wrong place, wrong time

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We get back in the car. Gray doesn't start the car yet. "What was it? Was it something ghost related?" "No I dont think so, didn't you guys hear them talking?" "No, are you sure it wasnt a ghost trying to talk to you?" He asked.

"Well it's not like that ghost voices sound hollow like, an eco. This was someone whispering. "Why didnt you just tell us in there?" Tiffany asked slightly annoyed. "Because if it was someone, they could have killed us"

"Oh, no ones going to kill us" she rolled her eyes. "Guys" gray pointed to the back window. There was a person walking closer. He was about ten-fifteen  feet away. "What the hell?" I say,looking back.

Tiffany opened her door and steped out. "Hey! Stop following us where just trying to have-" the man started running. Tiffany jumped back in and closed the door. Gray locked the car.

"Go what are we waiting for?" I ask impatiently. Gray tried to start the car but he was fumbling with the keys. "I swear to god if your apart of what Evers going on-" tiffany lectured gray as he finally started the car.

As soon as gray went to press the gas a tire was popped. The slashed tire didnt stop him though. "Were not dieing tonight" he sped off. "Where not going to make it very far can you guys call someone?" He asked.

"I'll call quinn" tiffany pulled out her phone. "The party is still going get as close to katys as you can, I'll call noen"
"Hello? Carter?" "Hey uh.. are you still at the party?" "No we left shortly after you" "then what was the point in going?" I ask. Gray looked at me confused, considering I wasn't talking about what was happening.

"I wanted to see you but you were off with some guy" "are you seriously getting jealous right now?" I ask. I look at gray, he doesnt look at me but he can hear the conversation and cant help but smile.  

"Yes I am carter and mater of fact I stil-" "I could have died tonight noen" grays car started slowing down. Were like a mile from from the party. "What? Are you okay? Did gray do this I swear if he laid a fing-" "noen stop because I'm still not exactly safe yet"

"What?" "I called to see if you could come get us. Were trying to make it back to the party so theres group of people but grays tires were slashed and where a few blocks away" "carter keep driving, I'm on my way"

"Okay" "stay on the phone with me" "I will I pr-"
the call ended. "Noen?" I pull my phone from my ear. "My fucking phone died" dropped my phone in my lap. I put my hand on the center council and traced circles like noen used to do. I've been meaning to ask him why and why theve stopped. But I might not be able to any more.

For some reason it relaxed me. "I lost service" tiffany threw her phone and it bounced off the door. Grays car was barely moving, it was about wpking pace. We were still a few blocks away from the party. "But we had service last time we were on this road?" "I know"

Gray held the pedal to the ground but he was only wasting gas. Tiffany kept trying to get ahold of someone "Were gonna die" I say biting my lip. Grays hand lands on mine. "Where not gonna die" and with that grays car came to a complete halt. "Whyd you stop?" I sit up completely.

"I didnt" "that means-" "it's over, were gonna die" tiffany went on and on. We sat there trying to figure out what we were gonna do. Soon I found my fingers interlocked with grays. "We have to get out" I say abruptly.

"Are you shitting me?" Tiffany asked. "Think about it, we wernt going that fast if there following us they shouldn't be that far behind us and running is faster than sitting here"

"I mean the partys about two blocks away" gray shrugged. "So we got a plan?" "Fine what ever" tiffany agreed.  I let go of grays hand as we all humped out. I was bare foot because I was wearing heels.

We didn't waste anytime we all ran next to each other so we all could see each other so no one would disappear with out us knowing. We turn the corner and we see the party.

"Were almost there" there was the sound of a car behind us. "Is that noen?" I couldnt see the head lights were to bright. The car was going fast. The closer it got it didnt slow down.

We booked it down the street. "Help" "some one" we all started yelling hoping maybe some one from down the street would hear us. Some one did.

"Help. Please" I yell as the car is almost hitting us. "Carter?" They yell back. "Its quinn" tiffany says in relief. Gray strips and I stop but tiffany keeps running. The car gets closer. It comes to a sudden stop right before he hits gray. The head lights are to bright for me to see who's driving.

The man backed up and sped off as fast as he could. Meaning hopefully were safe. Tiffany runs back with Quinn milo and noen. "Carter are you okay?" Noen asked trying to hug me but I politely push him off because gray hasn't gotten up yet.

"Are you hurt?" I asked because he definitely didnt seem okay. "I bent my finger back when I fell" he winced in pain as i helped him up.  The finger was clearly broken.

"Do we have to give him a ride?" Noen tried to wisper to milo. "Hey dickwad" I shout. "You suck at whispering"

"Sorry" he gave a petty smile. "Do we have to give him a ride?" Noen said practically shouting. "No you don't asshole, well take him to the hospital in my car" "what ever" milo and noen walked away.

"Arnt you coming bro?" Noen asked Quinn. "Nah I'll catch up with you guys later"

~time skip~
After gray got his splint. We gave testimony to the police. They say it probably wasnt aimed at us. They were probably doing drugs and thought we were gonna bust them. A wrong place wrong time thing.

I hope so.

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