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I'm sorry the updates have been slow. I've been busy per-say.

You know that one friend that you have and you love them but after like a day of being with them your ready for them to leave?  Like you like them but the only reason your ready for them to leave is because they have a crush on your sibling and doesn't stop talking bout them.

And asks you questions like "do you think he'd have sex with me?" "Where does his ex girlfriend live?" "Will you ask him out for me?"  But then is too scared to even look at him when hes in the Same room as them.

(That sounds mean, it's not supposed to be)

Anyway well my friend like that^ has been over for almost a week and I'm too nice to tell her to go home.

Shes leaving today thought so updates should get more frequent again.

Also the new chapter should be up by tonight :)

(Again this sounds really mean I'm sorry)

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