Chapter 9: Kurumi Tokisaki

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ReaderFromWR: (on the bed, feeling sick) For god's sake. Yesterday was even worser..........

Orange: Big brother, I can't believe you kissed a Jackal boy.

ReaderFromWR: Shut up, I got sick from embarassment, my fever started to rise high............

To Infinite.

Infinite: (in the medical room, on the bed) I don't think I can do anything, just no, why did it happened....

Crystal: Embarassing, huh.

Infinite: I got sick after this embarassment.......

Coolbowser: Yep, they both got sick!

Infinite: Damn this Super Crown........

Viger: They got sick after what happened.

To Sapphire.

Sapphire: Gosh, unexpected event, Inkling boy and male Jackal kissing. I can't unsee.

Deathwind: I can't unsee this part.

Coolbowser: I agree with them, I can't unsee what just happened! What the f**k!

Agent 4: Mr Jackalson and Mrs Jackalson, we can't even sleep last night, this event is tramatizing.

Deathwind: Yeah. (Read the newspaper which have a picture of a female Jackal) This is pretty good.

Sapphire: (appeared behind Deathwind) DEATHWIND!

Deathwind: Gah! You saw nothing!

Sapphire: (gave a cold stare at Deathwind)

Deathwind: (offscreen) AH HO HO HUI!!

Infinite: Dad?

ReaderFromWR: Deathwind?

To Sapphire.

Deathwind: (had a bump on top of his head) I mean no harm!

Sapphire: (holding her Hammer of Redemption) Deathwind! What the hell were you even doing?!

Deathwind: Well....

Agent 4: Quiet down. Your son is still sick due to the embarassment, so does mine.

Sapphire: He was looking at another female Jackal picture!

Agent 4: My son accidentally kissed your son, and they got so embarassed they fell sick, we need to take care of them. Their fever is higher than I expected.

Sapphire: (draws in her weapon) Well, I better see my son. (Left the bar)

Deathwind: I better take care of him too. (Left the bar)

Agent 4: Why did this happen?

In ReaderFromWR's room.

ReaderFromWR: (create a portal to MxM Community)

Orange: Big brother, where are you going?

ReaderFromWR: Inkaria, I am going to visit grandma.

Orange: Big brother, you need to-

ReaderFromWR: I know. (Goes into the portal)

MxM Community.

ReaderFromWR: (knocked the door)

Inkmonika: Coming. (Opens the door) Oh, it's you Reader.

ReaderFromWR: Grandma.

Inkmonika: It's been 3 years you were away.

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