Chapter 24

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Eugeo's POV

I saw Kirito asleep on the sofa, and I draped a small blanket which was resting nearby onto his body.
I looked at his peaceful face, moving a strand of hair out his eyes, and kissed him gently on the forehead.
It was very late, but I couldn't stay here today, my mum wanted me home because she needed my help with housework in the morning. I would be too lazy to get up earlier and walk there in the morning, so leaving Kirito was the option for today.
I quietly walked out the house, glancing at the boy who was sleeping peacefully. I craved to be in his arms, but duty calls.
I closed the door, knowing Kirito will wake up soon and lock it.
I started to walk down the road, it was mainly empty with hardly any people walking here. It was also surprising cold, and I didn't have a warm jacket on since it was spring.

For some reason, as I walked I felt like I was being watched. The feeling made me pick up the pace, but I still had quiet a way to go.
I turned a corner, where there were no street lights, I was close to my house, just a little longer.

But I was grabbed.

Someone had pulled me into a convenient ally way, covering my mouth with their hand so I didn't scream.
For some reason, I didn't try to scream. All the things my father had said to me came flooding back, all because of a measly attack from a person on the street.
I tried to examine the person who was standing next to me, holding me in a tight grasp.
I could hardly see anything, there mouth and nose was covered by a fabric dust mask, and a hood pulled loosely over their eyes.
I looked over their body, it looked feminine, so was this somebody I knew..?
"Mfwho mfare fyou?" I said, my voice muffled by the persons hand.
My heart rate started to increase, the fear was finally kicking in. There was a light sweat beginning to break, and I needed this hand to be removed so I could breath properly.
I was pushed up against the wall, my back would defiantly bruise from the impact. It didn't help that I was so light, meaning mostly anyone could fling me around and I'd easily get hurt.
"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Said the voice.
It was a girl...
She was fierce, and clearly upset about something I've done. But the fact that I haven't talked to enough people to do something bad means I was extremely curious...
She released her hand only slightly, leaving a small gap so I could speak.
"I-I don't understand..." I stuttered out, my heart still racing quickly.
She pushed me further up against the wall with enough force that if she pushed any further I'd break a rib...
"You know! You've stolen him... and now you'll have to answer to me." She whispered, sending nervous chills down my spine.
That's Asuna's voice... is it not?
I tried to look for any sign that it was her, without looking too obvious.
I started to shake under her grip, which only got tighter.
"You know... I never thought I still needed him. But I need him more than you do, he's using you Eugeo. I know what Kirito is like, and I'm the only one who can help him." She said, the gap for my mouth widened slightly as she let me speak.
Her words cut like a knife, I had never thought about that.
Kirito did have a lot of admirers, and who knows if he's had a fling with every one of them. But that's the past right?

He wouldn't use me..?

I closed my eyes, which were only just able to hold back tears. I wanted to scream, cry, shout.
But I didn't, my point was irrelevant right now.

"Just back off. Eugeo." She said, releasing her grip, but before completely leaving she pushed me into the wall once again.
I didn't feel the pain anymore. There may have been blood, which was released by the scratches given as the wall was a lumpy stone brick, but as I felt it slowly trickle down my back.

I felt nothing.

But on the inside... the inside.
It hurt like hell, my heart was racing the fastest it's ever gone, I let the tears fall down my cheeks. My chest was aching, and a headache had unfortunately arrived.
I ignored all the pain, walking slowly towards my house, tears constantly falling.

My phone rang.

Should I answer?

I looked at the contact ringing.

Kirito 🖤 - is calling.

I can't speak to him right now, I'll just break down. But he's probably worried about me... what if he isn't? I stared blankly at the phone for a few seconds, and finally decided to answer.

I'll just pretend it's all okay.

His voice rang out sweetly from the other end.

"Hi Eugeo! Are you at home?"

"I'm outside my house right now... sorry I left in a hurry." I said, making my voice sound as normal as possible.

"You're safe then? That's good... I'll miss you though."

"You'll see me on Monday Kirito." I laughed out.

"For some reason Eugeo... I feel like somethings up."

I hesitated, wondering if I should tell him everything. Does he even care?

"Everything's fine Kirito." I lied.

"Eugeo... are you sure? I can almost taste the hesitation from here."

"You worry to much! Listen I have to go now, I'll see you Monday."

"Okay Eugeo... I love you."

There was a moment of silence. After everything that had just happened I started to have doubts, did Kirito really love me? Or was I truly just being used?

"I love you too Kirito." I said.
I heard Kirito make a satisfied noise, and he hung up after a final goodbye.
I entered my house, locking the door behind me. There was a plastic container which held some leftovers of what had to be my mums dinner. I never really got to eat her meals much, I was either busy or just got what was left.
However I didn't like it, and usual poured it down the toilet, it's not that I didn't like what she cooked.
I could just taste the plastic from the container, for some reason I was sensitive over it.

I went up into the bathroom, planning on cleaning myself up. I knew that my back was injured, I just couldn't tell anyone yet. I took a few cleansing wipes and cleaned up the now dry blood, throwing them in the bin afterwards.
I looked into a cupboard, hoping to find some kind of bandage, and stumbled upon something else.

A blade.


With you [ Kirito x Eugeo ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora