im gay

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I look to where I usally sit at lunch. Noen, Quinn, katey, and tiffany. Noen makes eye contact with me. He smiles. I look back at connor and carly with out smiling back.

I cant. I needed to breathe. I needed a break. From noen, from tiffany, from everyone at that table.

I smile at the fact that tiffany and Quinn dont look like there fighting anymore.

I look down at the table and realise my fingers are intertwined with Connors. He notices to. We both just stair into each others eyes.

I smile alittle. "Are you two gonna make out yet?" Sam joked. We pulled our hands away.

~time skip~
I get into my jeep before shutting the door. My passenger door opens. "I need a ride" noen hops up in the seat. I start the jeep. "You cant ride with quinn?"

"He said he was going to being tiffany somewhere and I'm not aloud" he said in a mocking voice.

"Whatever" I pull out of the parking lot.
"Why didn't you sit by us at lunch?" "I didn't feel like it" "so my brothers friends are better than us?"

"NO NOEN! You broke my heart. You told me that i needed to love my self first but I love you more than I could ever love my self. Sam invited me to his table, I was being polite- I just- not everything's about you" I take a deep breath.

He took my hand in his. "Then forget what I said yesterday, Carter I love you more than anyone in the world and-" I placed my hand back on the wheel.

"Noen, that's not how that works" "why not?" He asks. I pull onto his street. "You told me I wants good enough for you because I'm not confidant enough"

"That's not what I said" "it's what you ment" I pulled into the driveway. "Carter let's just talk about this"

"Why were you gone when I woke up?" I asked not facing him. There was some silence. "It was the last time I get to hold to for all I know, I didnt want to regret it"

"Regret it?" "Carter that's not when I ment" "get out of my car" he did as told and I went home.

~time skip: Friday algebra~

I take my seat. Hoping to find another message.

Text me mystery girl

I write the number on a paper and tuck it into my folder.
~time skip~

I told everyone at the table what had happened the night before. "Hes a dick" carly rubbed my back.

"He never treated you right" tana agreed. "Stop" I put my hands up in protest.

"Noen treated me amazing, he didnt even sit on my bed if I was in it without asking" I smiled at the thought of what almost happened the other day.

"Yes hes a dick for breaking up with me, and for yesterday. But hes the best guy I've ever been with" "amen sister" sam clapped.

~time skip~
I step into noens house following sam. I'm here for chase but noen doesn't know I'm here.

"Carter" his mom hugs me. "Hi ms.eubanks" we walk upstairs and into chases room. He was laying on his bed.

~~noens pov~~
I walk into the house just in time to see a long brunette turn the corner in my house. I hear wispering, giggling, running upstairs and a door shut.

"Who was that?" I ask shutting the door. "Carter silly" my mom laughed. "Alone?" "No ofcourse not, she was with chases friend"

  I roll my eyes at the thought of her hanging out with chase. I knew I was giving part of her up, but I don't want to lose this much of her.

I open the door to my room hoping to see her. I dont know why she'd be here for me but I wish she was.

I closed the door and let my back drop. I sat down on my bed. On the floor was her sweatshirt. I pick it up and hug it.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in"  I dropped the sweatshirt back where it was.

~carters pov~
"Oh shit" sam said annoyed, looking at his phone. "What?" Chase asked. "My moms going to beat my ass if I'm not home before she is. I gotta go"

"go dude, see you tomarrow" I smile. "Are you gonna go to the party tonight?" She asked.

I completely forgot. "Uh.. yeah?" "I'll see you tonight" he winked before running out.  I turn back to chase.

"Sooo" he smiled. "I have a question" "ask away" "you dont have to answer" "just ask it" he smiled. "Are you gay?"

"You knew? Am I that bad a hiding it?" "No you're great at it" "then how did you know?"

"When I was standing in the hall with no pants on, you wernt fazed, you barely even noticed. Also sam, almost outed you on accident"

"Dont tell anyone" he said seriously "are you cold?" "Alittle" I smile. "Do you want a sweatshirt of min-"

"I have one in noens room I just, I'm scared to go talk to him. "Dude you have to, if your ever going to fix things your going to have to talk to him"

"I know" I sigh and flop back on the bed. He pulled me up and to the door. He opened it and pushed me out. "Dont come back till you talk to him" "chase" I smile. He shuts the door.

I knock on noens door. He opens it and shuts it behind me. I look around it's the same. "Hey" he sighed.

"I just came for my sweatshirt" i walked around the bed. "Carter wait" he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I want you to know I didnt regret anything we did. And I still love you and I'm not ever going to stop loving you. I just wanted you to love your so you know how beautiful and wonderful you are. This world, my world wouldn't be the same with out you"

"Noen" I sigh. "It still hurt" "I know and I'm sorry and I know things arnt just going to go back to normal but we can get there right?"

"I dont know noen" I grab my sweatshirt. "Carter" "yes noen?" I sigh right before I get to the door. I turn around and feel something against my lips, something familiar, something warm and sweet.

Noen pulls from the kiss. "Promise me, no matter what we go to prom togeather" "noen, prom is like five months away and what if I have a other dat-"

"promise me" "promise" I smile. He kisses me before I open the door. I point at him. "That didnt mean anything, were not together again, just friends" I smile.

"Right friends" he winked. "Just friends" I smile before closing the door. I hop over to chases room to spill the tea.

Neighbors// A Noen Eubanks Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now