Chapter 16

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Eugeo's POV

I woke up to the sun flooding into my room, I forgot to close the curtains again... I sat up, letting my eyes adjust to the rising sun. It was a beautiful sight, and it made the white walls look a little orange and more warm.
I pushed myself off the bed and walked over to the window, snow from the night had settled but there wasn't enough of it for school to be closed. I stayed looking out the window a little longer, I saw people from other schools already leaving there houses, and adults leaving for work. The town was awake and returned to its normal state, the peace had left and everything looked busy, I needed to get ready too.
I quickly got dressed and put my phone into my school bag, I went into the bathroom next and sorted myself out. I had an extreme case of bed head, I combed it out, leaving my hair a bit fluffier than usual.
After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I went downstairs to have some coffee. Usually I didn't eat breakfast, since it made me feel sick all day, my mum hated me not eating in the morning. But she let it swing for today...

- Timeskip to school -

I walked into the school gates alone, I was later than I thought. But I continued to walk and didn't rush myself, I was still thinking about everything. I didn't know whether Kirito would want to tell people about us, or if he would be too embarrassed...
I was looking down, so it wasn't really a shock when I bumped into someone, but that someone decided to wrap there arms around me into a tight hug.
"I told you not to come in today if you weren't feeling up to it!" He said, it was Kirito, waiting at the door with Lisbeth.
"I just woke up late that's all..." I replied, still enjoying the warmth of his body so close to mine. I decided not to say anything about how me and Kirito were boyfriends, not until I talked to him about it.
"Why did you wake up late? Was it because I kept you up last night?" Kirito replied. I heard Lisbeth snort out a laugh, and I blushed slightly. She took that the wrong way...
I shook my head, thinking about why I had actually woken up late. I forgot set my alarm? No it defiantly went off, didn't it? Ahh I can't remember...
"I can't remember, but don't worry. You didn't even text me for that long last night." I said, looking over at Lisbeth so she got the message.
Kirito let go of me, hands on shoulders. I couldn't help but lose myself in his eyes, they were just so beautiful. But really, everything about him was...
"Come on love birds we have classes to get to, and I'm not gonna be late because of Eugeo!" Lisbeth exclaimed. I blushed and followed the two inside, I feel like Lisbeth knows... but I can't be sure.

- Timeskip to lunch - (Sorry I'm lazy xD)

I usually met Kirito in the hall for lunch, but today he's told me to wait outside, on the field. It was cold, and I had forgot to bring a scarf or a coat. There was still snow on the ground, and the sky told me there was probably more to come.
"Hey Eugeo! Over here!"
I looked to my right, it was Kirito, as well as Silica and Lisbeth. I felt a wave of selfishness, and wished that the two girls wouldn't have been here. But I smiled anyway, and walked up to the three.
"So what have you made me wait out here for; in the cold?!" I said, pointing a finger towards Kirito. He just laughed in response, and took my hand in his.
He quickly turned me around, away from Silica and Lisbeth.
"I kinda didn't know these two would tag along... but this gives us a chance to tell them about us. Do you want to do that?" Kirito whispered into my ear, I blushed and thought about if I wanted them to know. I looked towards Kirito, he looked determined but a smile still rested on his face.
"Okay Kirito..." I mumbled back, trying to stop my voice quivering out of nervousness.
With that, Kirito held my hand a little tighter pulling me back towards the others. It looked like Silica had already figured it out...

- Flashback -

"You promise not to tell him?" I said, my voice breaking slightly.
"I promise, now what is it?" Silica said.
I had just pulled her away from the group, and I decided that she was the person I trusted the most with my secret. I was thinking about telling her I liked Kirito...
"It's just that I... I think I l-like Kirito... in that way." I said.
Silica didn't at all look fazed, she just nodded.
"Is that it?" She sighed
I nodded.
"I think I already knew that Eugeo!" Silica exclaimed. I blushed slightly, and looked away, but the direction I looked in was where Kirito stood with the others, making me blush more.
"How did you know..?" I said, mildly curious.
"It's a bit obvious, you two are always so close! Plus you're always blushing..." She laughed out. I just looked at her plainly, but couldn't help laughing back a little.
This was fine.

- End of flashback-

"This is kinda important Eugeo, so if you could not disappear in your thoughts for two minutes...!" Kirito said, flicking my head.
"S-Sorry!" I said quickly, looking at the ground. Kirito's hand was still in mine, and I felt him rub my thumb reassuringly.
"We have something to tell you guys." He started.
The fear kicked in, and my heart rate increased. My breathing was a little uneven, and I closed my eyes. This was it, it's happening now, the thing I was scared of most is Lisbeth... I knew she liked me, it's the same look I get from her that I used to get from Alice...
No words were said while I was panicking, almost as if Kirito knew. I looked at him again, concern was visible on his face. I just nodded, feeling my sweaty palm shift in Kirito's.
"Me and Eugeo are together." He said, his voice was still calm. And he was smiling, he wasn't embarrassed... it was normal for him to love someone.
Lisbeth and Silica exchanged glances, then laughed slightly.
"Called it." They both said in unison.

I was blushing so much that day...


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