Chapter 28

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Eugeo's POV

I hated it here. The plain walls just made me feel dull, and the uncomfortable bed was just, well, uncomfortable.
The only thing that really cheered me up was Kirito being here, and when he found out what happened he was a lot calmer than I expected. He was quiet, staring off into his own world, it made me a bit nervous, what if he was starting to believe the things I said? If he was having second thought about our relationship..?
"Eugeo, if something happens like this again you'll need to be sent into a special hospital. But for now we will be getting you a therapist, you'll have to visit them every week until you feel ready to get on with life like normal." Finished the doctor. Hearing the words 'special hospital' was just another way to say the psych ward. I never wanted to go back there again, I felt normal and going there just made people feel worse, the whole building is negative and the doctors don't even care...
"I understand, I'd rather not go to the psych ward again." I said, accidentally mentioning the fact people nowadays called it a psych ward instead of 'special hospital'... seriously no one calls it that.
The doctor just nodded, and went to what I'm guessing was the medicine ward to get me some prescriptions.
"Are you okay Eugeo?" Kirito said, now out of his trance.
"Y-Yeah... I'm a lot better knowing I can leave soon." I replied, looking down at our hands which were still holding one another.
Having Kirito with me this whole time seemed to boost my confidence, all the doubts I had about him using me still lingered in my mind, but I tried my best to push them away.
"Eugeo... you know I'd never do those kind of things, right?" Kirito whispered out, tightening the grip on my hand. My heart fluttered in my chest, the concern Kirito felt towards me was comforting and I knew I could trust him.
I felt guilty though, for thinking he'd do those sort of things, I even ended up hurting myself over it. I knew mine and Kirito's bond was, undoubtedly, a lot stronger than I think it is. Kirito would do a lot for me, and I'd do a lot for him.

"I know Kirito... it's just the words got too much... by the way I don't want to shock you or anything, but I'm sure that the person who did this was Asuna... it sounded just like her and I wish I knew for sure but I don't..." I said, leaning my head onto his shoulder. I felt him tense up after I mentioned Asuna's name. Sometimes, I did wonder if Kirito still got feelings towards Asuna, and those thoughts messed with my head leading me to negative actions. All it took was for her to actually say something, and it tipped me over the edge. I ended up doing something I regret...
"A-asuna? Are you sure?!" He said, placing his other hand onto my upper arm. I looked up at him, his face was unreadable but I saw anger in his eyes, I didn't want him to do anything stupid.
"No I'm not sure, I just thought it sounded..." I mumbled, trying to end the conversation as quick as possible.

"Eugeo there is the possibility it was her... last night she messaged me, and told me she still loved me and wanted to see me. I told her I didn't want anything to do with her... I think she knew what was going to happen, she linked the scars she saw at the pool to this relationship. Trying to find a way for you to hurt yourself and win me back... Eugeo, I want you to fully understand that I only love you. Everything about you I just love, you make my heart warm, Asuna doesn't do that. Remember that this is all her trying out tricks, never hurt yourself over this again... please Eugeo." Kirito said, his voice quivering at the end. Tears eventually fell down his cheeks, I could tell he wanted to say this from the first time he found out what happened.
I moved a hand to the side of his face, wiping away tears that remained there.
I decided to be the dominant one right now, and pulled him towards me.
The blush that I saw appear on his face made me smile, and I closed the gap, feeling his soft lips pressed against mine.
When we pulled away, I kept our foreheads pressed against one another.
"I know Kirito, I am guilty about what I've done, I wish I never did it. Next time if something goes wrong I'll message you, talk to you, instead... hopefully that isn't a hassle." I replied, wiping more of Kirito's tears away.
"Y-yeah... please do that Eugeo, I can't handle seeing you like this." He said, closing his eyes. I pulled him into a tight hug, ignoring the pain I felt up my back and on my arms. Being this close to Kirito was what I needed right now...

- Timeskip (Eugeo has been discharged!!) -

We walked out of then hospital hand in hand, I didn't expect to see people waiting for us.
There in front of the hospital was the whole group, Kirito must have told his sister where he was and word just spread.
Lisbeth was the first person to notice us, and immediately came running over, the rest of the group followed shortly.
"Kirito, Eugeo! How are you?" She said, placing both her hands on her  hips.
"W-we're okay..." I replied, looking over at Kirito who was smiling sweetly at his friends.
I saw Asuna at the back, she didn't look as concerned as the others and walked over to Kirito. Her body was close to his, and as a reflex I tightened my grip on Kirito's hand.
"Oh Eugeo! I was so worried! After Kirito told me you were in danger I couldn't believe it..." Asuna said, exaggerating her voice. I saw Kirito move in front of me, only slightly, but it was clearly a protective thing to do.

"Asuna... do you realise what you've done?" Kirito said.
My heartbeat started getting faster and my nerves kicked in once again.

This could end badly...


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