Chapter 32

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Smut warning lol ;D
Eugeo's POV

I'm pretty sure I know what's going to happen. Although I'm getting mixed signals, I dont know if Kirito wants to do it or not. And I'm defiantly not asking, that'll be awkward... I can't just go up to him and say 'Lets have sex!' those words could never come out my mouth!
We were sitting on the bed right now, both just on our phones, I didn't plan this very well and probably should have gone home. I didn't have any sleep wear, and I didn't have a toothbrush... I'd have to improvise somehow. It was also really hot, one reason being because the heating was on, and secondly because I was silently panicking. The sweat would soon be visible if I wasn't carful, so I had to take trips to the bathroom every so often, the cold water was the only thing keeping me alive right now.
"Hey Kirito..." I said, looking up from my phone. I don't know what I was going to ask him, to be honest I just wanted to hear his voice.

"Yeah?" Kirito replied, still looking at his phone. I sighed, unsatisfied by the way he didn't even make eye contact with me.

"Are you listening?" I asked, maybe a bit curiously. I mean if he wasn't properly listening I could ask him if he wanted to have sex, and if he was listening I could play it off as a joke. Would that work though? I don't know, worth a shot I guess...
He didn't reply, I could have missed him nodding, but I doubt that. Kirito was very busy on his phone doing god knows what, so this was my chance to ask... weird really, I never thought I'd be saying such a thing.

"Do you want to have sex?" I blurted out, examining his face for a reaction.

"Yeah." He replied.

I felt myself blush, not knowing he had heard what I said. He didn't even react! This is so unfair, it's like he knew all along! I just sat there, staring at him, I wasn't impressed at all. He didn't even look at me!

"You just gonna stare Eugeo? Or do I have to make the first move?" Kirito said, still tapping away at his phone. I could tell he was just teasing now.
I looked away, my face still blushing red, I can't go back now. Who knew it was that easy? God Kirito...
I decided to stop the awkwardness, and stood up, quickly walking to the bathroom. Kirito still wouldn't look up, and I really wanted to know how he kept a straight face through that whole conversation.
I looked at the mirror, finally letting my scowl disappear into a more relaxed face.

But then I almost started squealing- or- fangirling.

Firstly because I had never said such a thing, and secondly because Kirito was such a tease! How could he be so straightforward and embarrass me like that?!
I closed my eyes and smacked myself in the face. I have to snap out of this, and should get ready too... I walked over to a draw, where I knew there were some products I could use.

Ah shit, here we go again.

- Timeskip, Eugeo is back in the room and is feeling like a snacc -

Oh god oh god oh god.
What am I doing? I'm not supposed to be like this! What's got into me?!

Currently, I am sitting next to Kirito yet again, and I really really just want to have sex! Like can he not tell? Is he oblivious? And what the hell is he doing on his phone which is so interesting?!

"Kirito, I need to borrow like a T-shirt... I didn't bring anything." I said, trying to distract myself from the thoughts going through my mind.

"Second draw down, pick any one of them. I don't mind you getting changed in her either..." He said, still looking at his phone.
Honestly I feel attention deprived, and maybe a little jealous of the phone. At least that stupid phone has a hand on it, I don't!

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