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Tuesday. I get to see noen, I get to have dinner with my mom, I have to talk to tiffany today, and homecoming is friday. Funnn.....

I roll out bed and eat breakfast. "I'm not gonn be home for dinner dad" "what? What's up?" "Mom, moms up" "have fun" he laughed.

"What are you gonna do?" "I have a date tonight" "dad!" I smile. "Shes from work, shes only 45, so shes not much younger" "I'm proud of you" I Squeezed his hand.

"I know it was hard after you and mom split last year" "sixteen years of marriage dumped down the drain for nothing" he sighs. "Do you like her? The girl from work" "alot" he smiles.

"I cant wait to meet her" I squeezed his hand again, before leaving to go get dressed.

~time skip~
I walk into school and am immediately wrapped in a hug. "Noen" I wisper I relief. "I missed you" "its barley been twenty four hours" "glad you missed me too" he took my hand and we started walking.

"I did miss you" I kissed his cheek.
"Cmhm" we turned to see the principal. "No PDA, detention after school, no buts"

"Yes ma'am" we turned and kept walking, bursting into laughter after we turned the corner.

"Shit" noen stopped laughing. "I'm going to have to call my mom" "how long are you grounded for"

"Just till Thursday" "so your still going to homecoming?" "As long as your going, or we can skip annndddd.." "noen!" I laugh, before stoping at the junior hall.

"Maybe" I bite my lip before leaving him and heading to homeroom.

~time skip~
I sit in algebra pretending to pay attention when the reflection of pencil catches my eye. I look at the desk.

I completely forgot about the person I was writing back and forth to.

What happened to you texting me mystery girl?

I decided to answer

Sorry, I've been busy I will tho

I sigh as i look back at the teacher. "Move" i look up to see tiffany talking to the poor sophmore next to me. She runs off and tiffany sits down.

"Miss. Tucker you cant just move in the middle of class" the teacher interrupted his lesson. "Am I supposed to be sorry?"

"You can be sorry in detention" the teacher smiled and when back to the lesson. "Good job you little shit, you got me into detention" she wispered to the seat behind her, in which the sophmore was sitting.

"Sorry" I mouthed to her. "Your a bitch" I wispered to tiffany. "Says the one who said they were gonna talk to me then never showed up"

"I'm sorry" "so what the fuck is going on?" "Me and noen are dating" "why couldn't you just tell me that?"

"When we picked you up, it was awkward because we just confessed feeling for each other, when I had the note, I didnt know if me and noen where even a thing anymore, and this week end in the woods was because, we wernt dating"

"Wernt as in.." "we are now" "fun" tiffany sighed a sigh of relief. "Also we had sex" I wispered quieter. "Carter!" She wispered back. "Twice" "carter!" She said alittle louder.

"Shut up" I elbowed her.

~time skip~
Detention. This is my first detention. I walk in with tiffany, noens already there, as well as a few other people. "Hey" I sit down next to him, tiffany on my other side.

"Hey" he kissed my cheek. "Dont forget why your here" the super scowled without even looking up from her paper.

"I'm going to go make copies I'll be back" as she left we formed a circle. We went in a line saying our names and what we were in for.

"Noen, PDA" "Carter, also PDA" "Tiffany, moving seats in class and yelling at a sophmore"

"James, starting a fight" "Andrew, getting into a fight" clearly with James. "Alex, texting during class"

"Isabelle, minor "graffiti",having a lighter put in class, and texting during detention " she made quotations around graffiti.

"Mia, juuling in the bathroom" "Mia, I thought you were an angel student" "good girls are just bad girls who haven't been caught"
(Oop 5 seconds of summer reference)

"Why are we talking?" The supervisor walked back in. "We all went back to our spots.

~Time skip~

"Can I give you a ride?" Noen asked walking pur of detention. "Your lucky my dad drove me today" I take his hand. "I am lucky" he kissed the back of my hand.

~time skip~

Quinn's car pulls up in front of the house. I walk out and jump in back. My mom is in the passenger seat. "Really Sharron? You had to get your son to drive you"

"Carter anquintez Jackson" ((an-quinn-tez) her middle name) "I was trying to be nice and invite you to dinner, and you just insult me"

I roll my eyes at her pitty words.

~small time skip~

We take a seat at the restaurant. I asked Quinn to stay to help the tension alittle.

We order and theres complete silence. "So what's the point in this dinner if were not going to talk" I say frustrated. "your right" she sighed. "Carter, I think it's time you come home" "wha-" "mom no!?!" Quinn interrupted me.

"You kicked her out" "Quinn its okay" I force a smile in his direction. "No its not, why do you let her treat you like this?" "Quinn do not talk of me like that" she gasped.

"Or you'll be with your dad too" "I-" "thank you" I interrupted them fighting as the waiter hands us our food. "Anything else?" "No, were good" "enjoy"

"I'm not coming back" I say before taking a bite. "You need to be responsible and come-" "in not coming back end of story, after this dinner I hope I never see you again"

She gasped. "Carter anquintez" I smirked at Quinn and kept eating.

~small time skip~

"The bill" the waiter set it down and walked away. My mother pushed the bill to me. "Ummm..." I pushed it back.

"Responsibility" she pushed it back. "You invited me" I fought back. "I'll pay" Quinn sighed in frustration and took the bill.

~time skip~
I open my door and let all my stuff fall. I closed the door. As I turn around I see a human like figure my the window.

I reach for the light switch. "Noen?" All my anger and annoyance faded away. "I thought you were grounded. "I am" he smiled, flopping back onto the bed.

"Then why are you here?" "I snuck out" I gasped"you snuck out for me?" He laughed "I'm honored" I walk twords my dresser and pull out a big tshirt.

I take everything off and subside the fact that noens Probably watching. "when are you leaving?" "Wow love you too" he smiled and threw his shirt at me. "You can wear this."

"I just mean if your mom doesn't know your here you probably have to be back before Morning" I slip on the shirt and lay next to a shirt noen.

"I guess, but i dont have to be back till 6 at the latest, so I'll set an alarm for five" he smiled. "I just don't want you to get grounded for longer"

"I'll try, I left my window open so I dont have to go through the door" "noen" "yeah?" "You live on the second story" I smile. "I'll figure something out"

I kiss him. "I love you" "I love you more" he kissed me again. "Doubtful" I smile before kissing him again. "This conversation seems familer?" He bites his lip.

"It does doesn't it?" I smile and kiss him. "how long have you known" "what?" "that chase was gay?" "The day I walked into your room for my sweatshirt, and then we kissed and promised to go to prom togeather"

"That still holds, no matter what happends" "promise?" I smile "promise"

Neighbors// A Noen Eubanks Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now