Chapter 2

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Kirito's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. The repetitive noise got on my nerves and I reached for my phone, quickly swiping the alarm away. It was about six-thirty in the morning, the sun had started rising about an hour ago. It was still summer after all, so my mornings will continue to be bright until autumn.

I sighed and slowly made myself sit up. My face was sore from all the tears I had shed through the night, I was also tired... I only got three hours of sleep. I just couldn't stop crying...

I reached for my uniform and started to get dressed, it was very quiet, except for the distant bird song that could be heard outside. I felt kind of excited for today, as I hadn't been to school in ages and I missed all my friends. Sure we played ALO a few times, but we didn't actually go to see each other in real life. They were all busy with family trips and so on.

I just hoped mine and Asuna's break-up wouldn't affect anything more than it already has.

I picked up my phone and put it in my trouser pocket, I then started to tidy up my bed making it look... respectable?

I left the room and made my way downstairs, my sister was preparing some breakfast and she seemed to be ready to leave the house at any time.

"Morning Sugu," I said while stretching, I walked up to her and had a look at what she was making. I couldn't help but drool slightly... the smell of fresh salmon being fried with vegetables was now the only thing I could think of.

"Good morning Kazuto... I'm guessing you're hungry?" Sugu laughed out. I just shrugged, laughing slightly, and let her continue the cooking.

I went outside and poured some water into a nearby bucket. I splashed the cool water on my face, attempting to wake me up a bit more. Feeling a bit more refreshed, I walked back into the house.

"Kazuto breakfast is ready!" I heard Sugu shout from the kitchen.

I always felt like a burden when it came to living with my sister since our mum told us that she was to do the cooking, I feel sorry for her... she always cooks for me and herself. But she must be bored of it by now...

We ate our breakfast in silence, enjoying the peace so early in the morning. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I took it out, to see I had received a text from Lisbeth.

- 1 New Text From PinkHairedWeirdo. -

Hey Kirito! It's kind of late... shouldn't you be at school?

- Read -

I looked up at the clock and saw the time. Seven-thirty?!

"Dammit! Thanks for the breakfast Sugu, but I have to go!" I quickly shouted as I grabbed my bag and sprinted out the door, I ran as fast as I could to get to the bus stop. I was hoping I hadn't missed it... 

When I eventually reached the bus stop and caught my breath, there were no other people waiting... which most likely means I've missed it...

I sighed, there's only one thing to do now... Run!

I started to sprint down the pavement, dodging people that walked to their own destinations. I was about ten minutes away, if I could run a little bit faster I can make it in six! I picked up my pace, I was now unable to concentrate, thinking only about how fast I was running and not about my surroundings.

That's when I smashed right into someone, knocking us both completely over. My face, unfortunately, crashed onto the floor, leaving a harsh graze. 

I looked to my side and saw the person I had just smashed into.

It was a boy, about my age, with flaxen blonde hair... he had amazing green eyes that seemed to sparkle with kindness. I noticed that he was also wearing a uniform, and it seemed to be the same one as mine. I had never seen him at the school before though... a new student maybe?
I pulled myself out of my thoughts and began to sit up, I looked over to my left once again, seeing the boy who had also started to sit up.

I slowly stood up, dusting my uniform of dirt. I then held a hand out to the boy on the floor, he gladly excepted it and I helped him up off the floor.

"Hey... I'm really sorry about that, I was in a rush to get to school." I apologised, bowing my head slightly. The boy looked up at me and smiled.

"That's okay! U-umm can I just ask which school you're going to?" The boy asked. I was a bit hesitant to answer his question, but I told him anyway.

"It's that one..." I puffed out, pointing to a sign that read the name of the school.
The boy acted a bit surprised then looked back at me.

"I'm really sorry to ask you this... but do you think you could take me to that school? I'm a new student and I just moved to this town... I'm kinda lost." He said, scratching the back of his neck.
I guess it all made sense now, he was a new student... he seemed like a really nice person too, I want to get to know him more.

"Sure! I guess I kind of owe you... for crashing into you..." I laughed out guiltily.

I started to walk down the path I should be running on, the boy followed closely behind and he was admiring nearly everything we walked past.

I looked over at the boy once again, trying to figure out anything else about him just by the way he looked... but nope he just looked like a regular person. 

He must have caught me staring, as he was now looking away from me awkwardly, I averted my eyes quickly and decided to break the silence.

"I never told you my name... I'm Kirito, it's nice to meet you." I said, smiling brightly. 

"N-nice to meet you as well!" He replied.

Then he added with a smile,

"I'm Eugeo!"


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