Chapter 2

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Sitting in my office, on my chair behind the desk, waiting for Shang to get me the parcel from Carter. I sent Shang to go to Carter's hotel to do a little job for me.

Thanks to me, I loaned Carter the money he needed to start up his business which is the hotel. Now keep in mind that this contract and arrangement was made three years ago, which gave him enough time to build and renovate his hotel. It also gave him enough time to get his business running and make bank. There were cases where he didn't meet due dates that he had to pay back but he asked for extra time to sort his shit out and pay me my money. Being reasonable I gave him time.

But of cause he fucked me over and now his time has been depleted.

So I sent Shang to collect some business folders from him and put a bullet through that son of bitch's head. Shang being my under boss and the closest thing to a brother, I trust that he will get the job done.

I open my drawer and grab a lighter and a cubin cigar. I place the cigar in between my lips and set it alight. I inhale a big whiff then blow out, making a big cloud of smoke to surround the air in my office. I repeat my previous actions until my cigar has reached its limit. There is a knock on my door as I lean forward and throw the used cigar in the ash tray. I grant access and Shang walks in with a blue folder in his hand.

I knew he would get the job done.


"Shang.", we exchange greetings, each of us giving the other a curt nod. "I believe you got what I asked and did what I asked you to do."

He nods as he hands over the folder and I extend my hand to retrieve it from his hand.

"Carter's dead. I sent our best men to get rid of the body. Since the guests have evacuated the building including the workers, it should be easy for them to get rid of the body."

"Good.", I say as I descend my eyes to the closed folder. I open it to go over it to make sure that everything is correct and in order.

My eyebrows knit together as I read unexpected information on the first paper. I page throughout the file and find nothing that involves the business.

I flip back to the front page and scan it to see what the fuck is this. A name typed neatly in an Ariel black font his inked on the top of the page.

Who the hell is Divine MacClesfield?

My confused expression is replaced my an annoyed and seething anger as I lift my eyes to meet Shang's face.

"What the fuck is this?!", I yell.

"Its the business plan and schedules that you asked for.", he says bluntly. If only he knew that this folder contains something very different and pisses me off to no extent.

"Oh yeah? Well let me inform you that this looks like someone's fucken resumè!"

"What?", he questions in disbelief.

I take the folder and harshly throw it at him so that he can see the incorrect shit that he has handed to me.

He grabs it without hesitation and flips it open and goes through all the papers in the folder. As if realisation hits him, his eyes slightly widen.

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