Chapter 31

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Eugeo's POV

We walked in silence, the sky darkening quickly. I never knew peace like this could be so relaxing, even after the experience I had with Asuna, having Kirito by my side was what I needed.
Kirito stopped in front of his house, thumbing around in his pockets for the keys. I could tell he was eager to do something, and to be honest I wouldn't mind doing something like that right now either...
I just hope that if it does happen my bandages won't fall off, or if my wounds start hurting again, that would be awkward.

The door finally opened, and we walked inside. The house was fairly warm, meaning that the heating had been turned on, it was a sign Sugu was here. Just as I thought as such, I saw her poke her head round the corner.

"Kazuto, Eugeo! Welcome back, I've been cooking some food and there is some left over if you want it." She said, her voice radiating kindness. I inwardly gagged at the thought of leftover food, I really hoped it was left in a pan not plastic tupperware, since I'm actually really hungry. Who knew hospital fluids boosted your appetite...

"Thanks Sugu, also I'm glad you're here today. Thanks for cleaning the house again... I'm sorry I couldn't help." Said Kirito, who took a step towards his sister and petted her head. I felt a pang of jealousy for some reason, even though I knew they were - practically- siblings. I guess the things Asuna said to me are just always lingering now...
We walked into the kitchen, the smell of spicy food was in the air. I hate to admit it but even if this food was in a plastic pot I'd still eat it, that's how good it smells.

"Eugeo! I'm talking to you~" I heard Kirito say, I'd didn't realise just how distant I was. Shaking my head slightly, I walked over to Kirito who had a pan in his hand. Oh thank god it's not plastic.

"Sorry what were you saying?" I asked, looking away slightly.

"Do you want some of this? It's a weird curry..." He said.
I laughed at his words, wondering why he said it was weird. I mean it smelt good...

"Well yeah, aren't you having some?" I said, while I watched Kirito search around in the cupboards.

"Last time I ate Sugu's food I got food poisoning." Kirito laughed out, I saw him now holding an uncooked bag of pasta. "I recommend not eating it, even though it smells good." He finished, getting the cooker ready to make some pasta.

"Oh I see... but if you're making pasta can't you at least have something healthy with it?" I remarked, sighing inwardly at how unhealthy this boys diet was.

"Like what?! Should I add an apple or something?" He said, I couldn't tell if he was joking or not at this point.

We were interrupted by a girl laughing, I looked over my shoulder and saw Sugu standing in the doorway.

"You to talk like an old married couple you know...!" She laughed out. I felt my face go bright red, and looked away nervously.

"Sugu, you tried to poison me again didn't you?" Kirito said, changing the subject quickly.
I heard her walk over to us, most likely to take her food away.

"It isn't poisonous Kazuto, there isn't even any meat in it." She replied, sticking her tongue out playfully. I laughed at the sight, seeing Kirito and his sister be so happy together made me wish I had a better relationship with my brothers... but they had to leave, and I ended up looking after my mum instead of playing around with my childhood friends.

I walked past the two squabbling siblings, and leaned my back against the worktop. I winced as pain shot through my back, I completely forgot about the bruises...
I must have made a noise, because the pair had stopped arguing and Kirito walked over to me quickly.

"Does it still hurt Eugeo?" He asked, his voice quiet. I looked up at him, he had a serious look on his face and I could see that he was worried...

"I forgot about it, and ended up leaning against this too hard... but don't worry I'm okay." I replied, immediately feeling guilty for laying my problems into him.

"Eugeo~ be more careful next time, you got me worried." Kirito said, moving a hand up to my head and ruffling my hair playfully.
He left my side, and continued cooking the pasta, he took my advice and decided to cook some green beans as well, I never knew Kirito was the one to cook.
Even if it was just pasta.

-Timeskip to after they finished eating -

I was washing up the dishes as Kirito cleaned the rest of the kitchen. It was quiet, Sugu was in her room now since it was fairly late, meaning it was soon time for us to do the same.

I knew something could happen, and to be honest I'm excited. Since this would be our second time; I know what I'm doing, I wonder how Kirito knew what to do... actually, I don't want to know. But this time I'll make sure he's not doing all the work, it'll be my time to shine.

I had finished with the dishes, letting the water drain down the sink, I left them to dry and joined Kirito with his job. Well by joining him I just wrapped my arms around his waist. My face rested on his back, and I took in his scent, I felt my chest tightening and heating up. That feeling was one of the best, it told me that my heart loved Kirito just as much as the rest of me.

"My my Eugeo... you've been very close today." Kirito whispered out, as he continued wiping the worktop with a cloth. My face reddened, and I just squeezed him a little tighter. I felt him turn around, my face was now pushed up against his chest and I could hear his heart beating.

"Eugeo... lets go to bed now huh?"


With you [ Kirito x Eugeo ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora