Prologue 2/3: SB123 Desti's Backstory

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ReaderFromWR: Hi there readers, it's me, the Chapter Master of Blood Ravens, I am an Inkling, red hair, Studio Headphones, Hero Jacket Replica, Power Boots, blue eyes with white pupils, my pupil is not a disease, but a rare inheritance, I have been a Chapter Master starting from 7 years old, I lost my parents and my grandfather, who was the original Chapter Master of Blood Ravens, here, let tell you the backstory of SB123 Desti, you ready? Okay, I shall start, she was born in Octo Valley, her parents moved to Inkopolis to have a better enviroments since the Octo Valley is a harsh military home base, she moved to Inkopolis at 1 month old, her parents knowing this will be hard on them, especially they had a child, Desti grew up and had gone in same school as SB123 Meggy and SB123 Mario, she hates them, few months later, she moved back to Inkopolis with her parents, on her 11th year, she found out and was devastated of her parents murdered, her parents murderer is Elisa Godeline, Bloody Virgo, a Renegade Liberator, she killed her parents, leaving SB123 Desti an orphan, until a grey armoured man wearing blue skirt, Sindri Myr, adopted her, he took care of her and raised her, on her age of teen, he left her to survive, knowing how he taught her skills, she will be perfect to be alone, a sole orphan, she met SB123 SMG3, a doppleganger of SB123 SMG4, he became her boyfriend, she help SB123 Bob to take over the world, assist the villains in Inkopolis war, got kicked out of the villain team, tried to take over the galaxy with her boyfriend, SB123 SMG3, and quitted evil and defeat their MXR counterpart, she is a good girl now, she is our ally, well, SB123 Desti left for her mission with SB123 SMG3 and her fellow Octoposse team, they are on a mission to stop their MXR counterparts from taking over this Earth, it's been a few months after SB123 and MXR SMG4 Characters prevailed Wario-Man and Xeggy, well, that's all I can say and I see you next prologue. Reader out. Later.

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