Chapter 1: SB123 Desti's Treason

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6 years after Meggy x Reader: Endgame/3 years after World War Anime.

1 pm.

Peach's Castle.

Infinite: We have prevailed against Wario-Man and Xeggy! We have saved the multi-universe!

Turlandb: Including Francis of Anime Cartel!

Angelina: Yeah!

Crystal: That's my darling.

SmeshBras123: They will never mess with us!

Machito: We did it!

ReaderFromWR: For Meggi Aricus II, we have won the battle.

Sapphire: That's my son.

Deathwind: We have peace for now onwards.

Infinite: The world is at peace now, shall we celebrate?


SB123 Tari: Shall we play games?


Everyone went to play games with SB123 Tari and MXR Tari.

Infinite: You know, things can be hard and complicated like a hard battle, a long way to defeat an adversary.

ReaderFromWR: We take time to defeat enemies.

Infinite: Yeah.

Cristina: Reader! You also almost shot MXR Tari!

MXr Tari: You almost went for my head.

Viger: Ooooh..... That would be lethal if gone for the head.....

ReaderFromWR: That was an accident!

Angelina: We know it was an accident.

Infinite: So, you used the remains of Mecha Infinite?

ReaderFromWR: Yeah, I used them to forge a weapon.

Infinite: What weapon is it?

ReaderFromWR: It is still forging in my world.

Infinite: Okay.

Then player 2 get rekt.

Infinite: Really?!


Game Announcer: GAME OVER YEAH! (Shows (Sanic) DED)

ReaderFromWR: I prevailed!

Game Announcer: Super Smash Each Other in the Ass Brothers!

Viger: *laugh*

Coolbowser: The title looked so wrong.

Infinite: You're skilled.

ReaderFromWR: Yeah.

Aria: Way to go, Reader. (Kissed his cheek, making him blush crazily)

5 hours later.

SB123 Peach: Thanks for not messing around my castle.

MXR Peach: You had one party for today.

Infinite: Well, we can all go home.

Everyone: Yaaaaay!

Angelina: I can finally go back to take care of my siblings.

JCR: Now, I can spend more time with Edgellie!

Edgellie: That's my boyfriend. (Kisses him on the lips)

Aqua: It's good that the world is now without villains.

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