CarliNa (Headphones)

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"Hey, you," 16 years old Hanna called out to a tall and slim boy, around her age, who was sitting on one of the benches in the campus of their school.

He didn't respond, but continued tapping his right foot on the ground, as he listened to the music on his headphones. Hanna rolled her eyes.

"Hey!" she repeated, but a little louder than before. At last he already noticed her, bringing his headphones down, letting it hang on his neck. "What?" He asked, with a mix of annoyance. He didn't even bother facing her.

"Carlos, right?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"It's Carlisle," he corrected.

"Carlos, Carlisle, whatever. You're my partner in Biology Class, right? Then-"

"-I don't care." With that, he put his headphones back and rested his elbows on the bench. Hanna's mouth dropped in disbelief.

'WTF does he think he's doing?!'

"Hey, you listen here, you lil sht." She quickly yanked the headphone's wire that connects to his phone, that accidentally tied his neck tightly.

"Fck!" He quickly reacted and turned around as he unconsciously readied his knuckles in front of her face. Hanna's eyes widened and she quickly covered herself with her arms.

He quickly stoped his fist and his pale face softened as he saw her astonished face. Hanna waited for an impact until she stopped shivering. She glanced up at him to find that cute and sorry face of his. His brows were still slightly furrowed and his lips were pursed in full regret.

"Are you fckin' out of your mind?!" she shouted after she had gone from day-dreaming. Hanna saw him lick his lips before uttering.

"Prez..." he mumbled, with his eyes still in slight shock.

"Yes, it's me, you idiot!" she cried out, fixing her tie.

"I was expecting for you to stop this shitty and reckless fights for ages! And now, you could barely hit your opposite gender on her damn face, you bstard!"

Carlisle quickly bended his knees at her level and pulled her collar towards him. She gasped as she dragged her head far from his. He put a finger on his minty lips, signing her to shut. "Don't. Tell. Bald- Head."

Carlisle seriously eyed her with his sharp grey eyes. If glares could only kill...

Hanna's eyes kept on switching stares from his left eye to his right one, looking right into his soul. She bit her lip in nervousness as she felt goosebumps through her white skin.

She shook her head and pushed his torso away. "As the student council president, that includes in my job!" she sassily turned away, flipping her hair and walked away making Carlisle smirk.

"Oh, no you don't." He suddenly yanked Hanna's arm, sitting on the bench and making her sit on his lap. Hanna gasp as he quickly tied the remaining wire of the headphones with the other end, still tied to himself from a while ago.

Now, their necks were both tied together with the wire and their foreheads, touching each other. Hanna's hazel eyes were still wide as cups and her jaw was dropped, starring closely at a panting Carlisle.

"Still could get away in this, Prez?" He smirked cockily, eyeing Hanna's cheeks that seemed to be turning bright red.

"Uh- Uh- I-"

Carlisle just chuckled. He put his headphones on Hanna's ears and grinned.

Hanna just looked into his eyes, whilst listening to the soft music coming from the device. "What are you doing, Carlos?!" She cried, struggling from his grip.

"For the last time, It's Carlisle. And stop shouting. It's hurting my damn ears."

Hanna's brows twitched and start screaming. "Help! Ravensdale's perverting me! Help!"

"I said shuddup!" He growled.

"Make me! -Help! Help!"

Carlisle rolled his eyes and cupped her cheeks as he kissed her lightly. It lasted for seconds and he pulled away, leaving Hanna, dumbfounded. There was a long awkward silence as both poker faces started at each other.

"FUUUUUCK! What was that for?!"

"To shut you up."

"Why did you do it in that manner?!"

"Because I want to."

"Why would you even bother to steal something from me?!"

"Cause your reactions are always priceless." He chuckled.

"But that was my first time, you little jerk!"

"No worries, it was my first, too."


"Shh..." Carlisle covered her mouth with his cupped hand and brought his ear closer to the headphones on Hanna's ears.

"Hey, that's my favorite song." Hanna just blinked repeatedly, looking at his hand on her mouth. "You mind, keeping down and just stay to hear them, with me?"

Hanna looked at him for a moment with those blushing cheeks of hers. "Oh, shuddup, Carlos."

With that, she untangled the wire around her neck and walked away, hiding a smile from him.

Carlisle grinned, looking at her back as she walk away and put his headphones back on.



JN: I may do Maeron Next :D

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