also the possibility of infection... we also found out he had a history with hospital care, and checked up on his respiratory system. There is still a high risk that a disease like that can worsen but Eugeo is currently stable. Eugeo is also underweight, this will interrupt with his recovery process and he's been hooked up on fluids to gain weight." The Nurse said, speaking plainly. The amount of things that could have gone wrong, and somehow Eugeo found a way to get around those obstacles.
"C-can I see him?" I asked, eager to find out what happened to Eugeo and to give him the biggest hug ever...
"Of course. However, I must warn you. Eugeo is in a weak state of mind, there is the small possibility that he won't remember certain things because of the traumatic experience." She said, I tensed up. What if Eugeo didn't remember what happened? What if he didn't remember... me?
I walked into the room, the air was thick with stress, the doctors had been working hard and I'm thankful they were able to save Eugeo... I stopped walking, a curtain separating me the bed which Eugeo was in. I had a sudden sense of déjà vu...
I opened the curtain, and I saw Eugeo lying on the bed looking out the window. Tears immediately started to spill, and I walked forwards slowly.
"K-kirito..." Eugeo whispered when he saw me, it hurt my heart to hear him say my name so solemnly. At least he remembered me.
I walked closer, now standing right beside the bed, I couldn't say anything. There were so many emotions running through my mind that I couldn't fully appreciate having this boy with me again... I looked at his body, tubes were connected to his arms as well as bandages and stitches... I wasn't sure if the doctors knew about his back or not.
"Kirito... say something." I heard Eugeo whimper out, tear marks now ran down his face.
I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around him gently.

"Eugeo... Eugeo..." I cried out silently, I had to stop myself from squeezing him tightly. I couldn't let go, I felt that if I did he might leave me...
I felt Eugeo's hand rest on the top of my head, and started playing with my hair, I missed this. But I do need to find out what happened, that was the second most important part.
I heard my phone go off, someone was sending me lots of messages probably because Asuna told the others Eugeo was in danger and everyone thought the worst. Even if it was the worst thing to ever happen...

Eugeo's here now.


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