Chapter 16: SB123 Desti is Loki

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ReaderFromWR: Desti! You think is this how you want SMG4verse Earth to be like this?!

SB123 Desti: Yes, I would.

ReaderFromWR: Is this what you want?! No! We want to have peace!

Ultron: Peace is when the whole multiverse collapsed into atoms. This is what we wants.

ReaderFromWR: Hell no!

Ultron: Hell yeah.

Coolbowser: Oh you cockwomble!

Sindri: You can't save the multiverse alone.

ReaderFromWR: I know, but I still can if I have efforts.

Sindri: The only effort is to fight the Jackal.

ReaderFromWR: No.

Sindri: Since you are not going to stop your friend from making truce with the villains, it is your decision. You can't stop the True Atagonist.

ReaderFromWR: We will stop you. No matter what!

Sindri: You still fail.

ReaderFromWR: The MxM Shippers will never give up!


Reinkling: (speaking to Mio through the hologram) Lord Mio, the large number of invaders have been unleashed, terrorising the SMG4verse Earth.

Mio: F**k it. I will deal with that now, Mio out. (End the call)

Reinkling: She is always serious.

To ReaderFromWR.

ReaderFromWR: The invasion will be stopped sooner or later!

Sindri: Seven Infinity Pingases will be together, decimating everything.

ReaderFromWR: The armies aren't supposed to be here!

Sindri: So it is. (Disappeared in darkness along with Xeggy, Wario-Man, and Dark Squid)

Francis (Anime Cartel): Anime war to death!

Ultron: You can't defeat us.

Thief: We will kill everything.

Devilina: We will never lose to you!

ReaderFromWR: Oh really?

SB123 Desti: We rule everything.

Infinite: Come on guys! Let's take them down!

ReaderFromWR: What about the citizens?!

Infinite: Someone gonna need to defend them.

ReaderFromWR (thoughts): Sh*t, kill the villains, or save the citizens? I can't decide, I have saved millions of SB123 and MXR Earth inhabitants. What now? How am I gonna save the SMG4verse inhabitants?

Angelina: Reader! Catch! (Tossed her bow to ReaderFromWR)

ReaderFromWR: (caught the bow) You don't f**k with the Reader.

SB123 Desti: Oh well.

Infinite: I will engage you to fight!

SB123 Desti: What ever you are trying to convince me, you can't do it. You can't defeat me.

ReaderFromWR: (see the armies atracking the city) Life's is important. I can't bear to see the civilians to be killed. Angelina, save those people or they will be dead. (Spread his red aura wings and flew off)

Angelina: Okay. (Spread her wings and flew off)

Desti T. M.: (flew along with the duo)

SB123 Desti: You will never stop our plans. My clan will remake the whole multiverse for Lilith Desti.

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