were being followed

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We walk up Katy's drive way and its already packed. You can hear the music from outside. As we get inside were handed drinks. I dumped mine out got a cup of water.

We made our way around the party. "Hey do you know where katy is?" Tiffany asked one of the people next to each other. I didnt hear the Answer but tiffany turned to me and said. "Lay low. I'm gonna go talk to her"

"Dont start a fight" "she started one when she stopped talking to us" "tiffany no-" and with that she left. I went to stop her but something ran into me, spilling water on both of us.

"I'm sorry" I backed up. "Dont be, i ran into you" he laughed slightly. We make eye contact. "Do I know you?" He looked me up and down.

"I dont think so...I'm carter" I hold out my hand" "old fashioned.. I like it" he took my hand in his and shook It. "I'm gray"

"Well I'm sorry I got my water you gray"  "I'll be fine its was only alittle. your soaked I have a sweatshirt in my car if your want it" he offered. "Sure why not"

We walk out to his car. Milos car pulls up to the curb as gray opens his car door. Quinn, milo and noen get out. I turn back to gray trying to distract myself.

~noens pov~
"Dude I told you" milo joked as he bumped into me. "What are you talking about?" He pointed to carter. She was with a guy.

"You dont even know if there togeather" "okay so... go and talk to her" "no" "why not?" Quinn asked joining the conversation. "Shes busy" I make up an excuse.

I cant help but keep looking thought. She put on his sweatshirt. Maybe they are together.

~carters pov~
I slip the hoodie over my head and take my shirt off underneath. "Hey carter" we heard from a distance. When I look over quinn is running over.

"What's up?" I ask cerious on why hes here. "Nothing, I just saw you talking to a guy and wanted to know what's up... you know as your loving older brother" "why are you being so weird?" "I'm not"

"I'm gray" he cut the tension. They talked and I looked around, not really listening. That's when I saw them. Noen and miko sitting on the stairs. I knew this was an inside job. Milo waved and noen hit his arm. I waved back.

I turn my attention back to the guys "Well it was nice to meet you" gray face an awkward  smile. "You too" I hug quinn before he walks away. "Tell noen to keep it in his pants, nothings going on" I wisper in his ear before he left.

"I'm sorry about him" "dont be he seems cool" "I guess" we both looked over and hes telling noen everything that happened. "You know him?" "Bestfriend, Ex boyfriend, complicated"

"So you guys arnt together?" His smile grew. "No we-" "there you are" tiffany runs up to us. "Who's the cutey?" She tried said loud enough for him to hear. "This is gray" I laughed.

"Well it's nice to meet you gray but we need to leave" she turnd to me. "What did you do?" "Katys looking for us. I-" "I dont even want to know what you did"

"But carter I dont wanna go home. Cant we just find somewhere else to hang?....you" she looks gray in the eyes. "Me?" "Yes you. Do you know anywhere cool" 

"Have you guys ever been to the abandoned hospital?" "What? No" I smiled. "Let's go. Do you wanna meet there or are we riding together" "we can leave my car here" tiffany suggests. "Hop in" gray smiles. "Shot gun" I giggle and run to the other side.

~noens pov~
"Dude now hes got tiffany" I sighed. "What?" Milo asked. "Dude have you been stairing this whole time? Live alittle" "there leaving" I point out the windos. They both stand up and look out.

"Shit maybe there going to hook up" "dude that's my girlfriend" quinn said slightly annoyed. "I can text carter" I suggest. They say it's not a good idea but I do anyway.

Me(to Carter):hey carter
C: noen?
C: what do you want
Me: where are you going?
C: omg noen stop
C: where hanging out with gray at some abandoned hospital. Hes cool. I dont need you to worry about me any more
C: were not together anymore

That last text hit me hard. It's like its official now. Like we arnt ever going to get back together. And it's all my fault. "Dud you okay?" "Yeah, uhm... maybe we should just leave them alone" I said, trying not to show any emotion.

"Why would we do that?" Quinn asked. "They seemed to be having fun, and you know tiffany she wouldn't cheat on you" "but that's also my sister who's currently single and doesn't have any one to cheat on" ouch another puch to my feelings.

"She doesnt want us to come get her" I let slip out. "What are you talking about?" "They went to go hang out with gray at some abandoned place. She said she doesn't need us to look out for her"

~carters pov~
Gray parks down the street from the hospital and we start walking. "So you promis your not kidnapping us?" Tiffany asks. "Promise" he laughs alittle.

We walk into the hospital. It's pretty clean. Theres some graffiti but it's only a few years abandoned so everything is still in pretty nice shape.

There are still chairs in the waiting room. We walk to the ER section and there are  still beds. "So how did you find this place?" I ask as I pick up and old gown off the floor. "My mom used to work here" gray informed us.

"Why did it get abandoned?" " the company was running out of room but instead of transferring patients they let them all die, one by one. Soon they started to get sued and that led to bankruptcy" "damn" I smile. I've always been kind of drawn to ghost and scary shit.

I sit on one of the beds. "Dude, some one Probably died on that" tiffany walked over. "Some one did die on it" "how can you tell?" Gray smiled as he sat next to me. "I can feel it" "your doing it again" tiffany rolled her eyes as she looked around, clearly uncomfortable.

"Doing what again" gray asked. "She can sense ghosts, one time she claimed to see one but I think its bullshit" she gave an annoyed laugh.  I stand up. "Maybe we should go" I walk out of the room and they follow.

"Hey what's going on?" Gray asked catching up to me. "Were being followed"

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