Chapter 17: Tenka Yatogami

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Alpha Cancer.

Sindri: (looking at the photo of him and young SB123 Desti)

Orange Angel of Death: What is it Lord Sindri?

Sindri: It's my daughter, taken from a universe, SmeshBras123 Universe.

Orange Angel of Death: SB123 Desti?

Sindri: Yes, I have been taking care of her for five years, since her death of her parents. It been 30 years.


SB123 Desti came home from school to find her parents, were killed, much to her shock and devastation.

Young SB123 Desti: N-No! It can't be! (Rushed to her dead mother) Mom! Don't leave me! (Goes to her dead father) Dad! No! Who would do such things to my parents?! *cries*

Then a grey armoured man in blue skirt robe came out from the shadow.

Young SB123 Desti: (look up to the mysterious person) Who are you! You did this?!

???: No, Bloody Virgo did.

Young SB123 Desti: Who's Bloody Virgo?!

???: An Inktoling, real name, Elisa Godeline, a Harbinger of Blood, she killed them. I was hunting for her.

Young SB123 Desti: Who are you and how did you know?!

Sindri: You can call my by my name, Sindri Myr, the sorcerer.

Young SB123 Desti: Why are you hunting that killer?!

Sindri: Her Liberator Mana, a type of energy emitted from Liberator Core, powering the user up.

Young SB123 Desti: When I freaking see her! I will kill her! For eternity!

Sindri: Since your parents were dead, I can take care of you. (Extend his hand) You can be my daughter.

Young SB123 Desti: No! I won't talk to strangers!

Sindri: (take a mini switch blade out and activate it, and put it at the centre of his fingers) Balance, you're determined to avenge your parents, you show bravery, look at this thing, what ever you are seeing this, this is your heart, light and dark, balanced the worlds, heroes are light, villains are dark. You will be my daughter, I will train you to become one of us. Take this thing.

Young SB123 Desti: (took the switch blade off his finger)

Sindri: Balance everything, my world is gone, my people needs to be returned, the ancestors have burned everything, all but me, I will give them the taste of their own medicine, you are like me, lost the parents, I lost everything.

Young SB123 Desti: How did you lost everything?

Sindri: Those who feared of sorceries. And I am going to remake the world, as they are full of destruction. You can help me defeat what I lost to them.

Back to present.

Sindri: That is how I met SB123 Desti. I raised her as a daughter and look, she is 42 now.

Orange Angel of Death: Do you miss her?

Sindri: Yes, SB123 SMG4 feared that she can destroy the world into dusts that he decided to kill her off, but thanks to me. The three heroes conducted a ritual to revive SB123 Desti back to existance.

Orange Angel of Death: You revived her?

Sindri: No, but a supercomputer does.

Orange Angel of Death: Supercomputer?

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