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I wake up in noens arms. Its early, the sun has barely risen. I look over and noens already awake. "You know your really cute when you sleeping?" He smiled.

"Look I know that you hate when I dont except your compliments but I cant except this one" "why not" "noen I drool.. and look at my hair" my hair stared in a bun but it was now mostly out of the bun and messed up.

"That's why your so cute though, your not worried about how you look and your so peaceful" "fine... I'll except your compliment" I roll my eyes and smile before I kiss him.

Its monday meaning we have school. Which means hes going to have to leave soon to change his clothes. "I think I'm going to skip today" I start playing with his hair. "If your skipping I'm skipping"

"No your not, you have to work on college applications and we dont even have classes together" "we have drama" "I'm gonna go see gray" I look him in the eyes.

Noens grip tightened. "I know you don't want me talking to him but we are friends and 'I'm back with my ex, that kiss ment nothing to me' seems like something to say in person"

"I dont want you to go alone" "but I should noen" "Fine but you better come kiss me when you get back" he laughed slightly.

"Deal" I giggle.

~small time skip~
Noen has to leave. "Do I have to?" he whined. "I'll be back before schools over... who knows I might even show up for drama" he hugs me. "I just dont want to loose you again" "your not going to loose me, promise"

He kissed me. "Now go before your late" I smile he kissed me one more time before leaving.

I pull into the parking lot of grays dorm. He might be in class, I didnt call ahead. I knock on his door. The door opens but it's his roommate. "Hey, your carter right? Grays girlfriend"

"What? Oh. No were not- is he here?" Hos room mate laughed alittle, not believing me. "No, but you can come in and wait, he shouldn't be too long"

"Thank you" I smile. "I didnt catch your name, gray doesnt really talk about you" "its issac" he shook my hand. "I isally make sure I'm not here when hes going to have company, it tends to be awkward" "I get it"

~small time skip~
I'm sitting on his bed talking to issac who's sitting on his own bed telling g him why I'm here. gray walks in. "I'll go" issac shrugged.

"It was nice meeting you" I smile. "You aswell" we heard the dorm room open then shut, signaling he was gone.

"I missed you" he sat next to me. "I have a boyfriend" I cringed, not wanting to see his reaction. "I know, and I have a girlfriend" he laughed and put his arms around me.

I step away. "I mean he's not you" "what? Your cheating on me?" "Oh my god. No- I-.. I cant becheating on you if we were never together in the first place" I spit out.

"We kissed?" "That doesnt mean were together" "you kissed me back" "I was sad and single" "that was less than twenty for hours ago?... noen" "I'm sorry" "you chose your ex over me?"

"Well yes but-" "why" "because with noen it's easy, and fun, and I always look forward to seeing his face, but with you" I sit on Isaac's bed. "Its like yesterday when we tried to take those pictures. It was posed"

I continue "I had try so hard, and then you went and sent them to noen- actually I should be thanking you. Noen and I wouldn't have gotten back together if you didnt send him those pictures, which is a total dick move by the way"

"I'm sorry" he sighed. "Can we still be friends?" He asks. "I don't know gray, I need time and space" "I understand" "thank you" I get up and walk out of the dorm, leaving on his bed.

Isaacs In the hall. "Sooo?" "It went pretty well" "good good. Is this going to be the last time I see you?" "I dont know. Possibly" I shrugged. "Then you have to let me hug you"

Usally I would have been creeped out but issac gave me a certain vibe. Kinda like noens, safe. I hug him. "Goodbye carter" "good bye issac"

As I'm driving back to town it feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I dont feel guilty anymore. I wanna see my baby. But I have one more stop.
I knock on familiar door and a familiar face opens it. "Carter, I knew youd be back" he hugs me. "Of course I'd come back mr. Eubanks" I smiled.

We walk inside. "Noen hasn't left his room" "are you sure I told him to go to school" "you saw him? Today?" "Oh my god I'm sorry, noen spent the night at my place" noens dads smile grew.

"I knew it was only a matter of time" "thank you for believing in our relationship." We laughed. "So what's up?" "Well I came to ask about the divorce and how it's going but I've realized no one asking you if your okay?"

"I'll be fine, this divorce is one of the best things in my life right now" "it's the opposite for noen" I take a bite of an apple from the bowl. "Have you talked to him about it?"

"Look hes scared of choosing one of you and upsetting the other. But he also doesnt want do do 50/50 custody because he doesnt want to go back and forth"

"I mean you've been through this before, do you have any suggestions?" He questioned.

~time skip~
I show up to drama just after the bell rings. "Carter" noen practically tells. Were in the auditorium so it takes some time to get to him but when I do he kisses me.

"Did I miss anything?" I ask as I sit down. "No, did i?" "With gray? No" "did you punch him?" He smiled. "I should have" I laughed.

~time skip~
On the way back to noens I explained what happened to the dorm. "That's kinda it. Nothing Els-" my phone vibrates as we pull into noens diveway.

Tiffany: hey slut
T: I'm kidd that was a joke
T: but really
T: gray leaked your nudes
Me: uh... what nudes?
T: dont play dumb the ones you sent him
Me: I never sent anyone nudes????
T: (load image)
Me: those arnt mine?????
"What's happening?" Noen asked as he saw the concerned look on my face. I show him the picture. "Are these my tits?" "No? Why?" "Tiffany said that I sent this picture to gray"

"I'm going back" "what Carter no" "you can come" I squeeze his hands. "Okay fine"

Neighbors// A Noen Eubanks Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now