Chapter 14

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Kirito's POV

Eugeo had just closed the door to his bedroom, I decided to make myself comfortable and sat on the bed. Eugeo slowly joined me, he looked weak and possibly a bit sick, so maybe he didn't pretend to have a day off after all.
"What's up Kirito?" He asked, voice quite. I hesitated, wondering if I should chat with him a bit before I actually told him I liked him. This could go either two ways, he might feel the same way, or he'll say that kiss was a mistake and he didn't love me... I sighed, and decided to talk with him first.
"Why weren't you in today?" I said, looking into his eyes.
I never noticed until now how lifeless they looked sometimes, it's only when he was smiling did his eyes seem to brighten up. But what if that was just an illusion?
"Oh ahaaa, I somehow got sick. Bearing that in mind, that's why I didn't want to let you in because you might catch it..." Eugeo said, looking away slightly.
I thought about all the reasons as to why he would get sick, but the only reason that came to mind was because of the kiss. I blushed at the thought and looked towards him, he seemed to have realised too since I saw blush hiding underneath his bangs.
I put a hand over my mouth and laughed slightly, catching the attention of Eugeo. Our awkwardness towards each other was new, but I guess it was able to tell me a lot. I think Eugeo likes me back, but there is only one way to be sure.
"So the reason I came here... It's about what happened yesterday." I started, looking away, suddenly having an interest in everything else but Eugeo's face...
I started panicking as thoughts of rejection whirled around my head, I know for a fact this wasn't the best thing to do, but there was no other way.
I continued.
"I uhm... I really-...I liked it...!" I stuttered out, my confidence completely disappeared in that moment. I didn't look at him, I just closed my eyes and placed my hands on top of one another. The tension between us right now was so extreme, Eugeo hadn't said anything. Was he even still here?
I opened one eye, and slowly looked over at him. He was still sat in the same position, but I could tell he was surprised. His face was flustered and he wore a small smile.
I could see an emotion in his eyes which had clearly never been there before...
I decided to open my other eye and turned my body around to face his, it was still quite. I couldn't exactly read his expression, he seemed to be a mixture of nearly every emotion there was.
"K-kirito..." He finally whispered out. "Am I dreaming or something?" Eugeo laughed out.
I felt a wave of relief, he wasn't angry or mad, I could tell he was happy.
I moved a bit closer to him and nudged his arm with my elbow, causing him so pout and rub his arm.
"That didn't hurt idiot!" I exclaimed, laughing at his weird antics. He just smiled back at me, his eyes glimmering slightly.
"I know I know... Hey Kirito?" He questioned, I nodded in response. "I liked it too..." Eugeo whispered out, looking away from me. I couldn't help but smile, the boy I had fallen for... did he love me back after all?
"That's good to know Eugeo..." I smiled at him, my face was hot with blush.
I felt Eugeo move a little closer to me, our shoulders now touching. I felt a spark at the connection, by stomach fluttered as I craved more of Eugeo's body to be touching mine...
"Does this make us, you know...boyfriends Kirito...?" I heard Eugeo whisper, seemingly still nervous.
After knowing him for approximately two months, I had gotten used to the way he acted. Eugeo was always nervous, even around me sometimes, but mostly around girls. Which you could say is weird for a gay teenager, if it were me it'd be the other way round...
I took a small breath in, thinking about how everyone would react when they found out I had a boyfriend. What worried me the most was Eugeo, he could be at threat of bullying since only our friends knew about him being gay. And that was only recently too... but knowing our group of friends word will spread quickly meaning everyone at the school will know that 'Kirito the black swordsman' has a boyfriend...
To be honest, I didn't really care about what people thought about me. But Eugeo was delicate, and I would do anything to protect him... so is excepting this okay? Is being his boyfriend really what I should do in order to protect the love of my life? Or will it make things... worse?
I looked up at the window, the grey clouds wouldn't let any sunlight into the room, and there seemed to be a bit of rain starting to fall.
I love Eugeo so much, I can't deny this offer. It's a once in a lifetime chance, and I could never say no to Eugeo.
"Eugeo... I love you a lot... I'll gladly be your boyfriend, if you'll be mine?" I said, putting Eugeo in the same position as me. He seemed a lot less hesitant and smiled brightly.
"K-kirito... I love you too... I would love to be your boyfriend..." he answered, I could see blush present on his face and his voice was still very quiet.
I smiled, finally glad that it was all over. I have told Eugeo how I felt and he felt the same way, it was almost story book!
I took this chance to get closer to him, I sunk down a little and put my head on his shoulder. Eugeo lifted up a hand, wrapping it around the back of my neck and playing with my hair. The soothing action made me fall into a light sleep.

I really love this boy.


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