Chapter 15

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Eugeo's POV

I couldn't believe what had just happened.
Shortly after Kirito had left, I ran myself a bath and decided to start thinking about everything.
The hot water stung slightly, but I let it wrap around my frail body. The bubbles covered every part of me, and I pushed myself further in.
I started to think about Kirito... he really loved me? I've always wondered what gender he liked, and I guess I've finally got my answer, I think he likes both.
But why did he like me of all people?
I truly did love Kirito, everything about him is so perfect, unlike me... What makes him think I'm so special? Does he like me out of pity?
The negative thoughts couldn't be stopped and I started panicking. Why was I like this? Why can't I just be positive for once in my life? I don't want to depend on Kirito to help me though everything, it'll just make me feel like a burden.
I traced a hand over my chest, the bruise that was there no longer remained. I never told Kirito about it, he didn't really have to know, I just get bruises sometimes. Mostly around my chest, because of the respiratory disease I had, they didn't have anything wrong with them, they just appeared when I forgot to take certain medications.
I looked at the rest of my body, it was littered with scars. Most of them were given to me from my father, but there was also a majority which were self inflicted. After everything that happened in my family I feel I had the right to be depressed for some time, but I've moved now. I've got a new life and a boyfriend to look forward too... so why do I still feel like the whole world is looking down on me?
There was a knock on the door, my mum called me and said I needed to hurry up. I started to get out of the bath and pulled the plug, and dried myself off quickly.
I examined myself in the mirror, as usual, and tried to find something I liked... after meeting Kirito and everyone at school, I've started doing weird things recently. You could almost say I've been trying to get positive, the people around me always said nice things and complimented me. I really wish I could see what they saw, because I'd do anything to love myself.
I wrapped a towel around myself and opened the window, steam leaving the bathroom straight away. I took my time admiring the evening sky, the stars had already come out and there was only the pink from the clouds left to show the sun was still setting. Everything I looked at was beautiful, the leafless trees, the houses lit dimly in the night... Winter was definitely one of my favourite seasons.
Speaking of winter, as I looked out the window, snow had started to fall. The white snowflakes settled on the rooftops, the moon gently reflecting off it.
It was peaceful, and I wish Kirito was with me right now.
I reached a hand up to my neck, where the small chain necklace Kirito gave me remained. It made me feel a bit guilty, since the only thing I'd given him was lunch...
I left the bathroom smiling, my mood had altered a bit after I found out Kirito loved me, I was genuinely happier... My mum seemed to notice.
"What's got you so happy Eugeo?" She said, her voice was soothing, and I hadn't heard her speak like that in a while. I didn't know whether to tell her about Kirito or not... I think it's best I do.
"It's Kirito... He confessed that he loved me, and I love him back." I answered, still smiling.
She hesitated a bit before walking up to me and put both her hands on my shoulders.
"I never knew he liked boys... but I'm proud of you sweetie, just stay safe." She said. I blushed slightly as my mum winked at me, she always did tease me when it came to relationships... She let me be, and I started to get changed. I was now in my sleep wear, a black T-shirt and pyjama trousers, I crawled into the bed.
I don't doubt I'll sleep well tonight, the thought of Kirito just made me feel so happy. I just had to be carful, just in case I dream about something inappropriate and never be able to forgive myself...
I was just about to drift into a deep sleep, when my phone went off. Now if I was normal I probably would have left it, but I'm kinda weird and overthink small things like a text. So I went and checked it. Of course it was Kirito, checking up on me as usual.

- Kirito 🖤
Hi gOrgeoUs! Hope you're okay, sorry I had to leave quickly, my sister decided to visit.

It was a strange greeting, but still gave me butterflies...

- Me
It's okay Kirito, family is important! I was just about to go to sleep, but is there anything you wanted to talk about? x

I reluctantly added a kiss on the end of my message, Kirito seemed like the type of person who uses cringey emojis instead... what a weirdo I love him.

- Kirito 🖤
You were about to go to sleep? Ahhh sorry! There wasn't really anything I needed to bring up, just wanted to know if you were okay that's all... Will you be at school tomorrow?

- Me
Hopefully I will, you seemed to have cured my illness!!

I laughed slightly, he definitely didn't, I still felt like shit. But I will be going to school tomorrow, I needed to see him after all.

- Kirito 🖤
Haha really? I think you're lying Eugeoooo, if you don't feel well tomorrow then just stay at home. Don't worry, I'll come visit... x

My heart fluttered, Kirito was a very caring person. Oh how I've dreamed of seeing this side of him, and yet I feel it's happened too quickly...

- Me
I'll see you tomorrow Kirito...
I love you.

Telling Kirito I loved him via text was definitely new, and I don't know how I felt about it. Do I seem to needy? Too clingy?

- Kirito 🖤
We should save the 'I love you's for  when I get to see your flustered face... idiot x

Kirito texting is way more flirty than the real deal... I should convince him to, one day, flirt like this for real...

- Me
Shut up, goodnight Kirito... x

- Kirito 🖤
I love you too, idiot...

What a cutie...


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