Chapter 20

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Kirito's POV

Me and Eugeo arrived at the pool, late as usual but that was my fault.
I saw Eugeo shiver beside me.
"Who goes swimming in the winter anyway?" He said, wrapping his hands around himself. I moved myself closer to him, and we saw the rest of the group walking into the changing rooms.
"Hey guys! Sorry we're late..." I called out, catching there attention. The whole group was here, Asuna, Lisbeth, Silica, Klein, Agil, Sinon and somehow Sugu had appeared as well. I could already tell Klein was only here for one reason... swimsuits.
Me and Eugeo walked towards them, entering the changing room as-well. There were separate stalls, so there was no awkwardness as we all got changed into our swim wear.
After exiting, there was only one person left to come out. And it was Eugeo, he was taking particularly long.
"Hey is your boyfriend going to hurry up already? I wanna get in the water!" Silica groaned out, seemingly annoyed.
"I'll wait for him, you guys just go ahead." I answered, and watched the rest leave. I was worried for sure, but I knew he could talk to me. I walked up to the stall I knew he was in and knocked it gently.
"Hey Eugeo... you okay in there?" I said, listening carefully for a reply.
"Y-Yeah..! I'm just a little worried to be honest..." I heard him mumble. I had a feeling it was about that.
"Well are you changed?" I said.

"Yeah I am..."

"Come out and I'll see see how bad you think it is..." I finished, my head still resting on the door. I heard the lock turn, and took a step backwards.

He looked hot.

Although in someone else's eyes you could say it looked a little concerning, there were quite a lot of scars. Being in the dark, when I first saw Eugeo, most defiantly hid a lot of the scars which were not visible...
The other sight was a little more embarrassing than bad, since there were a lot of them, hickeys that is. They were prominent against his pale skin, and they were all over his top half.
"I really made a mess of you..." I sighed, smiling slightly. Eugeo laughed a little bit, and walked over to the lockers putting his stuff inside.
"I'm not really worried about the hickeys though Kirito..." He said, panic clear in his voice, I put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.
"If anyone says anything, I'll be the first person to protect you, Eugeo..." I whispered.
Eugeo was blushing, and it had been a while since I had seen him flustered over such a small thing.
"C-come on, let's go Kirito." Eugeo finally said, grabbing my hand in his. I let him pull me out, glad to see that his confidence was better.

They were shocked, clearly. I saw it on all there faces, silence filled the room for a short time and I saw Eugeo tense up. I took lead, pulling us both into the water.
"You took your time." Said Asuna, smiling at us both. Her words seemed to break the silence, and everyone continued with what they were doing.
"Yeah, Eugeo was just having trouble with the locker..." I replied, scratching the back of my neck.
I was tackled down almost instantly by Klein, who I hadn't seen in ages. The water was cold, but my body was quick to get used to it, I had to struggle for quite some time underwater until Klein released me.
"Jeez man! I haven't seen you in ages, how have you been so busy..." He said, still half holding onto me. I could see Eugeo in the corner of my eye, shivering, Lisbeth was quick to go over to him and started splashing him with water. I smiled at the sight, then turned back to the red headed boy holding me in a headlock.
"I've had a lot of school work actually Klein... and you've been to lazy to text me anyway!" I called out, Klein tightening his grip around my neck.
"I haven't seen that new boy before either... how much have I missed out on?!" Klein mumbled out, finally releasing his grip. I looked away slightly, Klein didn't even know who he was let alone the fact we're dating.
"That's Eugeo... he's my boyfriend." I said, my voice quiet.
It's not like I was scared to tell him, but I was worried about how he'd react since he was a boy and we've been friends for a long time.
"Your boyfriend? My my... I really have missed a lot. Is he nice? Treating you right and everything?" Klein questioned, I smiled at the almost fatherly tone he was giving off.
"What are you, my dad? Eugeo's amazing Klein, you have no need to worry." I laughed out.
I was pushed into the water once again, Klein really did want to kill me huh?
The tackling lasted a long time, until Agil broke us apart.
"Klein, you're supposed to be the older one here!" He laughed out, I couldn't help but laugh too.

Eugeo had walked over to me, looking a little tired. I wanted to introduce him to Klein and Agil, since they both didn't know him.
"Eugeo, you're a bit slow today huh?" I laughed out, grabbing his hand.
"Well last night kinda shook me up..." Eugeo said, maybe a little too loud. I saw Sugu looking at me mischievously, and Sinon also looked my way.
"N-not so loud Eugeo!" I whisper shouted, laughing nervously and glaring towards the ones that heard.
Klein was next to me now, his body only half way in the water, I saw the way Klein looked at Eugeo. It was almost in pity, but it was replaced quickly with a teasing kind of look.
"Hey hey, where did all those hickeys come from Kirito?" Klein said, nudging me in the arm. I looked away and groaned amusingly, Eugeo tightened his grip on my hand.
"You must be Klein! Kirito has told me about you once or twice, you play ALO right?" Eugeo said, holding out his empty hand.
"Y-Yeah, nice to meet you, uhm, Eugeo." Klein replied, shaking Eugeo's hand politely.
I sighed, relived at the fact Eugeo took control instead of Klein.
"We should all play together sometime." I added, looking at the two with pride.

Me and Eugeo spent the rest of the day together in the pool, joining some of the conversations here and there. I couldn't help but look at his body from time to time, I had to fight the urge to pull his body close to mine, and give him even more hickeys.

But I did hug him, and it was nice.

A/N I'm just wondering what time it is for you guys, cuz I publish my chapters at similar times. It's like 9-10pm I usual publish it where I am, I'm curious to know what time it is for you?

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