walking to Algebra

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Wednesday. I roll out of bed... well the couch and get ready for school. Tiffany came out of Quinn's room. "Dis you spend the night?" I say with a devilish smile. "Dont judge me" she joked. "Your brother is really good at-" "please dont continue" I closed my eyes trying not to imagine anything. I get a ride with Quinn and tiffany to school. I catch up with the rest of my friends. We walk to our lockers as I get my algebra book I see noen heading in my direction. I look around to see if my friends are around. There all focused on something else. "Hey" noen said placing a hand on my locker. "Hi" I responded, closing my locker. He took my hand and walked in the direction of Algebra. "Noen?" "Yeah?" "Dont you have a class to get to?" He stopped. "I guess" he had kinda a sad look on his face. "Are you mad at me?" "Noen why would I be mad at you?" I hugged him. "I just wanted to walk you to class." "You can, I just dont want you to be late for class. Its across school and up a floor" "I'll be fine" "fine, but if I find out your late you cant walk me anymore, deal?" "Deal" he smiled. We start walkingagain. Everyone was staring. Kate ran up to us. "What the hell's going on? Are you two dating?"  "Mmhhmmm" noen smiled raising our reconnected hands. We make our way down the hall. "Hey hoe bag" I hear from behind me. Great just what I didnt want noen to hear. Just keep walking. I'll be fine. "I was talking to you dick cheese" casety grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. Fuck. Here we go. "Dick cheese? What even is that?" I ask, mocking her. "Carter what's this?" Noen asked. "Oh noen" casety moaned. She grabbed his hands and put them on her shoulders. She slammed her self against the lockers and smashed her face into noens. Noen backed away. He wiped his mouth and looked at me. "Just like old times" casety said before slapping his ass and walking away. Old times? "What is she talking about, old times?" "Carter let me-" the late bell rang. "I have class noen" I sighed walking away. "See you after class?" "I dont know" "can I walk you tomorrow? Please carter" "we had a deal" I say walking into class, leaving him alone in the hall.

It's not as long as I wanted it to be but you all want an update and I needed to stir teaaaaa.

casety (cas-a-tee)

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