Chapter 9

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Kirito's POV

I was sitting by myself in the school cafeteria, a brown paper bag sat in front of me containing my lunch. I was waiting for a few friends, but they should have been here by now... I looked over at the lunch queue and saw Eugeo standing on his own surrounded by taller people and shorter people. I had told him I was seeing some of my other friends this lunch and he told me that he would just go to the library and finish his school work while I was gone.
I had started to get more cautious with Eugeo, but I didn't tell him. I had started to keep an eye on his body and how much he ate, Eugeo's mum told me that he had been suffering from certain problems and that there is no doubt he'll tell me about them soon.
So I decided that me and Eugeo would go to the pool every month, it might sound a bit perverted without context... but this is only because I care about him and he is defiantly an unhealthy weight.
I had been helping him according to his mum, just my attitude has made Eugeo recover faster...
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Silica, Lisbeth and Asuna arrived... Asuna has decided it was best if we carried on being friends and she still hung around with me a lot. It was very awkward, and every time I see her my heart just feels like it has broken all over again. Eugeo has helped me get over Asuna slowly, he tells me all sorts of things about how amazing I am and that I have huge potential even without Asuna by my side. Eugeo was good at that, he was nice to everyone... except himself.
"Hi Kirito!" Lisbeth basically shouted. I flinched slightly at her loud voice and shook my head.
"Morning Lisbeth... is it even still morning anymore..?" I said, mumbling my words as I looked up at the clock.
"Hey where's blonde boy?" Silica interrupted, trying to stop Lisbeth from shouting again.
I looked back over at the queue seeing Eugeo having to talk to this young boy who must have asked him a question. Eugeo was pretty good with kids or just younger teenagers...
"He's getting his lunch... but he won't be having lunch with us today, he's going to the library." I answered, proud to be the one to talk about my best friend. I turned to Lisbeth, Asuna was sat beside her, eating there lunches joyfully. I decided to open my own lunch... I never bring my own lunch in, I usually buy it, but today Eugeo had kindly made me a lunch...
I looked inside, expecting to see some sort of prank food, but I immediately started drooling.
There was some sushi, which looked to be homemade by the way, and a honey pie.
I'm guessing Eugeo has a hobby for cooking? I dug in straight away, enjoying the home-cooked meal greatly.
I earned a few weird looks from Silica, who had a huge pet peeve for people eating too loudly or quickly. I started to laugh slightly.
"Silica you look so disturbed." I said, smiling brightly.
"W-well you should eat properly Kirito!" She replied, taking a bite of her own sandwich.
I felt a light nudge on my shoulder and I looked to my right.
"Enjoying the lunch Kirito?" Was all I heard, and I knew straight away it was Eugeo.
"Eugeo... it's amazing! I've never eaten something so good..." I exclaimed, reaching a hand onto his head and ruffling his hair.
"H-hey stop! I'm glad you like it then... I better get going" He replied, removing my hand off his head carefully.
"See you after school Eugeo!" I shouted as he walked away.
"Hey Kirito, haven't you wondered why Eugeo came to this school? The one specifically for SAO survives?" Asuna suddenly said.
I was taken aback as I thought about what she said... she had a point... and I had never thought about that before.
The more I thought about it the more it didn't make sense, he can't have played SAO before because he didn't have the right headset then, let alone he probably didn't even play those games.
So why was he at this school?
"I've never asked him, in fact the thought never even crossed my mind. I'll ask him after school." I said, continuing with my lunch.

- Timeskip to after school -

I was waiting outside the school gates for Eugeo, we now walked home together everyday, enjoying each other's company in the nearing winter season.
"Hey Kirito! Sorry I'm late." Said Eugeo, who was just running towards me. I simply smiled and put my hands in my pockets, we starting to walk in the direction of Eugeo's house.
I was admiring the autumn scenery, the brown leaves were now falling off of the trees leaving them to scatter on the ground. There were piles of leaves in the park which had been built and jumped into by the children.
I then looked over at Eugeo, his greeny-blue eyes contrasted the brown leaves in the background. His hair looked a bit darker, as the sun was now setting earlier leaving a more orange hue than yellow.
Eugeo must have caught me looking at him and he elbowed me in the rib lightly.
"Kirito! Are you even listening? I was just telling you about something but you seemed to be staring into space." Eugeo laughed out, placing a hand on my shoulder.
My heart skipped a beat, the contact of Eugeo was for some reason making me feel weird... but it was also nice.
I decided to ask him the question about school.
"Hey Eugeo... I hope you don't mind me asking, but why did you go to this school? You do realise it's for SAO survivors only, so how did you get in?" I asked, trying to sound as calm as possible. I saw Eugeo flinch, but then he smiled towards me.
"I was waiting for you to ask." He took a breath in. "I trust you so I don't think I'll have a problem telling you." Eugeo said, waiting for me to confirm that I wanted to hear.
"What's said between us, stays between us." I replied, flicking his arm. He smiled then looked away from me.

"I-I was hospitalised, and was in a coma for two years."


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